
Betty Batter

At sixteen, Betty has been trained to take over the Gates after the demise of her father. The gates had four rules for everybody who cared to survive: - Never leave the Gates - Never disobey Don - Always mind your business - Always be ready for a fight - Betty loved her father so much so that she made him her role model but after sixteen long years, Betty has finally come to know the truth about her lovely father and this made Betty Batter his weapon of destruction.

Soliha_Owolabi · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

Gravano left Lucan's house with determination to find who from the Gates betrayed them because according to him, that person was responsible for Gina's death.

Sabrina who was Gina's closest friend sat close to the window in deep thoughts as she looked outside to see how no single soul had passed since hours. Sabrina had a pale skin and red hair, she was a very beautiful teenage girl that many suitors but she didn't seem to like any of them. Sabrina was very mischievous and derived joy in breaking rules, she was very daring.

Rumors of Gina's death soon got to Sabrina through Lily, another pale skinned red head girl who happened to be Sabrina's younger sister.

Fear creeped into Sabrina's heart and her thought soon shifted to the very handsome young man who she had an encounter with when she sneaked out of the Gates. She remembers his very white eyeballs and red pupil, she remembered his broad shoulders and deep masculine voice, she remembered how she fell in love with him at first sight but instead of all these thoughts to make her feel at peace, she felt scared.

"Sabrina! Sabrina!!"

Sabrina snapped out of her thoughts and the fear she was feeling at the moment was written all over her face.

"What on planet Earth are you even thinking about?"

Lily asked not so pleased with how Sabrina ignored every word she was saying.

"Please tell me you didn't do anything mischievous that led to Gina's death"

Lily looked horrified at her sister's expression because she knows that look too well.

" I have done something I shouldn't have, I have made a very big mistake" Sabrina said with a serious expression.

Now Lily was sure that her sister was in a way connected to all the chaos or maybe just Sabrina's death alone. Sabrina held Lily's shaky hands and made her sit.

"You know that man I told you about? The one with the red pupil? I think he is behind all these" Lily gasped on hearing what Sabrina just said.

"But how can he be behind all these deaths, didn't you say he is a good man?" Lily frowned and Sabrina could only swallow hard and nod her head positive.

"He gave me this necklace and told me that it was a camera that could help him see how the Gates looked like, he also told me that he needed some work done and he would come back for me when everything all fell in place and I can also support to make it faster by accepting the necklace." Sabrina said while holding out the necklace

Lily was already in tears as she could not believe how gullible her sister was to even break her friend's trust in her for a man

"You killed Gina for your selfish desires" Lily said amidst tears

Sabrina nodded negative to what Lily has just said.

Sabrina, apart from being mischievous was also selfish and could trade anything except her sister for her selfish desire, she didn't value any relationship except she gained from it and the moment she got who could give her something better,she immediately dispose the former.

Lily was angry at her sister's revelation and she stormed out of the house to meet her friend, Dawn.

Gravano was already in his house but he couldn't stop thinking of Gina

Gravano was wallowing in pain at the death of Gina and he was determine at finding who was behind all these and kill that person.

Lily got to Dawn's house with tears flowing down her cheek. Dawn was in their animal farm feeding the sheep when she saw Lily crying, she hurried towards her to know what was wrong with her.

Dawn made her sit down to know why she was crying

"what's wrong Lily?" Dawn asked with a face as of talking to a cute kid

Instead of reducing the tears, Lily cried louder.

"I can't believe what my sister got herself involved in, I can't believe that Sabrina has a hand in Gina's death" Lily said amidst tears.

"What?" Dawn stood up immediately with a shocked expression plastered all over her face

"Are you sure about what you're saying Lily? You know this could put your sister in great trouble" Dawn continued staring at Lily with the same shocked expression.

"I'm sure Dawn, she told me herself, although she didn't plan to have a hand in it and never thought it would lead to death and all but sadly she has a hand in it." Lily said while she sniffed in catarrh that was already flowing down her nose

Lily told Dawn the entire story and after that, Dawn didn't really see Sabrina as a bad person who killed her friend but rather as a rebellious child whose rebellion brought about this ill fate.

