
Chapter 11: One Swap, Three Finn's

It was another sunny afternoon at the day market. Finn was engrossed in his new magic book, learning more spells, incantations, and potion recipes. Meanwhile, King was jumping up and down on a table, trying to pull down a string of flags. His efforts were unsuccessful, and he tumbled off the table.

"Stupid flag," he muttered, angrily pointing at it.

"Yeah, that's the spirit, buddy. Just keep jumping," Finn encouraged, his eyes still glued to his book.

Luz arrived with a ladder and a handmade sign. "It's been a little slow out here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers." She set up the sign, which was decorated with light glyphs around the edges. The sign read: EDA THE OWL LADY'S HUMAN COLLECTIBLES. It even had a glowing picture of Eda's face winking in the upper left corner. "And who doesn't love their name in lights?" she added proudly.

Finn looked up, distracted by the glowing display. "Pretty sure Eda's gonna hate that thing," he remarked before returning to his reading.

"What? Why would she? I mean, the sign lights up," Luz said, pointing at it. "It even has her face winking! Who wouldn't like that?"

"Eda wouldn't," Finn replied without looking up. "She's a wanted criminal. Anything flashy that draws attention to her? Definitely a no-go."

"Okay, Mr. Negative, that's your opinion. King, what do you think? Too subtle?" Luz turned to King for his thoughts.

Before King could answer, a snide voice interjected. "Does subtle mean ugly?" It was Boscha, flanked by her friends and Skara.

Ignoring the insult, Luz greeted them warmly. "Hi, Boscha, Hexcitizens. See anything you like?"

Finn raised an eyebrow, silently questioning Luz's decision to engage with Boscha.

"Ugh, no. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird, flashy trash sign." Boscha took a selfie, posing while Luz made a goofy face in the background. Her attention shifted to Finn, who was reading in a chair nearby. "Hey, Skara, your boyfriend's working at the junk stall. You might wanna talk to him about associating with losers," she said with a smirk.

Skara blushed. Boscha often teased her about Finn being her boyfriend, but after the moonlight conjuring incident, Skara wasn't sure what their relationship was anymore. She tried to make small talk. "Hey, Finn. Haven't seen you in class lately."

Finn finally looked up from his book. "Yeah, I got a few injuries getting punched through a wall while saving this one—" he gestured at Luz, "—and Amity from a monster in the library. Thought I'd take a few days to recover before going back." His eyes lingered on Skara for a moment. "Are you doing something different? You look nice. Very pretty."

"Oh, um… yeah!" Skara beamed at the compliment. "I decided to wear my hair down. You know… since that night." She fidgeted nervously, gauging Finn's reaction.

Boscha pulled out her scroll, snickering. "Hold on, I wasn't recording. Start over from 'Hey, Finn.' This is totally going to get me more followers."

Annoyed, Luz intervened. "They're trying to have a private conversation. That's not funny, Boscha."

Boscha sneered. "What are you gonna do? Spit your human venom on me?"

King's eyes widened. "You have venom?! Quick, Luz, start melting faces!"

Luz crouched down to his level. "Even if I could, it's not worth it. I don't know how to handle teens like her."

King grabbed her collar and got right in her face. "No, no, let me show you what to do!" He climbed back onto the table, pounding his chest. "Tremble before me!"

Boscha, unimpressed, picked him up and hugged him. "Oh my Titan, you're adorable!" She pulled out her scroll for a selfie. "How much? I need to own him."

King broke free, kicking her in the face. "You couldn't afford me, sister!" He wagged a finger at her, only for her entourage to coo at him. "That's the wrong reaction!" he yelled, frustrated.

Eda suddenly emerged from her tent, sniffing the air. "I smell an easy mark," she said, rushing over. "Hey, kid, interested in the latest fashion from—" She cast a spell, changing her clothes in a puff of smoke. "—the human realm?"

"Yeah, no," Boscha said flatly, walking away with her friends, laughing.

As they left, Skara waved shyly at Finn. "Hope you feel better soon. See you in class!"

Finn gave a small wave but stayed engrossed in his book.

Eda watched them go, annoyed. "Well, I hate her."

Luz, holding King, approached her. "Teens can be sour, but look! I made this for you." She pointed to the glowing sign.

Finn sighed, raising three fingers. "Three… two… one." Then he pointed at Eda.

