
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty


My whole body throbbed, aching from so many places that I could not even decide which place had hit worse.

The finger that Elijah had chopped off from his sharp blade was losing blood. And I was pretty sure that, by the way it was losing blood from different cuts across my body, I would die soon.

The worst had happened. Elijah had tried his best to get the words out of my mouth but did not succeed. He did not get anything. Same goes for the twins.

I let out a low laugh. It was the best feeling. Proving someone wrong. Especially a cocky, arrogant and self — absorbed person.

I remembered Elijah's face when he mocked me, provoked me, beat me, cut me, trying his utter best to get some sort of response out of me but was unable to get one. I remembered how he had gotten so angry, realizing that he was failing his task, that he cut my finger off and walked out.

And I remembered the twins.

And I remembered the Hurt.