" Please don't tell anyone about it, just keep it between me and you" Lily said as she stood up to take her leave.

Dawn stood up to hug her while she thought about the whole issue and how it happened. Dawn bided Lily a good bye and returned to the farm with the thought still on her mind

Dawn entered the house and met her brother,Gravano lying with his back on the floor and starring up at the ceiling.

"Can you believe Sabrina had something to do with Gina's death?" Dawn covered her mouth as soon as she remembered that she wasn't supposed to tell anybody's and she just made a mistake.

"What did you say?" Gravano stood up with same shocked expression as Dawn when she first got the news.

"Nothing,I didn't say anything" Dawn said looking directly at Gravano's eyes.

"You dare not! You better start talking before I come any step closer to you" Gravano said angrily and Dawn immediately started regretting all over again

Dawn told him the entire story and then Gravano sighed with relief and then let out a crooked smile

Gravano hurriedly and angrily went to Sabrina's house. He barged in without giving her time to run away or do anything funny. He grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the floor. People started to gather around the area, they all knew that something must have happened. Something related to Don's death,if not Gravano wouldn't react the way he reacted but no one knew the main reason he was angry.

Rumors began to spread that Sabrina must have been the one who invited the men over to kill Don for monetary reward. People had always known her to be rebellious and have suspected her of how and where she gets money to buy new stuff from, they believed she must have sold Don out by being close to Gina to extract information.

Gravano kept on dragging Sabrina to the market square and everyone knew what that implied, DEATH! Lily ran after Gravano, pulling him by his shirt and begging him to let go off her sister,she fell hard to the floor but she didn't give up begging him, her nose began to bleed as she struggled to keep up with his pace. Lily was devastated because she knew that her sister was going to be killed and it was all her fault.

"Heck! What have I done?" She said as she desperately thought of a solution to save Sabrina. Lily constantly pulled her hair as no idea was making it's way into her brain.

Ironically, Sabrina looked calm and didn't even utter a word as she followed Gravano who was still holding onto her hair. Sabrina knew that Lily must have told someone about the incident, someone who in turn told Gravano but it took her time to figure out who the person actually was.

Sabrina was brought to the center of the market and tied to a tree. She looked weak and couldn't believe the situation that she found herself. She was hoping that someone would actually come to save her.

"Pau Pau" There were gin shots. Run! they are coming this way" An old man shouted while running with all the strength left in him. This was the Miracle she was hoping for, something to escape her death, but how would she know whether she wouldn't even be killed by a stray bullet or if the person was someone who detested her.

Everybody started to run, Gravano ran towards where the gun shots were coming from,instead of running away. Lily was so confused,she didn't know what to do, she didn't know whether to run or help her sister. Finally she decided to just help her sister since she was the one who put her in this situation in the first place. Lily blamed herself for everything that happened to Sabrina. Sabrina smiled at Lily who was running towards her with fear and confusion.

"Go Lily! just run, I will be fine" Sabrina said in an unusually calm tone,as if she already knew what fate had in store for her.

Still hesitant, Lily ran for her dear life.

Soon after everybody ran to different directions and the entire market was clear and silent as a grave yard, a man covered from head to toe wearing a black cloak walked towards the tree she was tied up to from a distance. The body stature looked really familiar but anybody in the world can have this kind of stature. Sabrina's big brown eyes soon shifted to the knives he had by his sides and the gun her held in his hand.

"Oh Neptune! I'm definitely going to die before seeing twilight" she hissed. Although she was expecting her death but she had high hopes that someone would come to save her, someone would help her out, she hoped someone would understand that she didn't mean to betrayal her dear friend, she didn't mean to betrayal Gina.

When she thought things couldn't get any worst, she realized her dress and socks were now wet with warm liquid, she didn't realize she had peed on herself.

"Oh! My sweet lamb, don't tell me I you got scared....of me" He cackled as her moved closer to her. He removed the mask he was wearing revealing his bare face to her.

"I should have known" she murmured

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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