"Luz!" Eda climbed onto the table, frantically trying to remove the sign.

"Did I spell something wrong? Or… did I spell something right?" Luz asked, confused.

"Stop that!" Eda snapped. "You're forgetting I'm on the run! Every guard in town will be here if my name is in lights!"

Luz glanced around. "I don't see anyone. Maybe you're being paranoid. You're a powerful witch—why hide when you can just poof your problems away?"

"Magic isn't a solution to everything," Finn interjected. "Treat it without respect, and it'll get you killed. Or worse." He flipped a page. "Oh, a spell to make you fireproof. Wish I had this years ago."

Ignoring Finn's remark, King chimed in. "What does Luz know about problems anyway? All she has is dumb teen drama. She doesn't understand how hard some of us have it." He jabbed a thumb at himself and Eda.

Eda scoffed. "You're pampered all day like a baby. How hard is that life?"

"Well, I don't know if you've realized, but I'M NOT A BABY!" King shouted, arms spread wide.

Luz smirked. "Then why are you yelling like one?"

"She's got you there," Finn muttered, flipping another page in his book. "Huh, a spell to bring candy to life. Why would anyone want that?"

"My life is a waking nightmare!" King bellowed, shaking with frustration while everyone else smirked at him.

Eda rubbed her hands together, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Finn sighed—nothing good ever came from Eda scheming.

"Well, there's only one thing to do when friends can't see eye to eye," Eda declared.

"Hug each other until we pass out?" Luz guessed, wrapping King in a tight hug.

"Fight to the death!" King yelled, struggling to escape her grasp.

"Have a quiet afternoon reading a good book?" Finn offered, hopeful. He turned a page. "Ooh, a spell to banish demons. Hey, King?"


"Hold still for a sec." Finn stood up, muttering an incantation: "King Rama Pancake." After a tense pause, nothing happened.

"What was that about?" King asked, suspicious.

"Oh, nothing," Finn replied, feigning nonchalance as he glanced away.

"Are you all done guessing?" Eda interrupted. "Because you're all wrong! The answer is… BODY SWAP!" She grinned excitedly.

Finn, King, and Luz stared at her with growing skepticism. "Are you sure she doesn't have venom?" King asked Luz one more time.

"I love a good body swap!" Eda continued, ignoring their protests. "It's like demonic possession but with people you like!"

"You can do that? This is just like my favorite early 2000s movie—Freaky Fraturday!" Luz exclaimed, holding up a VHS tape of said movie. "But maybe we should think about this first—"

"You should," Finn interjected. "The last time she did this, it ended—"

"BODY! SWAP!" Eda yelled, spinning her staff above her head. A yellow light engulfed the three of them.

When the light faded, the results were immediately apparent.

"Did it work? I need a mirror!" Luz, now in Eda's body, stumbled around until she collided with one. Her face left an eyeshadow and lipstick print on the glass. "Ow. Found one." She stared at her reflection, wide-eyed. "Oh my gosh! It worked! I'm so old and pointy!"

King, now in Luz's body, strutted up beside her. "Hot dog, it's me!"

"Yeah, it is. I'm the human now! Bow before my massive meaty hands!" King crowed.

"Wait, so that means…" Luz and King looked at each other in realization.

"Ahem. How do I look?" Eda, now in King's body, struck a pose on the table.

King stared at his old body, dumbfounded. "I've got some… very confusing emotions right now."

Luz gasped. "Wait—why didn't Finn swap bodies?"

Eda waved dismissively. "Because the last time I swapped with him, it ended really badly."

"Oh, right. I remember that day," King muttered, shuddering. "So many broken bones."

Eda clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, here's the deal. Whoever proves their new body has the easiest life gets out of house-cleaning duty. And you know what that means?"

"UGH!" All three groaned in unison.

"Won't be me!" King declared. "Life as a teen is a tyrant's dream. By the end of the day, I'll rule your feeble demographic!"

"Say that after dealing with Boscha," Finn quipped, not looking up from his book. "Her specialty is demolishing teenage self-esteem."

"I've got magic!" Luz boasted. "Eda, don't be too mad when your inventory's gone and the guards are none the wiser." She attempted a spell, but the fireball backfired, knocking her off her feet.

"What did I say about respecting magic?!" Finn scolded.

