
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 126: Betrayal and Sorrow

The early morning sun cast a golden hue over the base, but the light did little to dispel the lingering tension from the night's ambush. Jack Steele stood in the command center, watching the holographic display flicker with tactical overlays and troop movements. Zara was beside him, her fingers flying over the console, analyzing data with a laser focus.


"Any signs they followed us back?" Jack asked, his voice low and urgent.

Zara shook her head, not looking up from the screen. "No, but I don't like it. They were too close, too prepared."

Jack nodded, his jaw tight. "We need to tighten security. Any word from the patrols?"

"Nothing yet," Zara replied. "But I've got a bad feeling about this."


Outside, the base was a hive of activity. Soldiers moved with purpose, checking weapons, securing perimeter defenses, and preparing for whatever came next. Vasquez and Reyes were among them, their camaraderie unbroken by the night's events.

"Think they'll hit us again tonight?" Vasquez asked, her voice casual but her eyes sharp.

"Wouldn't put it past them," Reyes replied, slamming a fresh magazine into his rifle. "But we'll be ready."


In the infirmary, Dr. Bryce was tending to the wounded from the ambush. Mark sat on a cot, his arm bandaged but his spirit unbroken. He watched as Bryce moved from patient to patient, her touch gentle but efficient.

"You should get some rest," he said, concern in his voice.

Bryce shook her head. "No time for that. Not until everyone's patched up."

Mark smiled, admiration in his eyes. "You're a hell of a doc, you know that?"

Bryce paused, giving him a tired but genuine smile. "Just doing my part, like everyone else."


Back in the command center, Jack and Zara were joined by Lieutenant Harris, who had just returned from a reconnaissance mission. His face was grim, and Jack knew it wasn't good news.

"What did you find?" Jack asked, leaning forward.

Harris sighed. "Tracks, lots of them. They're moving in larger numbers, and it looks like they're regrouping."

Jack's mind raced. "How much time do we have?"

"Not much," Harris replied. "A day, maybe two."


Jack turned to Zara. "We need to hit that supply depot. Now."

Zara nodded, already preparing the mission parameters. "I'll assemble the team."

Jack's voice was resolute. "And this time, we make sure they don't see us coming."


As preparations were made, Jack took a moment to gather his thoughts. The ambush had shaken them, but it had also revealed a weakness. Someone within their ranks was feeding information to the enemy. Trust was a fragile thing, and now it was strained to the breaking point.

He found Bryce in the infirmary, her face lined with exhaustion but still determined. "How's it going in here?" he asked, his voice softer than usual.

Bryce looked up, her eyes meeting his. "We're managing. But we lost a few good people last night."

Jack's heart ached at the thought. "We're going to find who did this," he promised. "And we're going to stop them."

Bryce nodded, a fierce light in her eyes. "I know we will."


The team assembled in the briefing room, the air thick with anticipation. Jack outlined the plan, his voice steady and commanding. They would strike the supply depot, cut off the enemy's resources, and then root out the traitor in their midst.

"We move fast, hit hard, and get out," Jack said, his eyes scanning the room. "Any questions?"

Vasquez raised a hand. "What do we do if we find the mole?"

Jack's expression hardened. "We bring them in, alive. I want answers."


The team moved out under the cover of darkness, their silhouettes blending with the night. Jack led the way, every step calculated, every sense on high alert. The forest was silent, the only sound the soft crunch of leaves underfoot.

They reached the supply depot just before dawn, the enemy unaware of their approach. Jack signaled for the team to spread out, each member taking up a strategic position. He could see the guards, their movements lax, unaware of the imminent danger.


Jack's heart pounded in his chest as he raised his rifle, the crosshairs settling on a target. He gave the signal, and the team moved as one, a deadly symphony of precision and power.

The guards fell without a sound, and the team swept through the depot, planting charges and gathering intel. Jack moved with purpose, his mind focused on the mission but aware of the larger picture.


As the last charge was set, Jack gave the order to retreat. They moved swiftly, the night covering their escape. The depot erupted in flames behind them, the explosion lighting up the sky.

Back at base, Jack gathered the team. "Good work," he said, his voice firm but laced with weariness. "But we're not done yet. We need to find the traitor."

Zara stepped forward. "I've been going through the logs. There's something off about the comms during the ambush."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"


Zara pulled up the data. "There was a signal, faint but there. Someone was communicating with the enemy."

Jack's fists clenched. "We need to trace it. Now."

As the team dispersed to their tasks, Jack felt a steely resolve settle over him. They would find the traitor, and they would make them pay. The war was far from over, and the shadows of betrayal loomed large.

But Jack Steele was not a man who backed down. He would face the darkness head-on, and he would lead his team through it, no matter the cost. Because that was what they did. They fought, they survived, and they triumphed. Together.