
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Michael's POV

“What?” I asked. Without thinking, I threw my blanket away and stood up.

“She is not in her bed. James is already gone searching for her. I'm going to go and inform Alpha Samuel. Hurry up.” He said and my confusion turned into rage.

“How the hell did she get out? Didn't I tell you to guard her every time? Did you see her leaving?” I asked him. Adan looked ashamed and annoyed at the same time.

“Just go after her. We'll talk later!” He almost yelled at me, and that made me angry even though he was right. I needed to leave and find her instead standing here and asking stupid questions. Hence, I walked out of the room to go to the guest bedroom, while Adan left to tell my dad. Adan should be punished for neglecting my command and not taking it seriously. Maybe I'm not strong as alpha but my command is also important as for being an alpha's son.

Anyway, I ran into the guest bedroom and stilled for a moment. To get a whiff of her. My head snapped towards the window.

She left from the window.

I walked towards it and put my hands on both sides of the window. Then inhaled deeply. And I felt my eyes changing colors and my bones cracking.

I jumped out of the window and landed on the ground as a white wolf. Without further ado, I started to run after her. I tracked her through the scent and followed after it as fast as I could.

I didn't understand why she ran away from our home. Was she scared that something would happen to her? From the excuse I made? That a friend of those bastards might come after her? To harm her? But I assured her that she would be safe with me, so why did she run away from us?

Hold on a second.

What if she was kidnapped by someone? A rogue? Human? Or a hunter? Shit! Anything was possible. Why did I not keep a close eye on her myself? Why?! It's all my fault. Now what will happen if she is actually kidnapped by someone? What if she gets lost?

Thinking this made me run faster. I ran as fast as I could. My head bobbed up and down with the speed I was running in. Tearing the cold air in between. My white fur swayed in the air along with air as I changed directions.

Suddenly, I heard a loud growl. I recognized the growl in like nano — seconds. It was James. I ran towards the voice and mind linked to James. We were in proximity.

“She's close. Her scent is getting stronger. Come this way and follow me.” He said and I raced towards James. I caught after him by running just a minute. He was running after her. I caught the whiff of her smell as well and felt that it was indeed getting closer and stronger.

I ran side by side with him and saw her figure, far from us but close enough to be seen by our wolf vision. She was running away, barefoot.

My wolf growled at the same time as James. Maybe she heard our growl or footsteps or felt our presence because she halted in her steps and frantically looked around her. Her expressions were scared and nervous. She turned straight ahead and started to run away again.

This time none of us left the chance and ran towards her at full speed. It was like we were competing with each other, which I think we were.

I chased after her but James got to her faster than me. He was on her in seconds. While I was only a few seconds behind. James gave her a push, not gentle but not as hard. She took the blow from James and fell on the ground face down. She turned around and screamed, seeing two big white wolves on her. Then she tried to scramble away. But I stopped her by forcing a paw on her chest. I pushed her back down, so she laid flat on the ground. I didn't impose too much weight on her so that I didn't crush her beneath my paw but pushed hard enough so that she could not move or get up. I brought my nose down to her neck and suddenly had the strongest urge to mark her then and there. To claim her as mine. So she could not run away from me and my life.

She continued to cry and thrash to get away from us but none moved back. Suddenly, a bright light landed on us. And it seemed like the moon shone a bit too bright. Like it was glowing.

I tried to look straight at it but it was too bright. Even my wolf could not look at it. It was too powerful.

What was happening?

Then I heard a sweet voice…

“A betrayal like never before,

A glory that was never written before…

This girl will define what happens in the future,

One to decide the fate of you all…

And she will determine who will become the next 'Alpha'.”

The bright light that almost blinded me, vanished in an instant along with my voice. And without realizing, my wolf started to change. I tried hard to not give in but it was like that I lost control over myself. I did not have any choice over it.

My wolf started depleting into itself and my human form started emerging. I was heaving out breaths like I just ran miles. I looked towards James and saw his situation was the same as mine. He was in his human form as well and his chest was also heaving from the deep breaths that he was taking. He glanced at me and gave me the same look that I knew that I have on my face. A look of disbelief.

We had heard the Moon Goddess speak.

She told us our destiny.

Linda would decide who'll become the next Alpha.

We looked at Linda who was looking at us with horrified expressions.

“You two? Werewolves?” She said but none of us replied. And then she fainted.