
Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Michael's POV

"I will tell her."

James said to our father and I gave him a condemning look. Like you would, I thought.

"We will tell her."

I said to my father. Enforcing the word, 'We'. James looked at me and I saw an annoying expression flashed on his face. Like it always does. I felt myself smirk from the inside. Dad shook his head at us. I knew what he was thinking. Why his sons turned out to be the way we did. We were totally different from what twins should behave like. We were not the die - for - each - other type, but we were - do - anything - to - turn - each - other - down type. We always dragged each other down, instead of pulling each other up like any normal twin brothers should do.

But we were anything but normal.

He must be wondering when we will grow up and start liking each other. Like normal brothers should. I wanted to give him the answer but I kept it to myself.

Never dad.

That's never going to happen.

I and James bowed our head and left the room to go to Linda. We entered the guest bedroom together. I was thinking that Linda would be unconscious like the last time but to my surprise she was conscious and was sitting on the bed.

She looked dehydrated and pale. Like she was deprived of sleep. She also looked exhausted. Which she probably was, especially from the run she took to get away from us.

When I looked at her, I felt a little twitch in my heart at the thought that she tried to run away from us. I could not fathom the thought that she almost succeeded in her little escape. Why would she even try to get away from us?

Dr. Moore was checking her. When he was done with his check up, he stood up.

"Nothing serious. You just fainted because of stress and exhaustion. Try not to stress yourself too much. It is the second time in raw that you fainted. It's not good for your health. You need to take care of yourself more."

Dr. Moore told Linda while giving her a kind smile. Then he turned to us.

"You can talk to her. Just don't stress her out. She's weak. Don't push her and give her more stress."

Dr. Moore told us softly but his voice held a note of warning. His intention was clear that he would not accept it if we pushed Linda, again, into more stress. His message was clear that we will have to deal with him if we mess up with Linda's health. His warning was worth taking. After all, he was the only doctor my dad trusted with family members' health. And he was the only one who had this much experience in his field of work than others. Any doctor who was as passionate as Dr. Moore about their job, would get angry over their patients' health.

I gave a brief nod to him and Dr. Moore left the room.

I walked over to Linda leisurely and saw her squirm uncomfortably under my scrutinizing gaze. She was looking everywhere but at us. James walked over and sat on the side of the bed, near Linda. Linda looked at me with a guilty face and horrifying eyes. l walked closer and stood at the side of the bed. Arms crossed, like I was ready to interrogate a criminal, but I wasn't. I can literally feel how scared she was.

James reached over his hand to tuck the hair that was on her cheek, behind her ear, but she flinched away even before he actually touched her.

Her reaction hurt him, I could see it on his face, but he hid it before she could see that and still tucked her hair behind her ear.

"How are you feeling?"

He asked her. I felt her tremble in fear and James snatched his hand back. She moved her head back and spoke in a weak, trembling voice, "Don't touch me."

She looked from James to me to back James.

"You're werewolves?" She asked. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself protectively.

"Am I going crazy? I saw you both turn into humans? Was I hallucinating? But I did see you both. With my own eyes." It was like she was babbling to herself.

"Yes, we are. Except for the fact that we don't need the full moon for us to turn into a wolf and that we control our wolves."

l said and Linda's head snapped to my side. She appeared shocked by the fact. Even though she saw it herself, from her own eyes, when we turned into humans from wolves.

"What... ? Really... ?"

She asked in almost disbelief. I tried to stop it, but a chuckle managed to escape from me. This time she turned to me. With a look of offense on her. Though she also looked slightly curious.

"What you saw was true. We are wolves." I told her. A look of nervousness came on her face. I could even feel her nervousness. In my gut, I knew that she would not accept it easily.

"That's not possible. Werewolves or wolves, whatever you are, don't exist. There's no such thing." She said, denying it completely.

And I found it cute. I did not know what she was doing? At first, she made us confess that what she saw was true. Then she tried to convince herself that she was imagining things. Now she is again trying to deny the fact that we are wolves. I could not help but smiled at her.

"Then we are not. If you don't want to believe that." James said softly. I did not like him talking to her but I didn't want to start a fight hence I just clenched my fist and controlled my annoyance.

"But..." Linda started but James cut her off sentence in the middle.

"Why did you try to leave?" He asked, abruptly. His question gave me a pause, in my thoughts.



Why did she run away? I almost forgot it myself. In the chaos of chasing and saving her, this question left my mind. I wanted to know why she tried to run away like that. Now, my whole attention was on Linda.

"Uh..., Umm..." Linda started but no word came out of her mouth. I knew she was nervous that we would get angry and would do something to her.

James grabbed her hand and gave a firm squeeze. His eyes were gentle when he coaxed her with his words.

"Don't worry. We won't do anything. Just tell us the real reason. Why did you try to escape? We were worried about you." He said and I felt like I would lose my temper any moment. He was saying the words that I should have said. Damn him.

Suddenly, Linda looked at us like she was seeing us for the first time. Like she was seeing us in the new light. Like she knew something that she didn't before.

"Who ARE you both? I know that you both are hiding something from me. You do KNOW me? Right? That's why you came to save me that night. No one was there and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you both appeared to save me. Like you knew where I was and what situation I was in?" She threw the blanket away and stood up. She started backing away from us into the corner. James stood up as well and I untangled my arms while I turned to Linda.

"Who are you both? And what do you want?" She asked in an extremely trembling tone with her hands wrapped around her.

"Linda, We..." I started but was shut off by the shouting question.

"WHO ARE YOU?" She shouted the question at us. James and I looked at her and said at the same time.

"We are your mates."

A long silence descended over us where the only voice that could be heard was Linda's heavy breathing. Then a weak voice spoke, "What?"

"Why don't we make a deal? First, you tell us the reason you tried to run away, and then we'll tell you everything that is going on?" James asked quietly. Linda didn't say anything for a good few seconds, but then she finally nodded.

"Fine." She said, exhaling a deep breath.

"Fine. I'll tell you why I tried to escape but how can I believe that you are not lying again." She asked and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"When did we ever lie to you?" I asked her. She gave me a mean look.

"Don't try to fool me. I already know." She said and I wanted to argue but James' voice stopped me.

"Fine. We won't lie. About anything. Both of us swear on Moon Goddess. Our species never breaks an oath that is taken on the Moon Goddess or else we will be burned alive." He said and for a second I felt like it was wrong to take an oath on the Moon Goddess, it's not a little thing to do, but then I reluctantly agreed.

"I take an oath on the Moon Goddess that I will only speak the truth to you." James and I took the oath at the same time.

Listening to our oath, Linda seemed to ease out a bit. Just a bit. I knew that she still didn't believe us. Not completely, at least.

"I heard the conversation between you and your dad, in the morning. When he asked you to keep me here." She said.