
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 2: That One Day

Finally, that one Summer morning came. Both children were readied and wearing their best clothes. Clothes in which both kids had argued were really the "best" .

While in Silvestria, Isla was more than allowed to wear pants, in Petra it was custom to wear a long dress. Her Uncle Levi assured her they had to abide by the laws of humans if they were going to a human kingdom, even though he said it with very little sincerity. He explained it with distaste.

Young Prince Liam was "forced" to wear "stuffy" clothes. He didn't make much of a comment on them, but he didn't enjoy wearing them. His internal complaints remained on the unfortunate event of today. But he promised his mother. So he wasn't complaining..... aloud.

When he heard the horses and carriage, he knew she was here. He tried to will it to not happen, but he knew it was going to whether he liked it or not. Which was clearly; Not. He'd have to meet her.

His mother tried to give him a small pep talk about what this would mean and help accomplish as well as the good it would bring. Liam tried to believe her word for it, he knew it was always good when she'd say such things, but it was hard to believe this was anything remotely good. If it was her choice it probably was good, he just didn't see it, yet.

The carriage came around in sight and Kalani took Liam's little hand, bringing both of them to the entrance. The carriage was rounded and well decorated in blue colors and intricate patterns Prince Liam had never seen.

When the carriage pulled up to a stop, Liam gripped his mother's hand and hid behind the skirt of her dress, too timid to even think about wanting to meet this girl.

The carriage door opened, and a tall man came out. Prince Liam almost tugged on his mom's hand as he hid more, convinced he could be anymore hidden then he already was.

The man had deep chocolate hair, stern blue-gray eyes, large pointed ears, and odd drawings on his face. He looked ruthless and unforgiving. Liam was sure now, this was both his and his mother's end. They were gonna see his dad earlier than expected.

Surely, this man wasn't his "bride-to-be". They'd said she was a girl, and this guy was creepy but not female.

Then after he exited, Liam saw a glimpse of someone else. Maybe this person was enslaved by the creepy man with missing fingers. Whoever it was didn't seem to want to get out of the carriage, but she slowly revealed herself then hesitated to exit. Then the creepy man took her wrist and yanked her out.

It was a girl no older than he was, and just as unwanting of this interaction. She clung to the creepy stranger's leg as soon as she was out.

The girl was about Prince Liam's height. Her appearance was much more different from the creepy man. Her hair was Bloodmoon red, and it was wild and curly with dark crimson highlights. She had bloodred eyes, unusually nice eyes for their color being what it was, and she wore a long, night blue dress. It really looked like the night sky with hundreds of stars scattered all over it. She had the same odd characteristics as the scary man, but it didn't look as frightening on her. Her skin was fair toned and her ears were much smaller. Something about her didn't frighten Prince Liam but puzzled him, peaking his curiosity.

The scary part of both Silvestrians was that they both had amputated fingers on both their hands.

Liam lightly tugged on his mother's hand to get her attention, " Psst, Ma Ma, What happened to their hands?" He whispered so quietly Kalani barely caught it.

"They're elves, Dear, nothing happened. They were born without five fingers, but four. It's normal." Queen Kalani replied with a small laugh.

"Why?" Liam looked at the man and almost instantly shuddered, looking away.

Kalani lightly shrugged, "I don't know. It's just normal, Honey. Now, go say 'hi'. Kiss her hand. She won't bite." She gently pulled Liam's little hand away from behind her and forward to urge him.

Liam shook his head, "But Leo says they do. He said it's called 'MidNight Madness'. What if she does?" He whispered quietly.

"Liam Dear, Don't worry. 'MidNight Madness' is certainly not a thing. Now, go kiss her hand. Tell her 'hi'. She's the one in a newer place, help her come out of her shell by being the first to speak." Kalani suggested and turned her attention to the "creepy" man. "Hello, M'Lord. Welcome to Petra! Lady Erin informed me her brother-in-law was going to bring young Lady Isla here. You are Lord Everett?"

"NO!" The man nearly shouted, but seemed to recollect his composure. "No, I am Levi." He said calmer, but stern. "You must be Queen Kalani." He bowed half heartedly.