Eda, now in King's body, scoffed. "That's cute. If you need me, I'll be getting pampered on a vacation fit for a King." She strutted away.

"My life's not a joke!" King yelled after her. "But yours is!" He bopped Luz on the nose before giggling and skipping off.

Finn sighed deeply, closing his book. "Guess I'll have to babysit all of you so you don't die before the day's over." He tapped his staff against the ground, and a flash of light appeared. When it faded, three duplicates of Finn stood before him, each with a different hair color: red, blue, and yellow.

"Alright, I'll stay here with Luz," said Red.

"I got the megalomaniac," Blue said with a yawn.

"Great, stick me with the hardest job," Yellow grumbled.

"Any trouble, we meet back here," Red instructed.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with," Blue muttered.

"Same," Yellow agreed.

"Break!" all three said in unison before heading off in different directions.


Eda's Catastrophe

Eda strutted down the street, her small frame as King adorned with a new pair of sunglasses—stolen, of course. Passersby cooed and complimented her. "Oh, hello," she responded with exaggerated charm, basking in the adoration.

Trailing a few steps behind, Yellow Finn sighed deeply, muttering, "Just make it through the day, Finn. Just make it through the day."

Before he could contemplate a reply, a booming voice rang out: "STOP! RIGHT! THERE!"

An Emperor's Guard approached, his four-headed dog snarling by his side.

Eda froze, her smug grin faltering. "Oh, great," she muttered, lowering her sunglasses slightly.

The dog sniffed the air, each of its heads growling in unison. "Thought you could get away with it, didn't you?" the guard said, pointing a gloved finger at her.

"Wait… you know who I am?" Eda asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Of course I do!" The guard's demeanor shifted completely. "You're the cutest little angel I've ever seen! Who wants a lolly?" He held out a bright red lollipop with a grin.

Eda snatched the treat. "Ha! That's more like it." She twirled it in her hand, then jabbed one of the dog's noses with it. "You've got nothing on me!" she laughed, dashing away before the guard could react.

"This is too easy," Eda said as she rounded a corner. "I'm winning this bet for sure."

Her victory lap came to an abrupt stop when two elderly women wearing aprons stepped in front of her.

"Oh, Dottie, look at this little dumpling," one cooed, scooping Eda up like a stuffed animal.

"Whoa, hey! I'm not lost, you creeps!" Eda wiggled furiously but couldn't escape.

"Do you need a delicious meal, sweetie?" the other lady asked, tickling Eda's belly.

Eda's protests melted into reluctant pleasure. "Tummy scratches… oooh, you know what? Maybe I am lost." She leaned into the belly rub, sighing contentedly. "Take me away, ladies."

The women carried her into a nearby building adorned with a cheerful sign: Kitty Café.

Yellow Finn followed, shaking his head. "This can only end in disaster," he muttered. But, also, he was hungry, and the café smelled amazing.

Inside, the women fussed over Eda, placing her in a frilly bassinet. "Welcome to our Kitty Café, our little safe haven for cherubs like you," one of them said, ruffling her fur.

"Hot mess incoming," Eda groaned, though she didn't mind when they offered her belly rubs and sweet treats.

Yellow Finn sat at the nearest table, sipping tea and nibbling on cake. "I guarantee we'll be chased out of here before I finish this slice."

"Leave this place! Danger is near," came a hissing voice. Yellow Finn turned to see one of the "kitties" glaring at him—a scrawny tabby cat with a wild look in its eyes.

"Called it," he said, grabbing another bite of cake and downing the rest of his tea. He stood, ready to grab Eda and make a quick exit.

But the elderly women returned, one of them holding a tiny bumblebee costume. "Oh, sweetie, we have a surprise for you!"

Yellow Finn hesitated, his mind racing. Do I risk injury and humiliation just to watch Eda squirm in a ridiculous outfit? He weighed the pros and cons for a moment before deciding, "Nah, too much trouble."

He reached for Eda, but one of the women blocked the door, growling like a feral beast.

"New plan," Finn muttered. Casting a spell that made every animal in the café perk up. "Alright, troops," he said, addressing the cats. "Attack the creepy ladies. And pack some of those cakes to go."

The café erupted into chaos as the animals launched themselves at the women. Eda leaped out of the bassinet, yelling, "Finn, what did you DO?"

