
Crocodile tears

the iron pale apartment complex. located in the west it's a fairly cheap place to live. the only problem is the place is subject to many brake ins. just like now, Breck opens his door to hear the commotion. peaking out from his door he could see. young women who appear to live across the hall. she was crouched over picking up groceries. if that was all he would have let it go. but three men her standing around her. Each of them had a crocodile jacket. also, they were carrying construction tools. One has a shovel and some rope another a mallet, and some helmets. the last guy had a pick axe. then it only got worse all three had red armbands. when Breck saw this he imagined Dutchess. specifically what she would do if she found out. worried he left his doorway to control the problem

Breck: what are you all doing?

he walked up to the group pointing to his blue armband. two of the guy's expressions changed. they were nervous meaning they knew what that meant. the one with the pick axe walks up to him.

pick axe guy: Back off before I mess you.

Breck smacks him off his feet. he looks at the remaining two.

Breck: you two want to use your words.

they looked at each other deciding their move. the two raise their tools and run at him. Breck sighs to himself. the one with the mallet swings down on him Breck steps to his right. he elbows the mallet goon with his left. shovel boy starts swinging his spade like a sword. dodging the attacks he he reaches out. from his shadow, his cutlass rises. with a single slash, he lops off the digging half of the tool. shovel boy back up, Pick axe guy back off the ground rushes Breck. going backward he dodges the pick axe. the spike of the axe enters the floor. behind him, Pick Axe guy feels the barrel of gun Darleens gun on his head.

Darleen: will you retreat

the hammer of the pistol magically pulls back. the barrel glows red hot. the man struggles to counter her. but the moment a loud bang sounds. his head catches blaze before he could scream the flames vanish with his head. his body falls to the ground tool still in hand.

two guys: what was that?

Beck: I need them alive!

Darleen shrugs pointing upstairs.

Darleen: plenty more where they came from. let's just focus on trimming the fat.

she skips over to the remaining two. the woman with the groceries finishes gathering her things. She hurries to get into her apartment. mallet goon tries taking her hostage. broken shovel boy tries fending off Darleen. but she spins around parrying the assault. she reveals a cane in her hand with no view of where it came from. it was long black and had a crystal ball willed with butterflies on the end. she used it to fence shovel Boy while progressing toward mallet goon.

Darleen had had him in her sight. the fiend with the mallet acted cocky. the boy his two halves of a tool. tried putting pressure on her. yet she didn't see him as a threat. She shoots her pistol and the mallet goon's ear comes off. the fool with one less ear screams. she shakes off her pest. going in for a rising spin kick to the face. she liberates the captured woman. escaping with her groceries to her apartment.

Darleen: she must not want to go shopping again.

she stands over the downed mallet holder. She begins placing the burning hot barrel on his forehead, but Breck shouts out.

Breck: can we not massacre them?

she scoffs at him.

Darleen: what you got an eversion for killing?

The broken shovel boy moves to push her off his friend. Breck hits him with the side of his blade knocking him out.

Breck: I'm just not into needless murder.

she chuckles to herself.

Darleen: The fact is you are saying murder which proves you are soft. for a man made of bricks such as yourself. could it all just be mud?

she gets ready to finish the pinned man. but another interruption comes from behind.

Man: what keeping you so long?

a large bald man carrying a mace decent the stair behind them. he had the same jacket as the other two but his sleeves were torn off. his arm had a yellow band. the mace was dirty from smashing walls. also, he had a teardrop tattoo under one eye. Breck rubbed his head over the mess this is turning into. mace man looked at then gave an angry expression.

Breck: dang it ren.

mace man initiated with a swing of his mace. breck countered with his blade. they exchanged blows with their weapons nether side hitting the other. Darleen watched looking disappointed. she shot the opponent to get him back off. mace was on the defensive she dashed past Breck. The enemy tried swatting her but with her cane staff. she blocked the attempt. hitting the mace head on the crystal ball was fine. the takes a shot but he dodges. he kicks her away but she recovers. laughing she fires a couple of stray shots to get closer. In his face goes for a swing of her cane. then he counters with his mace.

mace man was surprised to be clashing with a small woman, using his strength to overpower her. Darleen would not shoot a hole in his forearm. startle by the sudden damage he retreats. not liking the odds he returns upstairs. Darleen tries to pursue but Breck stops her. he situates the two knocked-out bodies with rope. then stuffs the dead one in a bag.

Darleen: you stopped me for this this is aftermath stuff.

Breck frowned carrying the live ones into the apartment. he closed the door and locked it.

Breck: I stopped you because if like your daughter. this building would have mostly dead bodies. I'd rather not have my building smell like death.

she waits for him at the stairs. looking at the situation neither expects to turn in early.

to be continued