Kalani smiled as warmly as she could, trying to ignore his distasteful glance and her slanted, hazel eyes showing no sign of annoyance. "Yes, but you may call me Kalani. We can skip the formalities. I never really liked them anyway. This is my son, Prince Liam. He's still getting used to living in the castle. You see, I recently got married.."

"..Yes, well, I'm sure it must be interesting. This is my niece, Isla." The Lord, Levi cut her off in disinterest, saying his introduction of his niece with the same distaste he'd had for them.

Kalani's expression shifted from a smile to skeptically intrigued. "Liam, go on." She gave her son a light push in the girl's direction.

Levi shook his leg till the young girl let go, falling to the ground. She got up and got the message. She stood and slowly walked in Liam's direction.

Just as he'd practiced with his mother, Liam gently took the girl's hand and brought it to his lips.

The girl looked at him skeptically through narrow eyes, clearly skeptical about whatever he was supposed to be doing.

"I'm glad to meet you," Prince Liam placed a small kiss on her hand then almost immediately dropped it. It felt too weird kissing a four fingered hand.

The young girl took a step back and rubbed the surface of her hand, "What did you do that for?!" She questioned speaking in a thick, foreign accent.

"It's not like I wanted to!" Liam argued.

"Then don't do it!" The girl retorted.

"I wouldn't have, but I had to kiss your hand." Liam defended in frustration. He was just doing as he was told. Why did she have to complain?


"I don't know!"

"Great! That makes sense. Thanks!" The girl rolled her eyes and stated sarcastically.

Kalani winced. This wasn't at all what she'd expected. Levi however, seemed pleased with their arguments.

Kalani had Liam show Isla to their adjoined bedroom. Perhaps, they could settle their differences in the meantime, even if they went off arguing.

"They seem to get along, quite well." Levi claimed with his hands still behind his back and his head held high.

That summer did not, at all, go as the King and Queen had hoped, but they remained hopeful for their childish quarrels to end. After all they were children, they would soon learn to love one another... eventually.

The next summer, Queen Kalani had prayed it would be better, but as if the Source had other plans, Isla and Liam couldn't be at odds any more than they were.

One morning, as Kalani had just completed what duties she could at the start of the morning and made it her job to help make peace between the prince and the young lady. She smiled to herself as she imagined her son, Prince Liam, likely still sleeping in his large bed. It hadn't been too long since she and young Liam moved out of their impoverished village and into the castle. Only two years had been past, which was why she was extra hesitant to already marry him off.

He needed to be allowed to be comfortable and settled before being thrown into an inescapable agreement. But with the confirmation she'd felt, heard, and seen she was able to be at peace with the decision.

Liam was still getting used to sleeping in such a large bed in a room larger than their entire old home. He was probably still asleep, enjoying the comfort of a prince's mattress. However Kalani hoped he wouldn't forget where he began.

She prayed that he would remain humble, selfless, and kind. Though she felt that that may not be a problem, at the moment, her faith remained that he would grow to be just as kind and humble, it was a conversation she'd overheard a couple hours ago that she worried for.

A conversation between her and Baroness Vanessa before her untimely death. Something had concerned her, but she didn't fully understand what it had been. Now, Baron Julius was crazed for proof of anything about Vanessa's death.. Surely she'd have to tell him about the conversation at some point, probably soon, too. Maybe that would put the Baron at ease with himself and his surroundings.

The Baron certainly wouldn't be unconcerned by the matter they'd discussed, the Baroness- Nessa was convinced of the importance. Kalani knew that normally when Nessa had a gut feeling, she was normally accurate.

Kalani worried about whatever she'd meant, but unless she could go back before she died to ask her.. or, unless Vanessa really figured the whole thing out with some sort of hidden proof, they were at a loss of knowing what was going on.

The Queen's mind occupied itself with "what-ifs" and "Possibilities" of the matter of the conversation, she paid no mind to not much else around her. So busy she was, that she was easily startled into present reality by screaming from her son.

"MOM! MOM!" He called her in panic, running up to her and hiding behind her.