"Saved your life," he replied, grabbing a bag of cakes and heading for the exit.

Eda followed, dodging flying teacups and flailing cats. "This body swap thing isn't as easy as I thought."

Yellow Finn smirked. "And it's not over yet."


King's Brush With DEATH

Blue Finn stood to the side, arms crossed, watching as King—now trapped in Luz's body—jumped futilely to grab a flag hanging high above the street.

"Not so high and mighty anymore!" King declared, triumphant, before losing his balance and tumbling backward into a trash can. "I feel so alive!"

"Hey, King," Blue Finn called, wincing as King flailed about in the garbage. "Try not to trash Luz's body too much. I doubt she wants to smell like old garbage."

Before King could retort, a water balloon landed nearby, splashing into a puddle. The water quivered unnaturally, and slimy tentacles began emerging.

"Oh no!" King yelped. "The flag seeks revenge!"

Blue Finn calmly sliced through the writhing tentacles. "Lunch, anyone?" he quipped, gathering up the remains. "I didn't expect fresh calamari today."

As he stuffed the severed tentacles into a bag, Blue Finn and King heard mocking laughter echoing from a hilltop. There, Boscha and her gang were wreaking havoc, pelting unsuspecting passersby with enchanted water balloons.

"Teenagers," King muttered, climbing the hill with determination. Ignoring the chaos, he walked into a makeshift shack where Boscha and her crew lounged. The self-proclaimed queen bee was floating lazily on sneakers with winged sides, holding court with her entourage.

"Ugh, just give up already," Boscha groaned, scrolling through her social feed. She sneered at a fellow teen attempting an aerial sit-up but failing miserably.

"I swear I can do it!" the boy protested, flipping awkwardly in the air. "I'm just having an off day!"

"Sure you can," Boscha deadpanned, snapping a picture for posterity.

Blue Finn watched the scene through a window, unimpressed. "They're more boring than I thought," he said, but King ignored him, striding into the room.

"I'll show Luz how to rule these dimwits," King muttered before raising his voice. "Bow before your king of humans!"

The boy attempting sit-ups hovered closer, glaring. "Nobody tells me what to do!"

"Ugh, shut it," Boscha snapped, silencing him. "New post: Loser human thinks she can hang out in our sacred treasure shack. Spoiler alert: she can't." She shot King a scornful look.

Blue Finn facepalmed from outside. "I should probably start brewing potions for when this inevitably goes wrong."

"Goody two-shoes, huh?" King quipped, slipping off his sneakers. The boy immediately plummeted face-first to the ground as King snatched the enchanted shoes.

Before Boscha could react, King flew out of the shack, grabbing Skara's bag of enchanted water balloons. "Hey, impressionable youths!" he yelled. "Under my command, you'll learn how to cause some real chaos!" He threw the entire bag into the town square, summoning a swarm of water tentacles that wrecked a nearby street.

The teens cheered. "All hail our new teen king!"

Boscha, however, was furious. "Who gave you permission to take over?"

King grinned smugly. "Alright, minions, let's go unleash some teenage angst!"

As the gang began pulling pranks on random townsfolk, Blue Finn groaned. "Great. I guess I'll have to use that method." He activated his magic, summoning dark, feathered wings from abomination goo. Taking to the skies, he shadowed the group, biding his time.

The inevitable came quickly. After leaving a trail of destruction, Boscha cornered King. "Enough! I don't know why they can't see what a weirdo loser you are, but I'll remind them."

"Ooooh, I'm so scared," King mocked. "What's next? A teen queen temper tantrum?"

Boscha smirked coldly. "No. I challenge you to a race around Dead Man's Curve!" She pointed to a treacherous path of crumbling bones in the distance, where lightning struck ominously. "And we'll be riding those!" She gestured to two monstrous rat-worm hybrids, snapping their jaws eagerly.

Skara tried to reason with King. "You don't have to do this. Humans are super fragile—"

"Don't baby me!" King shrugged her off. "Boscha, I accept your strange teenage coming-of-age challenge!"

Blue Finn watched, dumbfounded. "That's the stupidest thing I've seen King do today."

The race unfolded disastrously. Boscha took an early lead, while King struggled to control his rat-worm, colliding with every possible obstacle. Eventually, sheer luck—or Luz's latent athleticism—allowed him to pull ahead.

