
Bewitched His Soul

COMPLETED The four aristocratic heirs Tristan Ambrosio , Blake Anderson , Dimitri Santoris and Aiden Cooper had everything at their fingertips except love. As fate would have it they all met their other half at destined time and with lot of up and downs they are all happily married. Now it’s time for their kids so join their journey of love, loss and much more. Aristocratic series: Book 1 - Bound To Him [completed] Book 2 - Bride Of Hades [completed] Book 3 - Bewitched His Soul [completed] Each book can be read as stand alone. Note- Follow me on Instagram @ starysky96

StarySky96 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
237 Chs

Chapter 200

Louis's voice trembled and his eyes were moist as he said ,"I have already lost too much ,now I cannot lose you too Bella ."

Bella was stunned hearing her brother's declaration as he has never been so vulnerable and may be her running away from the palace has scared him and poked his old wounds.

Louis looked over his shoulder and said,"Take rest ,you must be tired from the long journey."

The last time she ever saw Louis becoming emotional was when their parents died.

"Bella , how are you .I was so worried about you ," Lani came running as soon as she spotted Bella .

Lani was Bella's personal maid but Bella's treated her more like a friend.

"I am fine ,"Bella replied with a forced smile.

"When king got to know about your disappearance his temper rose so much that everyone feared he may kill someone .Nor did he eat or sleep properly and day and night searched for you .Slowly all were losing hope but king never gave up ,"Lani stated.