
Between the arms of the ceo

While trying to have some peace at her own party, Alaya discovers something she never expected, her boyfriend was cheating on her with her sister, fleeing from everything she went to Las Vegas and after many drinks and a lot of flirting she ended up with a ring on her finger and in the bed of an apparent stranger. What Alaya did not expect is that that stranger was the uncle of her ex-boyfriend and now they both have something in common: revenge. He wants an empire and she wants to kill all those who betrayed her. Will they achieve her goal or will something else happen?

DaoistNvT2Ak · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 04

Ashamed, I had left that place while Rebeca continued screaming and Said came out after me, offering to take me home.

She felt pathetic and was eager to disappear from this place to be away from all of them who claimed to be my family.

"Thank you for bringing me," I say when we finally arrive.

"Tomorrow I will come about the divorce matter, and I need the ring I gave you," she adds in a disdainful voice.

True, the ring, I had completely forgotten.

"Of course, I have no problem with it," I agree.

She got out of her car and immediately drove off without saying anything else, apparently the son of a bitch runs in the family. Anyway, I enter feeling like I can finally breathe, I take off my clothes, I take out what I brought from the suitcases, which I had one of mom's employees bring.

After settling everything, I realize that it is after two in the morning. I take a hot shower and check my emails.

Looking for a new job and fending for myself as I have always done, but this time away from my mother's destructive empire. Who, by the way, hasn't stopped sending me text messages, I don't take the time to read them, I already know what they will say and I don't have the courage or the patience to endure their viperous words.

At three I'm falling asleep, if I can call that rest, because I can't stop thinking about Said, who would have thought that he was Alejandro's uncle the time I was with him, he never mentioned it, at least not directly, I remember him saying something about a distant relative that he and his dad didn't get along with, although I never knew his name or what blood relationship they had.

I look for the expensive ring until I find it in a glass box. I had put it there so that it wouldn't get lost and would remain in sight, I put it on to see it one last time in my hand. I'm about to make myself some breakfast, when the sound of the doorbell makes me change my plans.

I open the door without asking, bad idea, because it is not Said who I see in front of my door, but Alejandro

What is he doing here?

What has he come for? This day has been very long.

"What do you want?" I frown.

"I can pass?" he inquires cautiously.

"I don't see it as right" I refuse to give him the step.

"Come on, we're family," he insists, taking a step. "It is important."

I look over his shoulder, trying to figure out if he's coming alone or with my hysterical sister.

answers my mental doubt: "I came alone"

I take a deep breath and allow him passage, checking the time on my watch.

"I don't have much time, make it quick."

I enter and he is in charge of closing the door, I don't offer him anything because I want him to leave, the faster I speak, the faster I can continue with my plans for today. I stand in front of him, crossing my arms.

"And good?"

"What happened last night between you and my uncle?"

I freeze, are you serious? How dare you come and ask me that after he is going to marry my sister?

"Nothing, now you can go" I walk past him, however, he stops me.

"Alaya, I love you, and for that reason, I ask you to stay away from Said." judgment. "It's for your own good, he's not a trustworthy man, he's not who you think, he's dangerous."

"So that runs in the family," I huff and let go of his grip.

"What do I have to do to make you forgive me? I didn't ask for this, I was in love with you, but the monotony was what stagnated us, Alaya, I..."

I shake my head.

"I don't want to hear any more mediocre excuses, just get out of my apartment..."

The sound of the doorbell is heard again.

He asks me: "Are you waiting for someone?

"It's none of your business, go away."

I walk at a determined pace towards the door, only when I open it, it is the devil personified in my mother who appears.

"We need to talk," she argues, annoyingly, pushing me aside, passing by uninvited.

Damn, why is this happening to me? She walks towards the main room, I don't even close the door to try to prevent her from going crazy.


She no longer has a case.

"What are you doing here? Did my daughter summon you? Is she begging you to come back to her?" my mother spits out a series of meaningless questions.

She confidently confesses: "No, Mrs. Howland, I came because I needed to clarify some things with Alaya."

My mother stares at us as if we were doing something wrong.

"You must be careful," he ignores me. "My daughter has certain tricks, don't doubt that she will want to trick you into returning to her and hurt her sister."

"She's that kind of woman" she defends me

"She is…"

I'm tired of my mother still treating me like the bad guy in the story, when she covered up what Beca was doing to me, that's why.

"She stop being such a bitch" the words come out of my throat without her being able to avoid it.

"What did you call me?!" she screams, her eyes red with rage.

"What you are, you have always blamed me for everything, I have never received a show of affection from you, I am tired of you condemning me and calling me a bitch, when the only one who is a whore is Rebeca!" she screamed.

My mother comes at me on top of her, Alejandro intervenes and grabs her so she doesn't hit me.

"You're so ungrateful!" roars the woman who gave me life. "That is why you will never find a man who wants to marry you, no one will ever notice you, because you are nothing and no one, Rebeca surpasses you in beauty and intelligence, she is better than you, that is why Alejandro chose, so forget that someone will take you as a wife, because never, listen well, no one will ever give everything for you!"

Her words hurt me in unimaginable ways, worse than the blows she has given me, much more lethal than any comment full of venom. My eyes fill with tears, I hate being so weak, I hate that the two people I love are hurting me like this.

I'm just about to turn around to leave, even though it's my apartment, when a hoarse and overly hostile voice echoes throughout the room.

"You're wrong about that, Mrs. Howland."

A strong hand wraps around my waist and I freeze when I see that it is Said.

"Mr. Montenegro?" My mother regains her composure. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Alaya, I heard everything she told her, and I want her to know that she was wrong about everything, because she already has a husband."

A chill runs through my entire body.


"It's me, Alaya is my wife."