Kalani slightly knelt, letting her breath catch up before speaking. She put her hand on his hands that gripped at her skirts. "What's going on, Sweetheart?" She looked around for what had Liam so panicked, expecting a spider or something of that sort.

Following shortly after his appearance, Isla came running around the bend of the halls with two small twigs fresh from a tree held in her hands like swords.

Kalani giggled and looked at Liam, "Is she scaring you, Liam?"

Liam clung to her skirts tighter by the second and he nodded.

Kalani looked back at Isla.

But Isla only shrugged, "We're only supposed to be training, but he won't fight. I said I'd take it easy on him. I thought he'd grab a weapon like I did but he just said, and I quote 'Uh-uh'."

Kalani shook her head. "Lady Isla, don't you think that maybe Liam doesn't want to train?"

Isla's shoulders slumped, "That's the thing!" She paused for a moment as if taking back the shout. "Sorry. All he wants to do is draw and read and play. I like readin' , but I need to keep fighting and training. We have to spend time together as long as we're here, but that's all he wants to do."

"Wouldn't you like to do anything else besides training?"

"I can't focus on that stuff. What matters is that I learn this stuff. This is what will make me more useful. But everytime I try to get him to at least memorize the basics with me, he's un-interested."

Kalani's eyebrows furrowed for a minute at Isla's previous statement, but assumed it should be fine. Her Uncles could teach her much better, and she was much more likely to listen to them more. Isla was respectful to those around but if anyone's words would reside with her, it would be her Uncles. Casting the thought aside, Kalani looked at Liam again, "Is this true?"

Liam hesitated before immediately shaking his head. Then he stopped and nodded.

"Are you going to use words?" Liam shook his head.

"Why not?"

It was Liam's turn to slump his shoulders, "Be-because everytime I open my mouth, she complains at me! So I'm not speaking to her. When I told her I would like to play or draw, she complained."

Isla scoffed. "That's not true! I did say that. But I don't complain at you that much. You complain at me. You don't like to talk to me. I only told you that I don't play or draw, and asked if there was anything else you could or would like to do. When I get more than a phrase out of you, you fuss."

"Do not!" Liam argued

Kalani sighed. "You know what? Why don't you try each other's favorite activities? Take turns and do something new. Maybe you'll like it." She readied to leave but Liam clung to her. "Sweetheart, it's okay. Trust me, you may end up liking her."

Isla rolled her eyes at the sight of his clinging, "I wouldn't get away with that." She muttered, unexpectant of anyone to hear.

But Liam heard and took quick defense, "Why?" He asked skeptically.

Isla jerked her head back in surprise of his hearing. "Oh." She shook her head and studied her makeshift swords. "Nevermind! It doesn't matter." Her ears tilted down, her eyes frequently blinking. "What do you want to do first?" She asked, after a long exhale, seemingly reminded to ask him.

Liam tried to draw with Isla, but it ended with a new muse in which to draw, rather than to draw with. However a new argument followed when Isle argued that his sketch looked too good to be of her, Liam retorting with an "It's not that bad! Sure, it's not perfect, but it looks a lot like you."

If there was ever something of his that he was proud of, it was his art.

With rolling eyes, he grumbled that it was her turn to do what she wanted: Train.

13/14 Isla won and 8 of the 14 she won through tackling Liam. It was the 1/14 that had her upset, now displeased with the 13 she won. Liam had made up his mind about his feelings for training. He did however take pride in his one win.

Round 15 came and Isla pulled a "magic trick" on Liam. She disappeared from his sight and reappeared when tackling him, again.

"Where'd you go? I couldn't see you! That's cheating!" Liam complained, pinned to the ground by Isla's hands.

Slightly trying to blow her loose strands of curled hair from her face, Isla smirked, "You do complain! And I didn't cheat, it's magic. It's an ability I was born with, it's not cheatin' if it's natural."

A wave of intrigue washed over Liam, "Born with it? You just have it? When can I do that?"

Isla stood up off of him, looking at him with appreciation of his excitement as she dusted herself off as if there was dirt on her.. "You can't. Humans can't do it, to be more precise. Humans can do magic,.. I think. But only Silvestrians are born with the abilities to do it naturally." She smiled, taking his questions as a compliment.

