
Betrayal of a wife

Nayla is 23 years old, her life is quite simple, at first she worked at a luxury restaurant. But had been fired by his boss, just because he had caused trouble at the restaurant. do not know where else to apply for a job, while he has several times applied here to the nearest company. He has also applied for a job at a restaurant, but still doesn't accept it. It made him even more tired, he didn't know what else to do. This morning he was outside the house, walking on the side of the road. Looking for work with enthusiasm, he should not just give up. How can he be hopeless, if at home there are parents who he must bear to meet the needs of his family. Why is his life so hard, it feels like giving up. But he became because of his own mother, never tired of supporting his family.

Ina_Alviana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 2

"But, Ma'am, the wound is only light," said Aris, seeing the girl's wounds on both legs, only slightly injured. Then why did the woman ask herself to be responsible? Really, he had no idea about it.

"I don't want to know. You have to be responsible." Nayla still giggled. The man must be responsible. She does not want him to run away from his responsibilities.

"Ok, I'll take you to the hospital. Come with me." Aris just gave up. He'd better obey the girl's wishes. Instead of later being put in prison, he didn't want all of that to happen.

Aris immediately walked into his car, followed by Nayla behind him. Nayla immediately got into the car; she already wanted to sit next to the man's seat. But Aris prevented the girl from sitting next to him.

"Move." Aris asked the girl to change her seat so that she would not sit next to his chair.

"Why, sir?" Nayla lifted her head, looking at the man in surprise.

"You didn't hear? Change seats." Aris glared at Nayla, making the girl refute her words.

"Why, sir? I just want to sit next to you." Why is she not allowed to sit next to the man? Even though the seat is the same, there is no difference.

"The chair is for my wife only. You better sit in the back." It's not like the seat at the back is still spacious. Aris explained to Nayla that the chair she was occupying was No one except his wife can sit in that chair.

"Yeah, sorry." With a sigh, Nayla immediately got out of the car. Then just sit behind the man.

When they both arrived at the hospital, Aris immediately got out of his car. Nayla followed her into the hospital building.

"Sir, wait for me." "My legs still hurt, you know," Nayla scolded, running after the man from behind.

"Hurry up. I don't have time to serve you anymore," said Aris, looking behind him and seeing that the woman was still far away.

"Yes sir," said Nayla. Already approaching the man, with his legs still feeling the pain,

When they were both in the room, Nayla was immediately examined by a doctor. Her body was laid on the bed. Her legs had turned blue.

"Doc, check her leg. Is there a serious wound on her leg?"

Aris was very worried. She was only afraid that the woman would get hurt. If the girl is hurt, she must be responsible for her actions.

"Okay, sir. I'll check first. " The doctor was checking the patient's condition. It turned out that her condition was fine. There's nothing to worry about anymore; there are only minor injuries to the patient's legs.

"How, Doc?" Aris is still curious about the girl's condition, whether she is okay. Don't hurt your legs badly.

"Both of the patient's legs are fine. It's just that her legs are blue," the doctor explained. he checked the patient's condition.

"Then how do you get her feet to heal quickly?" asked Aris. She wanted the girl to get well soon so he wouldn't feel guilty anymore.

"Both legs just need to be massaged. You can take the patient to a massage therapist," replied the doctor with a smile.

"Okay Doc, thank you. Then we'll excuse ourselves first," said Aris, immediately pulling Nayla's wrist. After Nayla and Aris had left the room, Aris immediately released her wrist.

"I've taken you to the hospital. I want to go home. I have important business to attend to." Aris already wants to go home; he has more important things to do than the girl. However, the woman prevented herself from leaving this place.

"Wait a minute, sir. Our problem is still not over." When Nayla saw the man was about to leave, she immediately grabbed his wrist so that he wouldn't leave again.

"What else? Isn't it my responsibility to take you to the hospital?" Aris looked at the woman's face with a flat gaze. Why did she always get in the way of him? Wasn't her business with him finished? Then why else would she call him?

"Yes, I know, but because of you, my leg was injured. I couldn't find a job anymore." Nayla looked sharply at Aris. She asked the man to be responsible. She just wants Aris to support herself and her family. Because of this man, she couldn't find another job.

"Then what's that got to do with me?" Aris frowned, settling the woman in surprise. What is his business with that woman, even though he is already responsible for his actions?

"Still asking? You have to help me find a job too." Nayla felt very annoyed. Why was the man still unconscious?

"Ok, that's all. I have a big company; you can work at my company," thought Aris. Coincidentally, there was still another job vacancy at his company. So, the woman can work in his company.

"Wow, seriously?" Nayla was very surprised. She couldn't believe that the man had asked her to work at her company.

"Yeah, I'm being serious." Aris looked at the girl's face flatly; she never showed a smile at all.

"Thank you, sir." Nayla was very happy, so happy that she immediately hugged the man tightly. making Aris feel very uncomfortable. He is not used to being hugged by other women. Apart from just his wife,

"Don't hug me." Aris immediately let go of her embrace; he didn't like being hugged like that. What else was he doing in a public place like this?

"Sorry, sir. I'm very happy about that." Nayla felt guilty, even though she only felt happy. It doesn't mean anything at all.

From a distance, a woman accidentally saw her husband with another woman. Her feelings were very sick. She immediately approached them both to scold her husband.

"Mas Aris," said Maira, as she approached her husband.

"Maira?" said Aris. Aris was very surprised to see his wife suddenly come. It was as if he had been caught cheating, even though he had never cheated.

"So, you cheated on me, Mas." Maira rolled her eyes; she still didn't expect her husband.

"Who's cheating on you? Feelings just hug him anyway." Nayla muttered, looking at the woman in amazement. She was still confused by her words. How could she possibly have an affair with a rich man like Aris? After all, how could Aris want to have an affair with a village girl like herself?

"I saw you cuddling with him. You really have the heart to be with me, Mas," accused Maira. She saw it with her own two eyes. Her husband was clearly having an affair with the woman in front of him.

"If so, why? Aren't you cheating behind my back? It's not only you who can cheat. But I can also cheat behind your back." Aris looked at his wife with a sharp gaze. He didn't want to lose if his wife could cheat behind his back. Aris can also have an affair with another woman.

"Mas, I only love you. I never want to cheat on you from behind," Maira explained, pretending to love her husband. though he didn't love her at all.

"Never mind, it's better to just mind your own business. Come on, honey, let's go home." Aris immediately put his arm around the shoulder of the woman beside him. He wanted to take the girl away from this place.

Aris was tired of dealing with his wife's character. He wanted her to cheat too. He didn't care at all anymore. Since that incident, he didn't want to interfere with his wife's business anymore.

"But, sir." Nayla looked at the man in wonder. Why was he suddenly so nice?

"Your leg still hurts. I'd better take you home," said Aris. He wanted to make his wife jealous. But his wife wasn't jealous at all; it was true that she didn't love him. If his wife really loved him, she would have restrained him from leaving this place.

"Heh yes, thanks." Nayla was immediately taken by the man. Aris just wanted to take her home as a sign of gratitude too.