
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 43 - Peace and Liberty

05.25 Hours, June 3rd, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth Space.

The convoy rolled out at dawn, a line of armored vehicles kicking up dust against the backdrop of a slowly brightening sky. Marcus sat in the lead vehicle, his focus sharp as he monitored the landscape, the maps, and his team's communications.

"Stay sharp, everyone," Marcus's voice crackled over the radio, tension threading through the calm of his command. "We're heading into unknown territory, and I don't want any surprises."

In the back of the same vehicle, Ava adjusted her headset, her fingers dancing over a portable terminal, intercepting and deciphering signals. "All clear so far, Marcus. But keep your eyes peeled. This area's been too quiet."

Jack, driving a vehicle in the middle of the convoy, kept his gaze fixed on the winding path ahead. The radio buzzed again with Elena's voice from another vehicle, "Remember, folks, we're not just fighting for land; we're fighting for our future. Let's make every move count."

The convoy halted near the outskirts of the abandoned Automaton factory. The structures loomed ominously, their silhouettes stark against the sky. The group disembarked, their boots crunching on gravel, every sound magnified in the still air.

Marcus surveyed the area with a critical eye, motioning for his team to take defensive positions. "Jack, Elena, you're with me. Ava, keep the comms live. We need to know the moment anything changes."

The trio approached the main entrance, their weapons ready. Inside, the factory was a cavernous space, shadows clinging to the corners and machinery like specters of the past. Elena's flashlight sliced through the darkness, revealing rows of dormant Automatons, their once-menacing forms now just silent sentinels.

"Creepy, isn't it?" Elena whispered, her light lingering on a disassembled robot. "These things used to run the show."

Jack nodded, his scanner emitting a low hum as he searched for any operational power sources. "Looks dead for now. But let's see if anyone's been tampering with the tech."

As they delved deeper, the evidence became undeniable. Tools and parts were scattered in a makeshift workspace – someone had been trying to piece the Automatons back together.

"Damn scavengers," Marcus muttered, his voice low but fierce. "They think they can control what nearly wiped us out?"

They were interrupted by a sudden crackle over their radios, Ava's voice urgent, "Heads up! You've got company. Looks like an armed group approaching from the north-east."

"Positions!" Marcus commanded, as they quickly retreated to the entrance, taking cover among the heavy machinery.

The intruders were a ragtag group, armed but cautious, clearly not expecting a warm welcome. Their leader, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, called out, "We don't want trouble! We're just looking for tech to trade!"

Marcus stepped out from cover, his weapon still trained on the group. "This tech? It's what's left of the machines that almost ended humanity. And you want to trade it?"

The man shrugged, a grim smile on his face. "Everyone's trying to survive, Commander. Maybe we can help each other out."

The tension simmered as Marcus assessed the situation, his mind racing. Finally, he lowered his weapon slightly, signaling his team to do the same. "Talk fast. What are you offering?"

Back at the camp, Sarah received the first of the injured, her medical team moving efficiently as they stabilized a young scout with a leg wound. "You're going to be fine," she assured the scout, her hands steady as she applied a bandage. "Just a flesh wound. You're tougher than you look."

As the negotiations unfolded at the factory, Marcus knew any alliance was tenuous at best. But with the world in shards around them, every small pact was a step toward something bigger—a future where humanity might once again thrive.