

Ocean106 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 27

The Ngami stone? One word he had wanted to know. Simon felt that he was finally close to the end of his curiosity. "Grams, what is this Stone?"

"Of all the precious stones we have here in Bewix, the most powerful of all is the Ngami stone, origin from the first civilization that ruled this land before my husband came along." Simon opened his mouth but closed it as soon as he can. It was true then. His great greatgreat grandfather never created this land. This land existed ever since he came.

"My child, come forth and allow her to tell the tales that we have hidden for years." He said holding her hand and helped her to step on the edge of the ice surrounding the statue.

"It all started when a man came along to build an abode here in our beloved home. This man noble and sincere, man of keeping his pledge, was chosen by both heaven and hell to help in guarding the scared powers that might use to keep the world safe."

Another silence loomed for two minutes before the sweet voice spoken again.

"And so it was decided that he should have the same respect as my ancestors. The queen, my great great grandmother, invited him to live a life he would never expected and therefore helped him by giving him half of her power to rule the land. And so the land was divided into two parts, allowing the Ngami to live a life in the East of the land and the witch and wizards on the other. As time passed, King Evan, brought lots of wizards, enhancing them to believe in their power and offer them a life of dreams.

Years passed and everything turned quite well, until the day, one man ruined everything. He was the great great grandson of King Evan the first."

A papyrus paper appeared in front of her. It was the family tree explaining the royal family bided to Bewix. The names were written really small using the perfect handwriting of calligraphic.

"He thought that Human was no less than unworthy to be on this land. And so he created a spell that would kill any human who would dared to enter the land. He planned to have everything worked out his way, that's why he brainwash almost everyone on the land. Convinced them to live the life he was offering them. Heaven and hell did agree to him; and that's what convinced the creatures to join the latter…."

"… The Ngami, first civilization that lived here, years before the arrival of my husband on this land. The day heaven decided that a strong man of good intentions were struggling to find his place in the human world, they made a pact with heaven, hell and the Ngami, to grant him access to their world, and therefore enhanced him to proceed in his quest. The Ngami, ruled by the first queen Amerilia, daughter of the seven seas, binds into matrimony to the king of Ngami. She was the ruler of justice. She presented my husband with a piece of the sacred stone. The stone was considered as the greatest of all because pieces of it was used to create the other sacred stone. The stone of the sea, the night kingdom and the lunar kingdom, as well as the stone of pizzards.Everything turned out quite good, until one of our family decided otherwise." A sad tone loomed in her words. She casted another look at the latter and shrugged.

" Reason to why he decided that human were unworthy to be with us, because he was already blinded by the only one thing that could change the course of life;Greed.He was given the full power when he was crowned king of the part of the land that was given to his ancestors. Hence in the war to convince hell and heaven I went at the human world to find something that might help me in my protest, but I found more than just proof. I found the only one thing that I couldn't feel in my world, love. Yes I did find love, through all these, but it was considered as the biggest sin to heaven and hell. They accused me to have wanted to go beyond the pact that our ancestors made. According to them humans were supposed to be at our feet, not by our side.

But my love was much more than that…I left Bewix in the hope that I could start my family again, maybe away from all these because I sensed it, our land was not the way it should have been. I felt the need to be by myself, and with the only one person that could really care for me. Then one fine day, my mother called for me. She was really in trouble, again I did felt the danger that was looming in our life, but I never showed it. I then realized that my folks needed my assistance, and I left them. So I returned. Once I was here, I was forced to live the way that King Richards was now applying. It was a trap; he already killed my parents and almost all my folks. He erased every trace of the Ngami from the land. Even my brother vanquished. He ticked me in returning here. Richard already changed everything; elves, the lunar kingdom, the sea, the fairies, angels; everyone changed their mind. But still I had some hope, because even in that darkness the genies and the Shiras still had our back. With them, I know I could win that battle. But another truth halted my expectations…."

"Princess Merilia, was expecting a child. A child who has human blood and Ngami blood in her. Do you know why we keep marrying a different kind other than our own kind?" She asked, glancing over to him again. Simon nodded, he was too eager to know how everything ended. "Well, it is said that a child born with two different origins, could develop new powers."

"So my uncle thought that maybe he should…."

