
chapter four

Episode Four

The two friends find their ways to the car. As the made themselves comfortable on the sit. Khadija started her narration.

You do know that my mum died when I was fifteen. And that was the worst thing that ever happened to me because my whole world reside around her, this may not seem new to you, actually my dad has two wife's, she gave birth to two boys and my mum only has me.

I see my dad every day shower them with so much love that sometimes I get envious, but my mum makes sure she cover for everything.

After her death I was not given much attention to in the house, until one day my dad turned 120° different, he started buying me gift I was confused at first but later I got used to it. Should I say that the beginning of an happiness is the start of a nightmares.

My dad that don't care about my grades started to encourage me to do better. My stepmother seeing this started to make life hell for me in the house and my brothers were no different. I never expect any good from them though.

 Until one day my dad went on a journey of no return, he died in a car accident. After his three days firdau prayer. The second week I was coming home happily because I finally got admission medicine in ABU zaria, maybe I caught her unexpected or the Allah just wanted to save my life, which am grateful for I heard my stepmother talking to a man in her room Of how they plotted to kill my mum, how they messed with the brakes of the car my dad boarded for his journey, and she was even planing on killing me later not now to avoid suspicion. And that's where I found out that the change in my dad attitude, that he was giving me the attention he never gave before was because he found out that her fist son was not his and the last one  was his only.

 I remember her catching me at the door and tried to lock me up, I remember running down the stairs without missing one step, I ran and never looked back, I left my home without taking anything with me.

  And from a daughter of a well known businessman, I became a homeless street walker, walking aimlessly with no where to go, at night I slept in the cold shivering, I spent days without eating.

Like the calamity that has befallen my life isn't enough, it was a day I will never forget in my entire life, that night I was sleeping in one of the quiet alleys I was used to it because that the only conducive place now.

 It was an unknown feeling you know, I was rapped that to by a stranger, I lost my chastity at the age of sixteen, that night I screamed on the top of my lungs begging who ever it was to please let me go, but my pleas went to deaf hears. It kept me in pain and the next morning when I saw the patches of blood staining the floor of where I slept I knew it was not a nightmare, but a reality I was to accept whether I like it or not.  

What happened after that???