Liam's shoulders dropped, and a small mischievous smile crept to his lips, "What a waste of cool stuff!"

Isla's complimented grin sank, "Ha, ha. Funny." She faked.

"Prince Liam! Lady Isla!" A servant called out. "Queen Kalani has summoned you to prepare to take your leave with King Henry." He explained and waited patiently for their responses.

Liam and Isla looked at each other for a moment before turning back to the servant. Liam called in reply, "Do you know where we're going?"

The servant answered as he approached the duo, "I do not, Your Excellency." He bowed.

Liam frowned, "Mister Ceaser, can you, please, call me 'Liam'?" He fetched his sketchbook from behind the tree in the center of the courtyard.

The servant gave him an apologetic smile, "I am sorry, Sire, but I cannot."

Liam sighed and looked at Isla. "You bringing your 'blades of terror'?"

Isla giggled. "I wish, but I don't have 'lucky' spelled out on my forehead. Sorry." She began to walk in the direction the servant had begun leading them in.

"Lucky?" Liam shrugged.

Isla tilted her head to the side, "Lucky. I don't have people gravelin' at my feet acceptin' of most things I do, Your highness, my Prince, my soon-to-be leader." She mock bowed and exaggerated.

"Aren't you, like, royalty, like a princess, or something?" Liam asked in disbelief.

Isla scoffed, "Only because I have to marry the boy in front of me."

"Gee. I thought they'd love you for your annoying comments." Liam stated with paralleling sarcasm to Isla's usual responses.

"Funny, Admiral Jerk." Isla crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at his remark.

"Don't be such a grump, Lieutenant Pain." Liam retorted.

Isla made a face to him and turned away before he could catch it.

They soon reached King Henry and Queen Kalani, outside the castle where a carriage was pulled forward. Liam studied their surroundings. "Ma, where are we going?"

Kalani offered her son a reassuring smile. "Peace among the kingdoms and Silvestria will not establish themselves, Liam. We are going to meet other Kings and Lords of our neighboring kingdoms to establish a peace treaty for Silvestria. We will need to do this every year to update them and renew our treaties. Lady Isla is the representative of Silvestria so to answer your next question, yes Lady Isla must come along." She explained.

Liam returned his mother's smile, silently promising to make the most of it.

The servant opened the carriage door and King Henry held his wife's hand, gently helping her into the carriage. Just as Kalani gestured for Liam to do the same, another servant returned with Lord Levi and Levi stepped into the carriage before Liam or Isla could do so.

"I will accompany the young Lady on this trip just as requested." He said sternly as if just arguing about it.

King Henry nodded, "Very well."

Liam turned back to Isla and held his hand out to her. Isla straightened her back at the sight of Lord Levi, and she hesitantly thought about taking his hand. She looked up to her Uncle almost as if silently asking permission to do so. But Lord Levi gave her a look of scolding question almost a "will you or will you not?".

Isla reluctantly placed her hand in Liam's and Liam helped her into the carriage. Eventually during the carriage ride to the Kingdom of Horta, Lord Levi stepped out and rode in the front.

In a few weeks, they arrived in Horta and rode the carriage horses to the castle. However at the sight of Silvestrians in their midst, crowds of pedestrians began to riot, speaking slurs and shouting insults.

Lord Levi merely rode in front with the King and Queen of Petra, but Isla couldn't help her position. She was riding beside Prince Liam, and couldn't move from her stance. She curiously looked around, staring at the hundreds of civilians screaming at her.

She attempted to smile a friendly grin at them, but it only made them rave more. Almost frightened at this all, she rode closer beside Liam. "Hey, Prince Scarf Boy." She addressed him, still gazing at the angry people surrounding their ride.

Liam looked at her and saw exactly what she did. "Hey. Ignore them." He gave her a small smile after grabbing her attention.

Meanwhile Queen Kalani, King Henry, and Lord Levi discussed further plans to move forward, ignoring the crowds entirely within the first few minutes. After all, it hadn't been the first time any of them heard negative shouts in their directions.

