
Chapter 8

Mia got home from school that day and found that her grandmother had gone to the witches council for a meeting. Though Nimah was the witch queen, there was also a council responsible for relaying the opinions of the subjects to her just like every queen before her she had seven council members each selected with a special ability known to their family alone

Soon Mia got bored of staying at home alone and decided to visit Alice her only close friend in school. Soon she got to the wolf kingdom and located Alice's home, Mia arrived at Alice's house and knocked on the door. A little boy opened the door and said

" Hi,Please who are you looking for?" The little boy asked.

" Um hi there I'm looking for Alice, someone said she lived here." Mia said looking around wondering where Alice was when the little boy answered

" Oh you're talking about my big sister Alice she up in her room come on in I'll go let her know you're here" he said smiling before rushing in to call his sister.

Mia looked around the house, simple but elegantly designed there were portraits of so many kind hanging around the walls while different colored vases adorned each of the little tables around every corner. She was draged out of her train of thought when she heard a voice behind her

" Mia, what are you doing here" Alice asked surprised

" Oh so I shouldn't be here" Mia asked raising one brow.

" What, you know what forget I said that I'm so excited to see you but you know I still gotta know why Damon's little girlfriend decided to come see me" Alice said teasing her friend she was well aware of how her friend is. Mia simply glared at her but deep down a part of her wondered to how it would feel like as Damon's girlfriend. Alice laughed when she saw the dangerous look Mia was shooting at her

"Anyways let's stroll around I'll give you a grand tour of the kingdom"

"Whatever ,let's go already I'm so fucking bored right now" Mia said rolling her eyes leaving behind a laughing Alice. Alice took Mia around the whole kingdom from the wolves school to the wolves palace and stopped.

" Hey you wanna visit the palace," Alice asked with gleaming eyes

"Um how are you gonna get in...um , I mean there are guards everywhere and I don't think they're just gonna let us in so easily," Mia said trying her best not to upset her friend. Alice just laughed and walked to the palace doors, where two guards were and said

"Well I guess that would have been a problem if I wasn't ....." She said trailing of while turning to look at the two guards. They immediately dropped to one knee and said

" Princess Alice welcome"

" What the fuck just happened right now, " Mia asked astonished

"Exactly the same thing that happens whenever the princess arrives home." Alice said smirking

" You're the princess of the wolf kingdom and you never told me,how could you keep such a big secret from me" Mia said annoyed but somehow she could understand why she did it they just met some days ago she couldn't go about spilling all her damn secrets to her Alice dragged Mia into the palace and told her to open a portal to her hideout.

" What first you drag me in and now you're saying I should teleport us to gods know where, I can't open a portal to a place I haven't been to or haven't seen. " Mia said blankly.

" Oh come on just hold my hands I' ll show you the way." Mia looked at her friend with a puzzled expression, Alice noticing the look on her friends face simply said "trust me". Mia nodded and held Alice's hand strangely a picture popped up in her mind, a beautiful small room filled with all sort of stuff giving it the resemblance of a mini house.

Mia focused all her magic on the picture and a portal opened with Alice stepping in first and Mia following. On the other side of the portal the picture in her mind came to life but a lot bigger than that of her mind.

"Woah Alice where are we,? " Mia said taking in the beautiful hall.

" Well what you are looking at is the hall of Princess Alice" Alice said smiling.

" So you're the princess of the wolf kingdom?" Mia asked surprised

" Well yes and no" Alice paused for a while taking in Mia facial expression before continuing," I am the daughter of the younger prince of of the wolf Kingdom so that practically makes me a princess and Prince Kelvin my annoying cousin."Alice said dragging the word annoying

"Okay so what now" Mia asked

" Well now we gossip and you know who we are gonna gossip about," Alice said squealing

" Why do I get the feeling I'm not gonna enjoy this." Mia groaned

"Well you will cus it's about your little Damon and his pet." Alice said winking

"Damon," Mia repeated she couldn't help but love the way his name rolled down her lips until she remembered Alice last words.

'his pet,? ' she knew she had heard that phrase before but wasn't sure where suddenly the realization dawned on her

"....run along and tell your little Damon that his pet couldn't handle me..."

She used the phrase on the dragon on the dragon girl she could tell that it annoyed her but she didn't understand why it sounded more bitter on her tongue .

"What about her" Mia said spitting out the words like venom.

" Well rumour has it that Amber had run off to tell Damon all you said and guess what you're still alive" Alice squealed

" Excuse me but news flash I'm still alive and why shouldn't I be?" Mia asked

" Girl no one messes with Damon and lives to tell his tale I mean you threatened him, you insulted him and even disobeyed his rule and he didn't say a thing the entire school's buzzing about you and him" Alice said giving Mia that 'which school have you been all this while' look before rolling her eyes at her.

"Why are they so close you said Damon was cold to everyone so why was he different to Amber?" Mia asked trying her best to hide the tint of jealousy in her voice

"No one actually knows why they are so close but still you couldn't call whatever's between the closeness but a mere conversation but still no one else has ever acheive that feat but her." Alice stated.

"So there's nothing going on between them?" The words had escaped her mouth before she had the chance of stopping them, Alice simply chuckled and said

"Well I don't think so but still there could be a possibility of them..." Alice said teasing Mia while enjoying the look on her friend's face.mia simply glared at her before saying

" I think I should get going grandma would be home by now."

" Oh okay so I'll see you off then." Alice said stretching out her hand, Mia took her hand and opened up a portal to the gate of the wolf palace

" Bye, see you at school." Alice said waving at Mia

" Bye, see you then." Mia replied waving back.

******BACK AT MIA'S HOME*****

Mia appeared in front of her door when she heard a sound iñside indiçating her grandmother's arrival.

" Grandma I'm home" Mia said running to hug her grandmother from behind.

"Woah watch it there I came home but didn't see you where were you?" Nimah asked

" Well if you must know grandma I was at the wolf kingdom, just visited a friend of mine that's all" Mia replied rolling her eyes.

" Well someone dropped a parcel for you while you were out" Nimah said pointing at an envelope on the table.

" What who was it?" Mia asked surprised.

" Don't know, I just assumed it's one of your friends". Nimah replied " but his scent was a little fuzzy" she added.

Mia walked up to the envelope and opened it. It read

Please meet me at the field in front of the witches library, I have something very important to discuss with you.



Mia wondered what Damon wanted to talk about when Nimah suddenly asked

"So what does it say?."

" Nothing much a friend just wants to see me at the witches library I' ll be right back" Mia pleaded knowing her grandmother wouldn't allow to leave so late at night.

" No . Absolutely not you are not leaving this house this night and especially not to meet with some friend of yours at this hour of the night"