
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Ch. 17 - The Presence of Another beyond Reason.


[Balance: 999.968.699.893.897.534.991.577]

"uh, ok. Close..! Close...!!"

After closing the Balance panel, I returned to reality. And just then, there was suddenly.. Titan Nahum who began to bend his body silently that did not distort the surface and sounded silent, and he crouched down like he was taking a step to...jump? He-jumped!


I reflexively dodged one of Nahum's arms, and said.

"Whops..! that was close! You were able to pull off an impromptu attack like that without the earth shaking-" Before I could finish my sentence, Titan Nahum's leap landed and...

'Terrible beat!'

The intense pressure crushed the crater that was originally under Titan Nahum's feet, becoming deeper and wider like a mining area that had been running for centuries.

And all the material from the wave effect scattered into the area around the crater for miles like a meteor strike. It was unfortunate that the deepening crater only submerged Titan Nahum's feet up to his calves.

Everyone at that moment was no longer affected as seriously as before, because...they had kept a safe distance from Titan Nahum's position, plus the support from the {Turn Null Effect} I gave them.

They all retreated very quickly when the first attack ravaged their defenses, the warriors from various camps fought the Enchanted Shadows and dodged its attacks while staying away from the giant monster.

Apparently, this time they were more confident to face the Enchanted Shadows army. the reason was because the effect of the infection on the Enchanted, now no longer affected them even though it had hit them repeatedly.

"Guys, it seems like God has blessed us all! The contagion of this necromancer's curse is no longer affecting us!" shouted a hunter who was swinging his spear piercing the core on Enchanted Shadows' body.

"Come on everyone, let's defeat them!"

"Yes! Let's .... attack! Finish them off and leave no one behind!"


I silently thought about something,

Really, how big is this thing? Titan Nahum shouldn't be on earth! Considering, he's a resident of the second Altar of Divine Creatures.

How could he tear through the dimensional rift below the Altar Sky Civilization? Moreover, Earth should be at the bottom of the universe order, right? if referring to the Subliminal Verse.

How to send the Titan Nahum back there? I can't remember such tricks, so-'ah...I have Luna! hehe...' Why bother with such things? Let's ask the experts who are more familiar with matters related to the Subliminal Verse.

"Luna, how do I get this Nahum sent back to the Divine Creatures?"

[Sorry, Master. I lack information on that matter.]


'why do I suddenly feel dizzy when I hear Luna's statement?'

'Is it...that even Luna, who is a Machine Learning version of another level, can have a degradation in understanding the situation?'

I couldn't help but think.. if even Luna didn't have information, then what exactly was this all about?

The Subliminal Verse incorporated into the Earth, or the Earth incorporated into the Subliminal Verse? It seemed as if many things were happening beyond Luna's understanding, let alone myself who often lost fragments of memory.

Amidst the confusion that hit me, a voice caught my mind's perception.

"Piu-piu, please help me defeat that Giant Monster!" This time Namira's voice was heard again, but she was in the air more precisely inside the Feilun FX 006 combat helicopter.

'It turns out that the Helicopter that Namira and her loyal bodyguards were riding on, is fine. thank goodness.'

Apparently, Namira was asking for help from the little creature on her shoulder. I could clearly see the figure of the Fairy that Namira was talking to through Stellar Vision.

Possibly, the little creature named Piu-piu was an Elf that was mysteriously born in the Autarky Sphere a short while after the Autarky Sphere was formed.

However, its existence had only been known by Namira and the laboratory team in recent years.

"Is she really talking and asking for help from that tiny fairy sitting on her shoulder? How can such a small and fragile doll be asked for help?" I muttered under my breath as I wondered what Namira was planning.

Just as I finished speaking, the little fairy turned her head and looked at me. '???' a sense of surprise was undeniable when seeing the response of the face of the elf that looked annoyed. 'It turns out that it's really alive....'

"Alright, I'll help you. there seems to be someone who underestimates me up there. I'll show you...hmph!" The elf looked away after looking at me.

'Did she hear what I just said?!' I was once again surprised by that one creature.

The Fairy Piu-piu flew away from the helicopter Namira was riding, and approached Titan Nahum. When it arrived in front of Nahum, Piu-piu said to the giant ape in front of it.

"Oi fat! Look at me! Do you still want to continue to make damage where I live at this time?!" Piu-piu said in a loud voice and pointed at Nahum's face.

"Huh!? what are you talking about you lowly moth... who are you to act so domineering in front of me!?" Nahum looked like he wanted to grab Piu-piu just like he did me.

Nahum swung his six arms very quickly towards Piu-piu. The shockwave instantly broke the silence of the night.



"Piu-piu...!!!" a distant cry rang out, it was the voice of Namira who was on the combat helicopter.

The first pair of arms seemed to have managed to grab the little fairy in the palm of its hand. The other two pairs of hands swiftly joined in squeezing the grip of the first pair of hands. This made Namira scream hysterically.

"Calm down young lady, I'm sure Miss Fairy will be fine." James comforted Namira who is beside him.

