
Between TV shows (the OC, Gossip Girl, House m.d... )

This is a novel where shows such as the following are mixed together: Gossip Girl, the OC, in the future House, Grey's Anatomy.... Recommend a TV show that you would like to include in the novel, maybe there is one that I could include but I don't know it or I wouldn't have thought of it. You can comment whatever you want, always with respect, I will be attentive, if the novel works well I will continue writing it.

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13 Chs

Chapter 10

We head for the motel across the open field. Summer and I enter the lobby, a small, cluttered place with a reception desk that looks like it's from another era. An older man with glasses and a disinterested attitude sits behind the counter.

"Good evening," I say, trying to sound friendly. "We need some rooms for the night. We had a problem with our car."

The man looks at us over his glasses and then nods slowly. "We have rooms. How many do you need?"

"Three, please," Summer replies before I can say anything.

The receptionist looks at us and says, "We only have one single room left and one room with a fold-out bed and sofa."

"We'll take them," I say. The receptionist hands us the keys and we walk out to meet the others. "Well, we have rooms," I announce.

"Thanks, Alex," Ryan says, carrying one of the suitcases.

We head toward the rooms, quickly spreading out. Summer and I settle into the single room, while Seth and Anna take the bed, and Ryan and Marissa stay on the couch.

Once settled, we all gather in Seth and Anna's room to plan what to do next. The room is small, with uncomfortable beds and dated decor, but at least it's a place to rest.

"Well, it's not exactly the luxury we were hoping for," Seth says, looking around with a grimace.

"But at least we have a place to stay," Anna replies, trying to look on the bright side.

"Tomorrow we get up early and finish the trip to Tijuana."

Back in our room, which is a little smaller than the others, Summer breaks the silence. "I'm ready. Do you want to do it?" she asks, looking at me with desire.

"Of course I do." I give her a passionate kiss and lift her up to take her to bed, where we spend the night together.

< --- >

We wake up early, ready to continue our trip to Tijuana. After breakfast at a small local café, we head back to Seth's car to see if it is repaired yet. To our good fortune, the mechanic has already finished fixing the tire.

"Perfect! Now yes, Tijuana awaits us!" exclaims Seth excitedly.

We climb into the cars and are finally on our way. The ride is lively, with music, conversation, and laughter. The excitement is palpable when we finally reach the border and cross into Mexico.

Tijuana is everything we expected and more. The city is full of life, with colorful markets, delicious restaurants, and a vibrant nightlife. We decide to spend the day exploring, enjoying all that the city has to offer.

We visit the market, where we buy souvenirs and sample local food. Then we spend the afternoon at the beach, swimming and playing volleyball. It is a perfect day, full of sunshine and laughter.

< --- >

In the evening, the real adventure begins when night falls. We decide to go to a popular club, known for its live music and lively atmosphere. The place is packed, but we manage to find a table near the dance floor.

"This is amazing!" shouts Marissa over the music.

"Yeah, this was a great idea!" adds Ryan, smiling.

We dance and laugh, soon finding ourselves on the dance floor, moving to the beat.

"Come on, Alex, show off your moves!" says Summer, pulling me toward the center of the floor.

"I'm not much of a dancer, but I'll try," I reply, laughing.

In the middle of the party, I notice Holly trying to seduce Luke again, telling him that Marissa isn't even there. Seth, Summer, Ryan, and Marissa arrive and start drinking, not realizing what's going on.

Holly and Luke are dancing together and kissing when Marissa sees them. "How could you do this to me, Luke?" Marissa exclaims in a broken voice, approaching the couple.

Luke breaks away from Holly, shocked and embarrassed. "Marissa, it's not what it looks like..."

"Oh, no?" Marissa interrupts him, her hurt turning to anger. "You're just saying that because you got caught."

Holly, smiling disdainfully, steps forward. "Wow, Marissa, I didn't know you cared so much."

"I never want to see you again!" Marissa yells back, turning her back on them.

Summer, who was watching the scene from a distance, rushes over. "You're such a bitch, Holly."

Holly laughs and sneers back, "Luke sleeps with everyone, Marissa. Everyone knows that."

Marissa turns to Luke, her eyes filled with tears. "Is that true?"

Luke tries to approach her, but Marissa quickly pulls away. "Marissa, please, let me explain."

"Get away from me!" shouts Marissa before running out of the club, pushing through the crowd around her.

Summer, furious, lunges toward Holly and gives her a shove. "Don't you ever go near her again!"

I run over and grab Summer by the shoulders, pulling her away. "Summer, calm down. She's not worth it."

Luke tries to follow Marissa, but Ryan appears out of nowhere and stops him, pushing him against the wall. "You don't deserve Marissa." Without a second thought, Ryan punches him in the face, leaving Luke stunned.

The fight attracts the attention of others in the club, and soon a melee forms. Luke, enraged, lunges at Ryan but is stopped by other guys who start fighting each other. The club descends into chaos.

"We have to find Marissa!" yells Seth. Together with Summer, Ryan, Anna, and I, we run out of the club, splitting up to look for her.

< --- >

Summer finds Marissa in the hotel room, curled up on the bed and crying inconsolably. She goes over and hugs her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Marissa. I'm here for you," Summer whispers, stroking her hair.

"I slept with Luke," Marissa says between sobs. "I'm so embarrassed."

"You don't have to feel that way," Summer replies softly. "We should go home."

"I can't," Marissa says, sobbing even harder. "I don't have anyone."

Summer gets up to get some water and sees the bottle of painkillers she had bought for her stepmother. As she returns to the bed, she notices that the bottle is missing.

"Marissa, where are the pills?" asks Summer with concern.

She receives no answer. Marissa is not in bed. The bedroom door is wide open. Panic seizes Summer.

"Marissa!" shouts Summer, running down the hallway.

She finds Seth and Ryan in the hallway. "She's gone. She took the pills!"

"We have to find her, fast!" says Ryan, and the three of them scatter again, searching desperately.

< --- > 

After scouring all the nearby places, we frantically search for her until Ryan finds her lying in an alley.

"Marissa, please wake up!" cries Ryan, desperate.

Summer begins to cry, in shock. "No... it can't be..."

I quickly go to check on her, assess her pulse by placing two fingers over her carotid artery. "She's alive, but has a weak pulse. Quickly, call an ambulance," I say, seeing Seth transfixed at Anna's side.

<---------------------------------- >

Author's Note:

Tell me what you want to see in the next chapters, give some ideas.

Comment if there is anything you would like to add now or in the future. Don't be shy ;D