
Betrothed To A Vampire

As if finding out that her fiance and her friends who had grown up with her were all supernatural beings, Susan discovers herself to be one of them. She is the famous silver witch. Susan was betrothed to the lord of the Esclairs, Derek, a vampire lord. ........ Susan lived a peaceful, quiet and perfect life but was it really peaceful? The people she knew, did she really know them? She was to get married to the head of the Esclairs family and yet she knew nothing about him, or so she thought. In the span of three days, her peaceful, quiet and perfect life changed and it wasn't for the better. She was frustrated! The people she thought she knew best, her best friends, they were all lying to her. Her family, her father! He was hiding his identity as well. Her whole life had been a lie! Derek, her betrothed and the vampire who had patiently waited for her reincarnation for over a hundred years couldn't look her in the eye and tell her the truth. She was the reincarnation of the last silver witch and everyone, every race, they wanted to keep her safe. Derek, wanted to keep her safe but she couldn't help but feel she was nothing but a replacement I'm his heart but even at that, she still loved him. It might've looked that way in he eyes but Derek genuinely cherished her and cared for her like no other. He loved her! But each time, he kept confusing his feelings for care he once had for the former silver witch. They all wanted to make sure the same misfortune did not repeat itself. But it did and they lost her. They lost her to the hand of the devil, whom the witches worshiped and she was taken to another world, unknowingly to them. She was taken to the underworld. They thought she died! Susan did all that the devil asked, in hopes of getting back to her family, to her friends and to her lover but he didn't let her go. From training her like she was getting ready for a war to having to deal with the childish nature of the devil and his son, she persevered, hoping to get back soon. She found herself slowly unlocking the powers of the silver witch and she went back in time. She went to the past where it all began. When Aurora cursed the blood of her beloved daughter with tears in her eyes. Susan didn't want to give up! She would find the real reason behind the curse and set her blood free. She would go back to her beloved betrothed and they would live happily. She would survive, no matter what!

Ile_Isabella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
167 Chs

Such a sweet fragrance

"Blood!" He said and Susan looked at him confused. What was his deal? "Such a sweet fragrance!" He approached her and she stepped back, terrified.

'Is he drunk? Why is he behaving this way? What ... what is going on?' Susan thought. She decided to run. Yes! That was the best thing to do.

Susan ran but the servant moved with an impossible speed and grabbed her hand. He immediately bit her arm and she screamed. His sharp fangs dug into her skin. It was horrifying.

Susan prayed for someone to help her and then she saw more servants approaching.

She felt a little relieved but her relief fell when she saw their red eyes and craving appearance.

'This must be a nightmare! Yes! It's probably another nightmare but this pain, it's too real. Somebody, help me!'

Susan hoped to be able to escape from this unrealistic and nightmare-like situation.

She tried to free herself from the servant who seemed to be sucking her blood but her struggles were all weak compared to his strength.

All of a sudden, the servant released her and started choking out blood. His entire body drained gradually until he was nothing but dry flesh and bones.

Susan was shocked but also a bit relieved. The other servants saw this but we're unfazed.

They seemed to have lost their minds. The scent of her blood was too sweet to ignore.

"I can't die here!" Susan said. Her entire body dripped with sweat as she bit her lips and clutched onto her dress.

She ran! She ran as fast as her legs could go but every turn she took, there was always a craving servant.

"To die in such a gruesome way, ha! Susan, you've really struck yourself down!" She said to herself.

Though she tried to humor herself and look in the bright side, she knew clearly that there was no bright side. Once they caught on to her, she would be dead for sure.

'Is there anyone who can help me?' she thought and almost let out tears. Her entire body looked disheveled and her face looked pitiful.

"Blood!" A maid approached her. Susan noticed the details. Not only did they have red eyes and elongated fangs, their neck seemed to be covered with black veins. They were also after her blood.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were ..." She froze as one grabbed her. Out of fear, she screamed really loudly and didn't stop for a second.

The servants were just about to pounce on her when a figure wearing a hood, appeared out of nowhere. She looked up to see who it was only to meet another set of red eyes.

Although he looked sane compared to the servants, he was also one of them. He might've been their leader.