"Kill that child before she comes to the world? Yes." She took another step towards him and nodded. "Princess Merilia, already sensed the danger for her child. She tried to ran away that night. But circumstances turned against her. She was captured and brought back to the castle. Yet Richard didn't want to kill her, just the child she was carrying."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he knew if he kills me, after killing my mother and father, he will lose the chance of having the stone forever, for the stone would appear only to the rightful owner. That night he used the flower of nieghriush, to concoct a spell strong enough to kill my child. And he did succeed. He made me drink enough potion that actually acted on my pregnancy. I was completely devastated."

"Princess!" They held the latter, who was starting to have illusions and breathing trouble. Her mermaid self-started to appear.

 "What's happening?" She at last asked, still breathing heavily. Every breath she took seemed more and more difficult to breathe. Her eyes began to fill up with tears. She jiggles her feet and try to stay at one thought. Simon. Only he can drag her out of that world fill with pain.

"It's the Edam spell." Jon added.

"Oh no!" Mark finally understood. "Simon is dead right now. And…."

"Yes my friend."

"What do we do now?"

"You are asking him? You were supposed to be the smartest one in the room." Yiana, cried. "Come on, please, I won't be able to stop my transformation any longer. I feel that my heart is going to burst."

"Ok, maybe if I use Flexcilio, I can ease up the pain a little bit." Jon brings his palm, together and closed her eyes. "Askion, paraphilo." A green light started to appeared in his palm and he gestured it all over her body. "I hope it will work."

"Why are you doubting your capabilities my friend?" Mark frowned.

"Edam, is a very strong spell, Mark. I doubt a simple spell as the Flexcilio would ever work on it, maybe it might but with a very brief time limit. That's why it is said that once you've done an Edam spell there's no return for it. Because no magic on earth could ever act on it." Jon explained.

"Now let's hope that Prince Simon won't decide otherwise."

"What the hell!!!!!!" He screamed as he crashed on the hard ground of the freezing weather a few distance from the night kingdom. First it was Jack, then Alex, then Ian and finally Jamie and Delia. They scattered from each other and laid on the ground for another moment, just letting the strong wind to passed by, to ultimately put their head together to understand that moment that just passed. "Delia, a little help." Jack screamed again.

The wind coming from the portal was really strong and nearly engulfing back inside. The latter reached to it and clapped her hand, watching the portal closed at the very instance. "Looks like someone, would never forget the mishaps that broke her heart; you couldn't have resisted, could you?" He glanced at the latter with a sharp eye. "Told you that Angels had a very sensitive heart!"

"My back! Ouch!!!" Jack pried as Alex helped him up. "Delia, I think I should bring forth the fact that revenge was never the solution to anything."

"Are you sure that it is not because, of those wild sex, you had ever since you set foot on Bewix?" Ian taunted. He could tell that his comment was not welcomed at the moment. "Actually, my angel, my good friend is referring to the fact that you've threw us on the ground like some undesirable stuff." Ian added. " I mean Jamie we get it, but why us?"

"I was not responsible for that!" she protested. "In case you haven't noticed, I had a bad landing as well."  She stretched her arms and legs, and shrugged at the funny cracking sound she felt.

"Why didn't we have a soft landing then?"

"Maybe because we were too heavy!" Ian suggested, knowing that his answer was taken for birds. "I don't even doubt it, with such beauty we have with us. As they said beauty of an angel could be fatal."

"How could I forget, Ian so charming in very situation he had to have the last word." Delia flirted.

"Well, naughtiness is my thing, maybe I could show you a few tricks sometime….."

"How about you show us why we landed like that?" Jamie interrupted, his hands placed over his waist like he did when, he was impatient or annoyed.

"Yes, actually there is only one answer to that, I tried to open up a portal where we were not allowed to be."

" But you transferred us only a few distance from where we were!" Ian said.

"Maybe Amy is here then." Alex suggested.

"No!" Delia disagreed. "I tried to open the portal end to the place where Amy landed, but a strong gust of wind, mixed with ice stopped me. And so, my magic rebounded, on the wall of the portal we were into and created this end, so we could get out!"

"That would explained why it took so much time through it!" Worriedness appeared on his face now. He lost her again. He couldn't protect her and now he was unable to find her. "What do you suggest we do now?" Alex whispered against a longer breath.

"Did you say that ice stopped our path?" Jamie kneeled down and ran his fingers on the green grass that was now frozen with ice. "Maybe then Ice should be our path!"