"Eat my dust!" King shouted as he passed Boscha, completely oblivious to the flashing caution sign warning of a massive gap ahead.

Moments later, he plummeted off the edge, screaming until he crashed through the roof of the treasure shack.

"Not the treasure shack!" Skara cried.

"Get HER!" Boscha ordered, rallying her gang to chase King.

"I can't handle the complexities of teenage life!" King wailed as he fled. "I just want my body back!"

Blue Finn shook his head, deciding to let King stew in his mess a little longer. "He could use the humility."

King's escape led him straight into the café where Eda and Yellow Finn were locked in battle with the elderly café owners.

"I have seriously underestimated these old ladies!" Yellow Finn yelled, dodging a broom that shattered a table.

"You think?!" Eda shouted, deflecting flying plates with a tray.

"Do you need help?" Blue Finn asked, stepping cautiously into the chaos.

"Nope, I've got this," Yellow Finn replied, grabbing more stolen cakes. "Just keep these safe."

Blue Finn sighed, collecting the treats. "I hope they've got pie, too."

Meanwhile, King ducked behind a counter, muttering, "Why is everyone out to get me today?"


Luz's Deals In Heels

Red Finn was engrossed in his book but kept glancing at Luz to ensure she didn't set the stand—or herself—on fire… again. What he witnessed instead was much more ridiculous.

"Woo, okay, let's try this again! And strut, strut, strut—whoa!" Luz was stumbling around, trying to adjust to Eda's body, specifically her first attempt at walking in heels. She tripped and knocked over a lamp.

Red Finn clapped. "Congratulations on your first steps!"

"How does Eda wear these all day?" Luz muttered, looking down at the shattered lamp. "Oh no, what have my heels done? Wait a second—I'm a ding-dang witch!"

"I'd think twice before casting a spell," Red Finn advised, flipping a page in his book. "Most of what you've seen Eda do is just a fraction of her power."

"Oh, please! I can handle it," Luz declared confidently. She attempted a spell to repair the lamp, only to accidentally summon a fire blast that launched her into the air, sending her crashing behind the table.

"Oh boy, you weren't kidding. Eda is powerful," she said, dusting herself off. She tried again, only to blast herself into a pile of boxes. "Ah! Not again!"

Determined, Luz donned two oven mitts with holes cut out for her index fingers. "Okay, let's try this again." She cast another spell, but instead of fixing the lamp, she created a bizarre lamp monster with legs.

"Whoa… I made magic with my hands!" Luz exclaimed, thrilled despite the unexpected outcome. At least she didn't burn herself this time.

"Ooo, so unnecessarily extravagant! I'll take it," said a passerby, marveling at the monster lamp.

Luz beamed. "Zippo swappo, sold to the savvy shopper!"

Red Finn frowned. "You're playing with fire, Luz. Selling junk is one thing, but selling weird magical creations is another."

Rolling her eyes, Luz dismissed his warning. "Okay, magic hands, let's see what else we can conjure." With a puff of yellow smoke, she summoned a big, flashy sign with lights, a flashing arrow, and an animated picture of Eda in a top hat. She topped it off by wearing a hat with EDA written boldly across the band. "Step right up and feast your eyes on the marvels of the human realm!"

Red Finn shook his head. "There's no way this will work."

To his surprise, a crowd quickly gathered, and Luz sold nearly everything. He stared at the growing pile of snails. "I know this will bite us later, but you can't argue with results."

After waving off her latest customer, Luz smirked at Finn. "Take it from me, Eda: the Boiling Isles' gift to magic!"

A cloaked figure approached. "Is that right? You're the famous Eda the Owl Lady?"

"Depends. Are you a fan? Of magic?" Luz pulled a bouquet of smiling flowers from her hat.

"No, but I am a fan of the law!" The figure threw off his cloak, revealing himself as a Coven Guard. The flowers wilted as he cuffed Luz.

Another guard joined in, trapping her. "We finally caught you in the act, thanks to your little light show!"

Luz smirked, an idea forming. "Gentlemen, how about we forget this ever happened? Amnesia spell!" She attempted another spell but summoned a giant pacifier instead.

She glanced around nervously. "Uh, Finn? Little help?" But Red Finn was nowhere to be seen. "DID YOU JUST ABANDON ME?!"

