
do the job right

the smell of rotting flesh filled the air. catching a wif of the dead bodies, that she had not moved yet. so she eventually snapped back to reality. It had been 30 minutes since Dutchess entered the factory because she was so engrossed with the documents she found. by the time she looked out the dust-covered window, she notice the sun was going down. having had to sacrifice her time to clean this mess, she had lost over half of her schedule to this. after reflecting she concluded it was time to head back out.

heading back out she approached the exit. clearing the exit dutchess is greeted with an odd sight. a few dozen men were lined up against the wall. only one of the men was familiar, the rest were new. She took a moment to ponder the length of time she was inside the building. looking around more there was garbages piled up. some of the bags had hands sticking out.

the point of these events was initially to teach Breck a lesson. the plan was to guide him through a simple. capture a different local gang and tame them. as she leads him through it. if she had spotted any signs of insubordination, he would have been killed on the spot. but as things change her observation was clear. mouthing off aside he did not rebel at all. now that things have wound down. she takes time to consider how she left him alone for almost an hour. yet still obeyed her order despite his aversion toward killing people. dutchess decided he was worth keeping but needed more training.

Breck: you okay?

he lifts his left hand moving his dreads out of the way. he was casually sitting on a barrel. he points at her right arm. dutchess raises it there was a blood stain on the sleeve of her dress. at the center of the stain was a hole. this hole seemed to continue pretty deep in her arm. dutchess was fascinated with her injury.

Dutchess: would you look at that? guess I didn't get away with it unharmed.

she laughs a bit then walks back into the factory. 3 minutes later she returns with a box. it was wooden with metal latchings. at the top, it had a red cross. she sat on the stairway of the factory door. when she opened the box it had first aid equipment inside. She looks to Breck.

Dutchess: stop staring get over her and hold my arm for me.

he rushes over holding his hand out. She places her arm in his grasp wound facing up. she collects tweezers from the box. he looked very anxious watching her. She held the tweezers over her wound, she looked to be angling them for the entry point. she lunges into the wound. sifting around looking for the bullet, during all this Breck started looking squirmish.

Breck: shouldn't you let me do it? I mean you got to be in pain right now.

she looked at him her expression was dull. her eyes screamed What are you talking about? Her hand kept digging for the bullet. her eyes drifted to the left looking at the factory. dutchess held her line of sight for a minute. Breck held back on his movement, he was confused but if he agitated her injury she might shoot him. She looked back clearly remembering something.

Dutchess: guess I never did confirm it.

Breck: confirm what?

Dutchess looks down to better figure out the bullet's position.

Dutchess: I'm an Elementals rep. I'm sure you suspected it, what with me openly displaying my powers?

she continued digging not finding the bullet yet.

Breck: I mean I was not sure of anything. just knew you were strong. (whispers) also bad news.

she takes out the tweezers. the tip was covered in blood but no bullet. She flicks them to the side. she looked at the hole in her arm. a loose sensation started to spread. the air around the arm began to change up. it was like something once there had left. next, the hole started sucking air in. Finally shoots the bullet out lands on the ground, it rolls behind a crate. she grabs a bottle and opens the lid. a breath of alcohol burst out. She poured it on her wound, her goal was to clean it out. then she poured water to finish the job.

dutchess: I've decided to put off killing you. but you will still get a punishment.

Breck: your being a rep does not explain your lack of pain?

she hands him a roll of bandages.

dutchess: you clearly know nothing about elementals.

he starts wrapping her arm with bandages.

Breck: not true I know they give power to people.

dutchess: so basically nothing. anyway skipping over a lot of detail, elementals give their reps power that's correct. however, an important fact is the soul as well as the body has no room for it. so the elemental must carve out a piece of you to make room. in my case lady lunar, my elemental took out my ability to feel pain. to be more accurate the amount taken was equal to the level of power. in my case so much was gone I could get shot with a cannon and not feel it.

the bandaging was done so she could move. she reaches for the breast area. pulling out a pocketbook and gold pen. she starts writing. to Gorge Pasley, Buttler don't question how you know this. focus on my instructions, 1. find a doctor 2. form a body disposal team. 3. both you and them head to the alleyway on chevalier street. side note it's the one that reeks of dead bodies. 4. get here before the others we need to get an official record of all items on site. that's all thank you -dutchess. ps. bring a change of clothes my measurements are 24 chests and 21 waist don't worry about hips thanks again. She clicked the pen all her words vanished. She tucks back away the pen and book.

Dutchess: well back ups going to be a minute which is good

she smirks making herself comfy on the stairs. then sends him back to his barrel to sit.

dutchess: you proved yourself worth my time. so to further our trust. ill tell you the real reason I'm out here.

to be continued.....