
Better Off Without Me

Across a chasm of forgotten millennia, two souls are destined to reunite. In a bygone era where magic pulsed through the veins of the world, Lyra, a warrior of unrivaled prowess, and Kael, a prince burdened by a five-hundred-year war, fell into a love as forbidden as it was fierce. But fate, a cruel jester, threatened to tear them apart. Looming on the horizon was another war, a tempest that promised to consume everything. Fearing oblivion's cold embrace, Lyra and Kael defied the ancient laws, delving into the forbidden art of reincarnation. It was a desperate gamble, a chance to defy the inevitable, but success hinged on a single, glimmering hope - a magical repository strong enough to preserve their memories across the eons. Lyra's essence was woven into a magnificent ring, a silent testament to their love. Kael, in turn, entrusted his memories to a jeweled necklace, a beacon in the swirling mists of time. Then, with a whispered plea and a surge of forbidden power, they surrendered to the unknown. Millennia bled into the present, a world devoid of magic yet brimming with its own mysteries. Emily, heiress to a veiled fortune, traded the gilded cage of her birthright for the grit and danger of the FBI. A master of disguise, she danced on the razor's edge, faking her own death to vanish from the clutches of the law. Fate, however, had a cruel sense of humor. A chance encounter in a grocery store, an undeniable pull towards a handsome stranger named Max - these were the whispers of a past whispering through the ages. Their connection was undeniable, a spark that threatened to ignite a firestorm. But the shadows of Emily's past refused to stay buried. A vengeful former partner resurfaced, jeopardizing everything she held dear. As Emily fought to shield Max from the darkness, a horrifying truth shattered the fragile reality she'd built. The ring, the undeniable pull towards Max - these were fragments of a love story etched across time. The shocking revelation - they were Lyra and Kael, reborn. Their forbidden love, a melody echoing across the centuries. Now, armed with the knowledge of their past, they must face a new battle, a fight not just for their love, but for their very existence. Will their love story defy the odds once more, or will they be forever prisoners of a tragic past?

ChrisBrainiac · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


They reached the curb a short while later. Hailing a cab in the twilight hours proved to be a challenge, but eventually, a lone yellow beacon appeared in the distance. The first rays of dawn were just beginning to paint the horizon with streaks of pink and orange, casting long shadows across the deserted street.

It was difficult getting max into the cab. Maneuvering Max into the backseat was an exercise in frustration. His tall frame seemed to fold at unnatural angles, his groans echoing in the confined space.

Well now at least she knows getting a semi-conscious person into a vehicle was easier than when they were conscious.

Emily slammed the door shut behind Max with a decisive thud and tossed a twenty-dollar bill at the cab driver.

"Nearest hospital, please," she instructed, her voice clipped with exhaustion. "And keep the change."

Relief washed over her as the cab pulled away from the curb. Finally, some semblance of normalcy could be restored.

She turned to head back inside, the prospect of a hot shower and a few hours of sleep infinitely appealing., when a voice from behind stopped her.

"Hey, Emily!" Max's voice, slurred and demanding, cut through the dawn quiet.

She whirled around, exasperation warring with her face.

"Where are you going?" he continued, a hint of panic lacing his tone. "Aren't you coming with me to the hospital? Isn't that how it works after you save someone's life?"

"Just to make sure I get there safe and all?" he added, a sly note creeping into his voice.

Emily's jaw clenched. "What is wrong with you?" she hissed. "Don't you know when to shut up? I got you a cab, now go to the hospital!" Her voice, usually calm and collected, rose in pitch, a testament to her growing frustration.

"I'm not leaving if you aren't coming along," he countered, his bravado a stark contrast to his slumped posture. "And I could always call the police."

A strangled laugh escaped Emily's lips. "Blackmail? Really? You're in no position to make demands. You're…" She cut herself off, the absurdity of the situation momentarily silencing her. 

The cab driver, a burly man with a shaved head, leaned over from the front seat. "Lady, make up your mind. We going to the hospital or not?" His gruff voice left no room for argument.

Against all sound judgment and reason she decided to go with him. 'What could possibly go wrong at this point.' she thought with a grimace.

Max was proving to be a real pain. Taking a deep breath, she conceded the inevitable.

Telling Max to move over was clearly not an option, so she opted for the less dignified route of climbing into the back seat through the opposite door. With a resigned sigh, Emily circled the car to the other side.

Gently holding the handle of the door she opened it and got inside. The interior of the cab smelled faintly of stale cigarettes and desperation, a fitting atmosphere for their current situation.

 Max was slumped against the worn leather seat, his face pale in the dim glow of the streetlights. His breathing, though shallow, seemed steady, a small comfort in the midst of all the chaos.

The ride to the hospital was a blur. The city was slowly coming to life, the rhythmic rumble of a garbage truck the only sound breaking the silence.

Emily stole a glance at Max, his brow furrowed in a slight frown. She wondered what could have transpired if their paths had not collided so unexpectedly. The possibilities were endless.

Finally, the cab pulled to a stop in front of the brightly lit hospital entrance. Relief washed over Emily as the driver announced their arrival. Helping Max out of the car was another challenge. His tall frame seemed to dwarf her, and his weight was also a problem. But fueled by a growing sense of responsibility, she managed to get him to the curb.

The sterile atmosphere of the emergency room felt strangely comforting after the chaos of the night.

Depositing Max on a gurney, she approached the receptionist, a young woman with a bright smile and a nametag that read 'Sarah'.