With no choice, Luz was dragged off to the Coven Guard precinct.


Red Finn hid nearby, following Luz from a distance. "This isn't exactly my idea of a fun rescue mission," he muttered. He stopped at the precinct entrance, using his oracle magic to pinpoint which room Luz was in. Taking a deep breath, he summoned stones and bricks to form armor around himself and charged straight into the interrogation room.


Debris filled the air.

"What in the name of the Titan just happened?!" Lilith coughed as the dust settled. She froze upon recognizing the intruder. "Finn!? What are you doing here?"

Red Finn approached her calmly. "Mentor, it's been a while." Bowing his head, he added, "I've decided to renounce wild magic and humbly ask to become your apprentice again."

Lilith's eyes lit up with excitement. "I knew you'd see reason eventually! Not only will I help my sister reform, but I'll regain my most gifted student!"

She extended a hand to help him up. Red Finn smiled as he stood, then pulled her into a hug. Whispering into her ear, he said, "Yeah, sorry about this next part. Abomination rope snare!"

Purple goo materialized, binding Lilith and sending her toppling to the floor.

"Alright, Luz! Grab Owlbert, and let's go!"

"Owlbert, come to me!" Luz called. The little staff burst from its cell, and she snatched it. Together, they bolted through the hole Finn had created.

Lilith freed herself, fuming. "AFTER THEM!" she shouted to the guards.

As Luz and Finn ran through the streets, Luz asked, "What now?!"

"The other me's are nearby," Finn said, pointing to a café. Through the window, they saw Eda and King. Entering the café, they found chaos: Yellow Finn was dodging flying plates, while Blue Finn stuffed pastries into a bag.

"Do I even want to ask?" Red Finn sighed.

The two other Finns shook their heads.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Red Finn held out his hands. In a flash of light, the three Finns merged back into one.

"Lady staff mode—NOW FLASHBANG!" Finn shouted, creating a blinding light. As the café owners staggered in confusion, Finn yelled, "King, grab Eda! Time to go!"

Reunited and running for their lives, the group found themselves cornered by Lilith, two Coven Guards, and a Cerberus.

"There they are!" Lilith shouted.

Their escape route was then blocked by Boscha and her entourage, flying in.

"Dang, I forgot about them," King muttered.

Eda groaned, exasperated. "Alright, did everyone learn a valuable lesson about experiencing each other's hardships?"

"Yup," Luz and King answered in unison.

"Good! Now let's end this nightmare—BODY SWAP!" Eda threw her staff into the air, casting a spell to return everyone to their original bodies.

"My body! My glorious little body!" King exclaimed, hugging himself.

Lilith pointed angrily at Eda. "Sister! Time and again, I've offered my help, yet you insist on clinging to your pitiful life! I'm done trying, Edalyn. This ends now!"

Turning to Finn, she added, "And you! I can't believe you chose her over me as a mentor!"

Finn shrugged. "She's more fun with magic."

"First off, thanks, Finn!" Eda grinned. Then, deadpanning, she added, "And thanks, Luz, for getting caught by Lily."

"Sorry," Luz mumbled sheepishly.

"Don't worry. I've got this—BODY SWAP!" Eda cast another spell, swapping the bodies of everyone around them, leaving Lilith and her entourage in complete confusion.

"Eda," Luz said as they mounted Owlbert, "with you guys, everything feels a little less mixed up."

"Aww, that's sweet, kid," Eda replied. "Now let's never speak of this again."

The group flew off, leaving their pursuers in disarray.


Back at the Owl House, Luz broke the silence. "So… who's going to clean Hooty? It's getting dire."

Finn crossed his arms. "Oh, that's easy: all of you. Since you failed this little experiment and I had to save each of you all day, you're all cleaning Hooty while I enjoy my desserts."

"But—" Eda, Luz, and King protested in unison.

"NO!" Finn snapped. "I had to deal with life-or-death situations all day because of you three. Now, get to it!"

Hooty poked his head out, excited. "Oh hey, guys! Time for my monthly cleaning! Don't worry, I'm only about twenty percent mucus this time!"

"UGH!" the three groaned in unison as Finn strolled inside, pastries in hand.

For some of the future chapters I plan to change most, if not all of the story. I mean most of season 1 was filler.

Ninja_Knight_808creators' thoughts