
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 105: Echoes and Shadows

The *Leviathan* floated in orbit around the alien planet, its massive frame a stark contrast against the swirling nebula in the distance. Jack Steele stood in the observation deck, his gaze fixed on the glowing celestial phenomenon. It was a rare moment of calm, but his mind was far from at ease.

A soft chime interrupted his thoughts. Zara's voice came through the comm, a mix of urgency and excitement. "Captain, we've received a transmission from Command. It's Admiral Talbot."

Jack's brow furrowed. "Patch it through to my quarters. I'll take it there."

He made his way to his private quarters, the door sliding shut behind him with a quiet hiss. He tapped a few keys on the console, and the holographic image of Admiral Talbot flickered into view.

"Admiral," Jack greeted, standing at attention.

"Steele," Talbot's voice was gravelly, tinged with the weight of command. "We've decrypted some intel from the Terminid facility you hit. You need to see this."

The hologram shifted to display a series of schematics and data streams. Jack's eyes scanned the information, his frown deepening with each passing second.

"These are... genetic experiments?" Jack asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," Talbot confirmed. "It appears the Terminids are experimenting with hybridization. They're incorporating human DNA into their own. This could explain the new variants you've encountered."

Jack's mind raced. "Why would they do that? What's their endgame?"

"We're not sure yet," Talbot admitted. "But it's clear they're evolving, adapting. We need to stop them before they can perfect whatever they're working on."

A knot tightened in Jack's stomach. "Understood, sir. We'll redouble our efforts."

"Good. And Steele... be careful. These are uncharted waters."

Jack nodded. "Always, Admiral."

The transmission ended, leaving Jack alone with his thoughts. He exhaled slowly, running a hand through his hair. The stakes were higher than ever, and the enemy more unpredictable. He had to keep his team sharp, focused.


The briefing room was packed with tension as Jack laid out the latest intel for his senior officers. Zara, Reyes, Harrington, and a few others sat around the table, their expressions serious.

"We're dealing with something new," Jack began, pulling up the schematics. "The Terminids are experimenting with hybridizing their DNA with ours. This could make them stronger, smarter."

Reyes leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "So, what's the plan, Captain?"

"We need to find their labs, destroy their research," Jack said. "We've identified a potential target on the planet's surface. It's heavily guarded, but if we can get in and gather more intel, we might be able to strike a decisive blow."

Harrington smirked. "Sounds like a suicide mission. Count me in."

Jack allowed himself a brief smile. "Wouldn't have it any other way. Reyes, I want you leading the ground team. Zara, you'll provide overwatch and handle comms. Harrington, you're with me."

Zara's eyes flickered with determination. "We'll get it done, Captain."

Jack nodded. "Let's move out."


The descent to the planet was turbulent, the dropship shaking as it cut through the atmosphere. Jack gripped the handrail, his knuckles white. He glanced at his team, their faces grim and focused. Reyes was checking his gear, a picture of calm efficiency. Harrington had his usual cocky grin, but there was a hard edge to it.

"Stay sharp," Jack said over the roar of the engines. "We don't know what we're walking into."

The dropship landed with a jarring thud. The ramp lowered, and the team moved out, weapons at the ready. The air was thick with humidity, the ground covered in dense foliage. Strange noises echoed through the jungle, a reminder of how alien this world truly was.

"Zara, you got eyes on the target?" Jack asked, scanning the surroundings.

"Affirmative," Zara replied through the comm. "The lab is half a click east of your position. I'm picking up multiple hostiles on the perimeter."

"Let's move," Jack ordered.

They advanced through the jungle, every sense on high alert. The sound of distant chittering sent a chill down Jack's spine. He raised a hand, signaling the team to halt.

"Contacts," Reyes whispered, pointing to a shadowy figure moving through the underbrush.

Jack signaled for silence, motioning for Reyes to take point. They crept forward, the enemy patrol oblivious to their presence. With a swift, silent motion, Reyes neutralized the threat, the Terminid collapsing without a sound.

"Good work," Jack whispered. "Keep it quiet. We don't want to alert the whole nest."

They reached the edge of a clearing, the Terminid lab coming into view. It was a grotesque structure, organic tendrils intertwining with advanced technology. The sight was both fascinating and horrifying.

"Zara, status?" Jack asked.

"Perimeter is clear for now, but we've got movement inside. Looks like they're prepping for something."

"Let's make sure they never get the chance," Jack said. "Reyes, plant the charges. Harrington, cover him."

Reyes moved quickly, placing explosive devices around the lab's support structures. Harrington kept watch, his eyes scanning for any signs of trouble. Jack's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of the mission pressing down on him.

"Charges set," Reyes reported. "Ready to blow on your command."

"Pull back to a safe distance," Jack ordered. "We'll detonate remotely."

As they retreated, the jungle seemed to close in around them, the darkness growing thicker. They reached the dropship, the engines already humming to life.

"Ready when you are, Captain," Reyes said, holding the detonator.

Jack took a deep breath, his finger hovering over the trigger. "Do it."

The explosion ripped through the night, a fiery blossom lighting up the sky. The ground shook, and the air was filled with the roar of destruction. Jack watched the lab collapse, a sense of grim satisfaction washing over him.

"Objective complete," Zara's voice crackled through the comm. "Nice work, team."

Jack allowed himself a rare smile. "Good job, everyone. Let's get back to the *Leviathan*. We've got a war to win."

As the dropship lifted off, Jack looked out at the burning wreckage below. The Terminids were evolving, but so were they. And he would do whatever it took to protect humanity from the looming threat.

The war was far from over, but for the first time in a long while, Jack felt a glimmer of hope. They had struck a blow against the enemy, and they would continue to fight, no matter the cost.