He turned to look at her and removed his hood. He had thick black hair and pale skin with a very attractive appearance. His eyes, though red, were not at all unsightly like the rest.

Although he looked attractive, she couldn't deny the fact that though he looked sane, his appearance also spelt death!

The mysterious man turned out to be Derek. He heard her cry out so many times but told himself that what he heard must've been in his head.

After 'her' death, he seemed to hear her call out to him relentlessly. She cried and pleaded for him to save her but he couldn't.

He brushed Susan's cry for help as an illusion but the cry seemed to be different. He immediately went to her room but couldn't find her.

He searched everywhere she might've been but, there was no sign of her. Then, he heard it again. It was coming from the garden.

He approached her and she retreated her steps.

"St ...stay back!" She yelled. "Don't come any closer, please. I don't want to die!" There were tears in her eyes. Her body trembled terribly and her face spelt fear. She was terrified.

"You!" Derek called and then, his eyes landed on her arm. He frowned at the sight of her bleeding arm. His eyes also fell on her bleeding leg. "Tsk!" He looked annoyed.

The servants didn't approach anymore and just stood where they were. When he turned to face them, they cowered in fear.

"Carlson!" He called in furry.

Carlson immediately appeared and on seeing the mess, he frowned. He wasn't one to easily frown but seeing how messed up they made the lady, his smile could no longer stand.

"Deal with this!" He ordered. Though Susan wasn't willing, he held on to her arm and disappeared. They appeared in her room.

She was surprised as to how they got to her room in a blink of an eye. But that was the least of her worries.

Her legs trembled as she tried to take a step but she almost fell. Derek held on to her but she flung his hand away.

"You...who are you?" She interrogated with no longer scared eyes but, angry eyes.

She knew nothing about the situation but one thing was for sure; the mansion she lived in was filled with bloodsucking demons! Vampires!

"You're one of them, aren't you? What? Do you want to suck my blood as well?" She asked looking brave.

Derek saw her hands slightly trembling. Although she tried to put up a brave front and pretend she wasn't scared, he knew she was deeply terrified and he was sorry.

He took a step towards her and she took two steps backward. Of course she wouldn't let him come near her.

"I know you're scared and you should be. This is vampires territory!" He admitted and her eyes shrunk. "If you want to live, try not to get hurt!" He said and she grew angry.

"What do you mean, 'if I want to live'? I didn't ask for this. I want to go home. I don't want to stay here and die in the hands of bloodsuckers. I want to go home!" She demanded and suddenly stumbled.

Her legs gave in. The shock was too much for her that she couldn't even stand. Her eyes grew teary and she clutched onto the hem of her dress.

"I want to go home. Please," she lifted her head and revealed the tears in her eyes "...I'm begging you!"

Derek knelt before her with a guilty feeling. He knew all this was his fault. He didn't protect her like he was supposed to. She was such a precious being.

"I'm sorry but, I can't do that." He said. She looked at him. His eyebrows were furrowed. "But I can promise you that you won't get hurt from now on."

"Liar!" She muttered. "Won't you also bite me and suck my blood?" She asked and the guilt showed in his face.

"Maybe!" His answer was vague and so were his thoughts. He lifted her and lay her on her bed. Surprisingly, she didn't resist.

"You're too honest!" Susan said. "Wouldn't it be easier to just lie? I won't stay in a place where I can't live." She said but the guilt in his face did not fade. He bit his tongue.

He suddenly leaned closer to her face and kissed her. She was shocked.

The fact that he was a complete stranger to her plus he was one of those 'things' made her react harshly.

Susan tried to push him but he wouldn't budge. She felt a liquid slip into her mouth. It was blood! His blood! What was he doing?

As soon as he let go, he looked into her eyes and compelled her.

"Sleep!" Her eyes suddenly felt heavy and she fell unconscious.

The cut on her leg miraculously healed in a flash and so was the bite mark on her arm.

He stared at her for a while. He had mixed feelings. What did he just put her through? He covered her with the quilt and kissed her cheek.

Through her balcony, he discovered that the eclipse was over and all lower vampires had regained their senses.