
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 125: Brutal War

The base buzzed with the aftermath of their daring assault. Jack Steele walked through the makeshift infirmary, the moans of the wounded mingling with the low hum of medical equipment. He nodded to the medics, their faces haggard but focused. His team had made it back, but not without scars.


Dr. Bryce stood over a table, her hands moving deftly as she stitched a wound on Mark's arm. He winced but stayed silent, his eyes locked on the ceiling.

"Almost done," Bryce murmured, her voice soothing. "You did good out there."

Mark grunted in acknowledgment, his face pale but resolute. "Just doing my part."


Jack continued to the command center, where Zara was already analyzing the data from their mission. Holo-displays flickered with tactical maps and enemy movements. She looked up as he entered, her expression grim.

"We disrupted their operations, but it's only a matter of time before they regroup," she said, her voice edged with worry.

Jack nodded, studying the maps. "We need to hit them harder, keep them off balance. What about the new intel?"

Zara pointed to a section of the map. "There's a supply depot here. If we take it out, it'll cripple their advance."


Across the room, Vasquez and Reyes were cleaning their weapons, their conversation low but intense. Jack caught snippets of their banter, a reminder of the bond that held his team together.

"Think we'll ever get a break?" Vasquez asked, her tone half-joking.

Reyes shrugged. "Breaks are for peacetime. This is war."


Jack's thoughts were interrupted by an urgent message from the lookout towers. A small recon drone had picked up unusual movement on the outskirts of their territory. Jack's gut tightened with the familiar mix of anticipation and dread.

"Let's check it out," he said to Zara. "Get a team ready."


Minutes later, they were in a transport, speeding towards the coordinates. The night air was cool, the sky a dark, endless expanse. Jack scanned the horizon, the sense of something unseen and dangerous pressing in.

They disembarked silently, moving through the underbrush with practiced ease. The drone's feed showed faint signs of movement, shadows flitting between trees. Jack signaled for the team to halt, his eyes narrowing as he peered into the darkness.


"See anything?" Vasquez whispered, her voice barely audible.

Jack shook his head, motioning for silence. He crept forward, every sense on high alert. The night was still, the only sound the faint rustle of leaves.

Then, without warning, the ground erupted in a flash of movement. Terminids, sleek and deadly, burst from their hiding places, their eyes glowing with an eerie light.


"Ambush!" Jack shouted, diving for cover as plasma bolts seared the air. The team scattered, returning fire with lethal precision. The night was lit with the staccato bursts of gunfire and the alien hum of Terminid weaponry.

Zara's voice crackled over the comms. "We need to fall back, regroup at the ridge!"

Jack's heart pounded as he fought his way through the chaos, his team moving in a tight, coordinated retreat. They reached the ridge, ducking behind the natural cover.


"Status report!" Jack barked, his eyes scanning for any sign of pursuit.

"We're all here," Vasquez panted, her face streaked with dirt and sweat. "What the hell were they doing out here?"

Bryce, who had taken a position next to Zara, frowned. "This isn't their usual pattern. They were waiting for us."

Jack's mind raced. "They knew we were coming. Someone tipped them off."


As they regrouped, the night settled into an uneasy quiet. The Terminid ambush had been too precise, too coordinated. There was a new element at play, one that threatened to unravel their hard-won victories.

"We need to find out who's feeding them intel," Zara said, her voice tight with anger.

Jack nodded. "Agreed. But first, we need to make sure they don't follow us back to base."


They moved out, covering their tracks as they went. The journey back was tense, every rustle and shadow a potential threat. Jack's mind churned with possibilities, the weight of command heavy on his shoulders.

When they finally reached the base, dawn was breaking. The first rays of sunlight cast long shadows across the compound. Jack gathered his team, their faces drawn but determined.


"We need to tighten security," he said. "Double the patrols, and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Someone is working against us, and we need to find them before they do more damage."

Zara nodded, her eyes hard. "We'll find them. And when we do, they'll regret ever crossing us."


As the team dispersed to their tasks, Jack took a moment to himself, looking out over the base. The war was far from over, and the enemy was evolving. But so were they. They would adapt, they would fight, and they would survive.

Because that's what they did. And no ambush, no traitor, no Terminid swarm would change that.

Jack turned away, ready to face the next battle. The fight for their world was just beginning, and they were far from finished.