
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 127: Coldness of Battle

Jack Steele stood at the edge of the base, the morning mist rising from the ground, shrouding everything in an eerie calm. His mind raced with the weight of the previous night's revelations. The traitor in their midst was more than a threat—it was a festering wound that could bring their entire operation to its knees.


"Sir, we've traced the signal," Zara's voice broke through the tension. She approached with a tablet in hand, her eyes reflecting the same determined fire as his.

Jack looked at the screen, a series of coordinates flashing. "Where does it lead?"

Zara's expression tightened. "It's coming from within our ranks. A location inside the barracks."


In the barracks, soldiers moved with a mixture of exhaustion and alertness. Vasquez and Reyes were cleaning their gear, their usual banter muted by the unspoken tension.

"You feel it too, right?" Vasquez muttered, glancing around.

Reyes nodded, his grip on the rifle tightening. "Yeah. Something's off. Can't put my finger on it, but it's there."


Jack and Zara entered the barracks, their presence commanding immediate attention. Jack's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of guilt or fear.

"Listen up," Jack's voice cut through the air. "We have a traitor among us. Someone who has been feeding information to the enemy. We're going to find out who it is, and they will answer for their betrayal."


A murmur rippled through the soldiers, a mix of shock and anger. Jack could see the fear in their eyes, but also the resolve. These were his people, and they would stand together.

Zara stepped forward, holding the tablet aloft. "The signal was traced to this location. We're going to run checks on every comm device. No exceptions."


As the checks began, Jack moved through the room, his presence a comforting anchor for the soldiers. He paused by Mark, who was helping Dr. Bryce set up a makeshift triage station.

"You holding up?" Jack asked, his voice softer.

Mark nodded, his eyes steady. "Yeah. We'll get through this."

Bryce looked up, her expression a mix of weariness and determination. "We always do."


Hours passed, each moment stretching into an eternity. The tension was palpable, an invisible hand tightening around everyone's throat. Finally, Zara approached Jack, her face grim.

"We found something," she said quietly, leading him to a corner of the barracks. A young soldier stood there, trembling, eyes wide with fear.

Jack stepped forward, his voice low and dangerous. "Is this true? Have you been working with the enemy?"

The soldier's eyes darted around, desperate for an escape. "I... I had no choice. They have my family. They said they'd kill them if I didn't help."


Jack's anger flared, but he forced it down. "You should have come to us. We could have helped you."

Tears streamed down the soldier's face. "I didn't know who to trust. I'm sorry."

Jack sighed, a heavy sadness settling in his chest. "We'll deal with this. But you have to tell us everything. Every contact, every piece of information you've given them."


The debrief was intense, every detail dissected and analyzed. The soldier's betrayal had cost them dearly, but it also provided invaluable intel about the enemy's plans and movements.

Back in the command center, Jack and Zara reviewed the new data. "This could give us the edge we need," Zara said, her voice hopeful.

Jack nodded, though his mind was already racing ahead. "We need to act fast. Use this to strike back before they realize we know."


Outside, the base was coming alive with the preparations for the next mission. Soldiers moved with renewed purpose, their resolve steeled by the knowledge of the enemy within.

Vasquez and Reyes were among them, their bond stronger than ever. "You think we'll ever get a break?" Vasquez asked, a weary smile on her face.

Reyes shrugged, his grin mirroring hers. "Maybe when we're old and grey. But until then, we fight."


As the sun set, casting long shadows over the base, Jack gathered his team. "We have new intel. We know where to hit them, and we know how. This is our chance to turn the tide."

The team responded with a chorus of agreement, their trust in Jack unwavering. They were ready, and they would follow him into the depths of hell if necessary.

Jack's eyes met Zara's, a silent understanding passing between them. The fight was far from over, but they were ready. Together, they would face whatever came next, and they would emerge victorious.

Because that's what they did. They fought, they survived, and they triumphed.