Looking at the Piu-piu fairy who had no time to react to dodge, Titan Nahum burst out laughing and said in a deafening voice.

"Hahaha...I take back what I said about the moth, you're nothing more than a homeless mosquito who can't even dodge my surprise attack like this! hahaha..." While saying so, Nahum acted arrogantly disdainful of the little Elf in his grasp.

The moment when his laughter stopped, Nahum's facial expression instantly underwent a change.

"Hmm?" Nahum felt something strange happening to his first two palms.

"Is this your only power? An overloaded monkey? heh... I guess you'll have to feel the pain of this Celestial Kingdom Fairy you call a moth." Piu-piu sounds could be heard from behind Nahum's three pairs of fists. at the same time, Nahum suddenly groaned in pain.

"Ah...!!! it's hot!!! what are you doing, you insolent moth!!!" Nahum instantly released his entire grip and pulled his six arms. his groans caused the Enchanted Shadows on the surface to pause to look at his general.

The two palms on Nahum's first pair of arms looked extremely pitiful.

each of his fingers appeared to be melting like molten steel burnt at a high temperature.

"You...! What trick are you using on me?!" Nahum held his wrists with his other hand and looked in great pain.

"Huh..what, a trick you say? That can't even be considered a fight from me." Piu-piu said coldly and condescendingly in an indifferent manner.

Nahum did not understand the words of the little elf with a cute face in front of him at all, making him look like a stupid pig monkey.

The Enchanted Shadows in the surface also stared at each other, hoping that someone would understand the meaning of the Elf who was fighting one of their generals.

Not long after, Piu-piu suddenly gave Nahum a look that gave him goosebumps. The little fairy grinned wickedly and said.

"You fat monkey, you should know...this is called a trick!" Piu-piu pointed, then snapped his fingers.

'lightning fast burning!'

Instantly, two bright yellow rays emerged from the void to encircle Nahum's two hands with melted fingers, forming a golden yellow bracelet and began to spread to his wrists, burning away what the bracelet with the bright yellow rays passed through.

"W-what else is this..?!"

Nahum, who saw that his first two arms suddenly no longer had palms due to the moving golden bracelets, took the initiative to cut off his hands to stop the burning that was spreading.

'forced disconnect!'

A crunchy sound was heard, the moment after Nahum pulled his two elbows apart, using the other four hands.

'falling beat!'

The Kaiju mustard's two broken arms slammed into the ground.

"Damn it...! That's not bad enough to make me break my own hands and feel threatened!" Nahum took a few steps away from the two golden bracelets that were burning silently.

"heh...good for you fat monkey, being able to take practical steps to stop my first attack after centuries of disuse." Piu-piu's grin turned his cute face 360 degrees into a creepy and more terrifying.

Nahum growled bitterly, he squinted as he looked at the little fairy and muttered in his mind.

'What's that supposed to mean? Does she think of me as fuel to heat up her power that she hasn't used in a long time?'

Titan Nahum, began to regenerate his two severed hands with super regeneration speed. he then laughed bitterly and said.

"huh...do you intend to use me as your punching bag? dream on!" After saying that, Nahum took a stance.

He slowly deflated his stomach and began to suck in all the air around him until his stomach bulged.

Nahum concentrated all the air he had sucked in to form an invisible air bullet right at the fold of his tongue.

"Taste this...! Damn moth...!"



An explosive sound rang out after Nahum blew out the invisible bullet from inside his mouth. The bullet shot out at the speed of sound until it produced a thunder-like rumble and headed towards the Piu-piu Fairy not far from his presence.

Piu-piu was aware of the coming attack from Nahum, but the little fairy didn't seem to flinch in the slightest. there was only calmness and great serenity.

When it was a few meters away from hitting Piu-piu, the invisible bullet exploded and began to spread out towards Piu-piu like a projectile on a shotgun shell.

Again, and again. Piu-piu did nothing...and just waited to take a 'welcome' stance to the invisible attack launched by Nahum.


Far above the sky...even I, who was observing the fight between the two, couldn't say much. Until the point where I saw the little elf frozen in place receiving the attack from the monster.

'Why isn't she moving at all? Is she asleep, overslept or passed out standing up?' I thought in surprise. and finally asked my bestie.

"Hey Luna, is that creepy little Fairy going to be okay?"

[It seems so, master. probably, the little Fairy has an innate Domain on her. but the strength of the defense depends on how high the level of the little Fairy's dimension realm is.]

'Is it like an Absolute Domain? I see, that's why he's staying there.'

As I recall, how strong the defense of the {Absolute Domain} is determined by the realm of the owner. for a mortal realm like my current body, it can withstand physical attacks like this, but it is not free from the possibility of suffering internal injuries.

It's different if it's a defense belonging to a holy being or an immortal, every attack is like a gust of wind that hits without any coolness or heat being felt. It's completely tasteless and extremely powerful.

'The question now is, how high is that little Fairy's dimensional level?'
