
BETAS (bl-omegaverse)

Rey a normal teenage beta, living a normal beta life, nothing interesting can happen to a beta, that is what he thought until he met Alex, the mysterious handsome beta, who turns his life upside down, both in a good and in a bad way. There is mentioning of strong language.

EllaMoore · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A secret

Warning: strong language.

When Rey went back to his home, he was already drained out from his basketball practice. He threw his motorcycle key in the pot that was placed on a table in the living room, and rushed to take a shower. When he got out, his mother already placed food on the table for him.

"How was school today?" She asked.

"Good." He gave only that short answer, took two bites from the dish, and rushed to his room.

As soon as he put his head on the pillow, he fell asleep, a notification woke him up.

*Alex was added to the group chat*

So they added Alex to the class group chat. Rey found himself searching through Alex's account, no bio, no posts, not even a profile picture, what kind of social media life is that. Another news notification popped up.

*Civil Beta Rights Demonstrations spreading across the country.*

'Beta rights, what a joke,' Rey sneered.

That night he dreamed about Alex dragging him to protest, both in the middle of a crowd cheering for thier rights, than a bomb fell on their heads.

What a strange dream he had.

Living his days now in freezing December, school started on October, two months have passed , and he kept his routine, school hours, basketball practice hours, studying for two hours at home and sleep, on the weekends, he hang out with his friends, he didn't have close friends in particular, but he kept only the good people around, all of them were betas, not like he hated alphas or omegas, but they weren't anywhere close to his circle.

But still he had enemies, alpha enemies at that, it all happened when his basketball team lost to another school, the majority of them were alphas, so it wasn't a surprise. He was upset, so all what he did was to curse to no one but luck, only that and a fight started between players, he punched an alpha called Chris and that alpha promised to revenge, he took it lightly but his friends always reminded him.

He also somehow had an omega admirer, nothing serious. One day he saved a small omega from an alpha going through rut, in a parking lot, he pretty much just snapped the omega from the attacker's hands and ran away with him, that omega wanted to show gratitude, but Rey just vanished afterwards.

He was kinda lonely at home, his parents are too old to treat them as friends. His mother reached her 65 birthday this year, same age as his father, both used to be elementary school teachers and now retired. He also has two older brothers, but they both are a decade older than him, not even living in the family house.

At school, Rey decided to be friends with Alex, as from what he heard from teachers, Alex was an excellent student with straight As, but that didn't last long. For the next two weeks since Alex showed up, Alex failed all the quizzes, he didn't show up to school often, even when  he got his school uniform, he still didn't look or act like a student.

Alex didn't make friends at school with anyone, any girl who approached him fails to have more than two long sentences with him. The boys didn't like him, he was kind of an arrogant. His mysterious aura kept on being present, but still he kept on having his smile all the time, and a friendly attitude, which made Rey wonder, if there was something wrong with him.

They only person that Alex would actually start the conversation with was Rey, even if it's a brief words, but it's still there. It was only because his seat was next to Rey, but hey, it's still something!

"When is the mid exams?" Alex asked.

"In January. Sure you don't want to start studying from now?" Rey was somewhat eager to make him talk more.

"Nah, what's the point. I'm not going to college."

Rey looked at him with concern showing on his face.

"What Rey? Is there something on my face?"

"Your glasses are pretty."

Alex laughed, it made Rey surprised, he didn't only call him by his name for the first time, but also laughed, for the first time. Students turned their heads to them, and the teacher was so angry he kicked Alex out of class. It was the last class for today, so Alex can just go home, but he left his bag on his desk, he should come and get it after class ends.

Rey wanted to wait for Alex after class, he didn't have practice that day, so why not to wait. The class got empty, almost the whole school too. He decided to go and moved the seats, Alex's bag fell on the ground, it was open and the books fell out of it. He picked the bag and the books and when he put them back in the bag he noticed, a hand filled bag with pills, he hold it in his hand, 'drugs?'

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Alex shouts just entering the class.

"You don't seem like a junky!"

Alex took the bag from him and started picking his things.

"I think you need help." Rey just crossed the red line.

"If you open your fucking mouth to anyone, I'll slice it."

The fear got into Rey, he walked out of class quickly. Alex scared the shit out of him. 'An addict? No no, a drug dealer!'

Rey knew the world he lives in is messed up, even betas can be demons. Fight the demons inside or fight the visible ones?

He didn't ride his motorcycle that day, so he walked directly to school's gate, and that's when an awful smell hit him, didn't take him a second to realize, pheromones!

Three students in a different school uniform from his standing next to gate stopped him, he knew them, the basketball players from the team he had fight with.

Chris came for revenge!