
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 102: The Calm and Storm

Jack Steele gazed out at the vast expanse of space from the bridge of the *Leviathan*. The stars seemed to mock him with their serenity, oblivious to the turmoil brewing on every inhabited planet in the sector. The recent victory at the outpost felt hollow. The Terminids were retreating, but it was only a matter of time before they regrouped and attacked again.

"Steele," Reyes' voice broke through his thoughts. "We've got a message from HQ. They want a debrief on Project Genesis."

"Patch it through to my quarters," Jack replied. He turned to Zara. "You have the bridge."

Zara nodded, her eyes reflecting the same weariness Jack felt. "Aye, Captain."


In his quarters, Jack activated the secure comm link. The face of Admiral Talbot appeared on the screen, his expression as stern as ever.

"Captain Steele," Talbot began, not wasting any time on pleasantries. "I've reviewed the initial reports from the outpost engagement. Impressive work. However, we need a full debrief on Project Genesis. The Federation Council is anxious."

"Understood, Admiral," Jack replied. "The device works as intended, but it's a double-edged sword. It draws the Terminids in like moths to a flame. We barely managed to hold them off with the combined forces at the outpost."

Talbot's eyes narrowed. "Can it be weaponized for broader use?"

Jack hesitated. "In theory, yes. But we'd need significant power sources and strategic planning. Using it recklessly could backfire."

Talbot nodded slowly. "I want a detailed report by 0800 hours. And Captain, we're dispatching additional support to your location. Stay vigilant. Talbot out."

The screen went dark, and Jack let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. More support was a double-edged sword itself – useful, but it meant more eyes on his every move.


Back on the bridge, Jack found Zara and Reyes deep in conversation. "What's the latest?" he asked, joining them.

"Scouts report Terminid activity near the Raptor Nebula," Zara said. "Looks like they're regrouping faster than we anticipated."

Jack's jaw tightened. "We can't let them catch us off guard again. Reyes, get a team together. We're heading out on a recon mission. Zara, you're in charge while we're gone."

Reyes grinned. "Finally, some action. Who's coming with us?"

"Standard recon team," Jack replied. "Harrington, Marlow, and two more of your best."


The dropship bay was a hive of activity as the recon team prepared to launch. Harrington was already there, checking his equipment with a meticulousness that bordered on obsessive.

"Ready for another round?" Jack asked, clapping him on the shoulder.

Harrington nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be. I just hope this time we get more intel and less firefight."

"Don't jinx it," Marlow said, joining them with a smirk. "Last time you said that, we ended up in the middle of a Terminid swarm."

Reyes walked up, his face serious. "Let's stay sharp. This isn't a stroll through the park."

Jack gave a nod of agreement. "Alright, everyone. Mount up."

The dropship's engines roared to life, and the team settled in for the ride. The hum of the ship and the vibrations through the hull were almost soothing in their familiarity.


As they approached the Raptor Nebula, the atmosphere inside the dropship grew tense. Jack peered out the viewport, the swirling colors of the nebula casting an eerie glow over the Terminid ships clustered around a massive structure.

"Looks like they're building something big," Marlow observed, his voice low.

"Could be a command ship," Harrington suggested. "Or worse."

"We'll find out soon enough," Jack said. "Reyes, you and Marlow take point. Harrington, stick close to me. Let's see what we're dealing with."

The dropship touched down on a rocky outcrop, and the team moved out, their movements synchronized and silent. The nebula's mist clung to them, obscuring their vision but also providing cover.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Jack whispered. "We don't know what's out here."

They advanced cautiously, the alien structure looming larger with each step. Strange, pulsating lights flickered along its surface, casting unnatural shadows.

"Looks like some kind of bio-mechanical hybrid," Harrington murmured, studying the structure. "Definitely Terminid tech, but there's something else."

Before Jack could respond, a low hum filled the air. They froze, weapons at the ready.

"Movement!" Reyes hissed, pointing to the shadows.

A group of Terminid soldiers emerged, their insectoid forms glistening in the nebula's light. Jack signaled for silence, and the team pressed themselves against the rocks, holding their breath as the Terminids passed by.

Once the patrol was gone, Jack motioned for the team to continue. They reached a vantage point overlooking the structure's core. What they saw made Jack's blood run cold.

A massive energy conduit ran from the structure into the ground, pulsing with power. Surrounding it were countless Terminid workers, busily constructing what looked like a colossal weapon.

"They're building a planetary disruptor," Harrington whispered, horror in his voice. "If they finish that, they can take out entire planets from orbit."

"We need to get this intel back to HQ," Jack said, his mind racing. "But we can't let them finish this. We need to sabotage it."

"How?" Marlow asked, her eyes wide. "We're outnumbered and outgunned."

"Carefully," Jack replied, a grim determination settling over him. "Reyes, you and Marlow find a way to plant charges on those conduits. Harrington, you're with me. We'll cover you."

They moved swiftly, each step a calculated risk. Reyes and Marlow slipped into the shadows, their forms blending with the mist. Jack and Harrington positioned themselves to provide cover, watching every movement of the Terminid workers.

"Charges set," Reyes' voice crackled softly over the comm. "We're moving out."

"Good," Jack replied. "On my mark… Now!"

Explosions rocked the structure, sending Terminid workers scrambling. The team made a break for the dropship, firing at any Terminids that got too close.

"Move, move, move!" Jack shouted, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

They reached the dropship, the engines already roaring to life. As they lifted off, Jack watched the alien structure collapse in on itself, a plume of energy and debris marking their victory.

"Let's get out of here before they regroup," Reyes said, slumping into his seat.

Jack nodded, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "Good work, everyone. This isn't over, but we've bought ourselves some time."

As the dropship sped away from the Raptor Nebula, Jack couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. The Terminids were relentless, and their new weapon was a harbinger of the battles to come.

Back on the *Leviathan*, he debriefed the crew, the weight of their mission settling heavily once more. They had struck a blow against the Terminids, but the war was far from won.

Jack stood on the bridge, watching the stars streak by. They had a galaxy to save, and every second counted. The *Leviathan* surged forward, into the unknown, ready for whatever came next.