It didn't bother them, but they were too engrossed in political matters that they did not turn back to notice how it affected the young Lady of the age six.

Isla tried. She struggled to ignore the surrounding crowds just as Liam had advised, but she couldn't help but pay them mind.

They individually shouted and raved madly at the atrocity of Silvestrians.

A man stepped towards her horse. He was much older, likely 60 years her senior, with thin lips and a creased forehead. He was visibly not rich or of any sort of mobility, made clear by the clothes he wore.

They were tattered and torn, darkened with stains of who knew what.

"Well, well, pretty girl. Long ways from home, ain'tcha?" He said in a prominent accent, still walking towards her.

Isla stopped the horse from moving forward, but she remained silent.

The man went on, "Look at the little thing." He advertised to those around him. The people around him all laughed as if drunken.

In a single instance, the man, approaching her, yelled out, "GO BACK! GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG!" He nearly jumped at Isla, scaring her off her horse and causing her to scream, which caught the attention of the Lord, King, and Queen.

The group of men surrounding the tattered man all laughed at the sight, and the man spanked Isla's horse, scaring it away in the direction of the palace gates.

The skirts of her dress dirtied, and her heart beating faster than a racehorse, Isla stood up and grabbed a sword from the hilt tied to the saddle on Liam's horse.

She pulled it out and pointed it in the direction of the men, startling them for a moment. Just as the tattered man was about to reply with a snarky response, Lord Levi rode in front of Isla and grabbed the sword from her hands.

Queen Kalani looked at Isla and asked, "Are you well, Young Lady?"

Isla nodded, "Yeah. I'm okay." She said quietly.

"Oi!" The man shouted, "Mercy on the murderer? She's a bloomin' Silvestrian. That little thing just threatened me with a sword twice her size, and you ask of her well being? She and that other Aseng should not even be here. I say they go back." He looked around at his fellow accusers. Then he looked back at Kalani and Henry. "You have the authority! So take them back. Take them back!" He began to chant.

"Take Them Back!"

"Take Them Back!"

"Take Them Back!"

Queen Kalani tried to intervene, but as the man chanted, he gained the attention of the raging crowds. King Henry attempted an intervention, but they just chanted louder.

Commotion grew louder and more heated as Henry and Kalani tried to calm the crowds.

Nothing changed, until a woman appeared in a long gown and a golden crown atop her head. She stood at the palace gates, and silenced the crowds. She merely stood and few by few they quieted.

Every Hortusian citizen knew this woman as Queen Lucianne.

King Henry looked to the palace gates and noticed the woman. He grabbed his Queen's attention and they rode forward, gesturing to Liam, Isla, and Levi to follow.

"I told you we should have brought the Crown Guard." Queen Kalani whispered to her husband as they rode forward.

"We did not want these people here to be on guard any more than they are. Bringing them would have worsened that situation." King Henry mentioned in mirroring whispers.

"Eh." Queen Kalani tilted her shoulder upwards in a disagreeing gesture.

Lord Levi had Isla ride with Liam on Liam's horse, and they followed closely behind the King and Queen.

The woman at the gates spoke up, addressing all citizens. "Have you no shame? Yes, they are foreign. Yes, tales have been heard and fables have been written. However this question remains: Will we look at the picture our ancestors painted for us before we see it ourselves or will we look for our own perceptions?"

The civilians remained silent as they didn't have a response to give.

Still, the woman continued, "These people are royalty. This is King Henry and Queen Kalani of Petra and their son, Prince Liam. Two years ago, King Henry and Queen Kalani attempted the most dangerous possible task. They journeyed to Silvestria and began a Treaty with the Rulers. This young boy volunteered to begin a process of building that Peace treaty with Silvestria. This young girl is the Silvestrian representative that will marry this Prince to establish mutual peace. We are gathered here under that hope."

Some citizens applauded with hope. Others would have to see it for themselves, and a few were just waiting for the crash and burn.

The summer continued from that, but Prince Liam and Lady Isla only remained stagnant in arguments.

And the summer ended with no such hope for a change of outlook between them.

Three years passed with no success, and the coming year was no exception.