
Chapter 21

Clyde Dante

I walked into my house and it's all dark. I turned on all the lights and sat down on the sofa. Where's everybody? It's 10 o'clock and they're still out? I remembered that my mom told me that she will go out with a friend along with grandma and my dad.

Why is grandma and dad tagging along? Weird!

Cooper jumped to me and I patted him. I looked up to the ceiling and closed my eyes. Suddenly I feel hungry because Anna wanted a fancy dinner earlier and fancy dinner has a little tiny food which is annoying. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I found a bowl of tuna with mayonnaise. I took it out and put bread on the kitchen table.

Tuna mayonnaise really reminds me of Beverly. She loves it and she almost eats it everyday. I can't count how much she eats tuna, she loves it.