
Chapter thirty four : War

They soldiers search the two SS officers and throw them back into there cell there more dangerous then we think they are there just putting on a act that there all good but I'd never believe them. I get I sudden idea I order my second in command to get me too the henrich and Enrich odd isn't it there names fit together there the German guys that told me they were rebels. I notice I can use them to get the SS officers to talk and give us information on what they are up too I sit at my desk as I hear them march in to my office as I offer them a seat " sit down gentlemen we have matters to discuss " we discuss the matters as they agree to talk to there friends I have guards take the men into the room as I grab the two low life scum and sit them into chairs. I pull one of my men aside " this is the best shot we've got hell they may know the guys let's leave them be and let them work it out " we walk out and we do some scout mission in the mean time since we have the time. We walk out to the Air craft hanger and get ready to take off buckling up and heading to the sky to fly over the massive German base but we stay outta sight from them so we don't get shot down I bring a note pad to write down what we see from above.

( copyright mightytankgodess)