
Berserk God Ascension Technique

Tyrak Morningstar is from an unknown branch family of warlocks in the world of Othea. But due to an unfortunate series of events, he ends up with the fate of a slave mining precious ores for those who brought misfortune upon his family. He is constantly contemplating his imminent death, and any day he goes down to the tunnels to mine could be the day he probably dies. His beyond hopeless, and his tenacity is slowly growing thin. However, luck is about to enter his life, and what he thought was a calamity that would take his life turns into a heavenly opportunity. A series of encounters allows him to master a technique from another world called the Berserk God Ascension technique. He evolves into a dragon among men, and what follows is the rise of a legendary powerhouse.

Daoist_Fried_Onion · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

A Strange Girl

Tyrak awoke with a start. Gathering his wits, he realized he was lying supine on a cold stony floor. He was in a spacious cavern, with the only light source being two glowing crystals hanging on the opposite sides of the walls.

He was dimly aware of his body being rigid, straight, and unable to make excessive movements. By sheer reflex, he raised his head and inclined it sideways to look. But the next moment, he was alarmed and bewildered by what he saw.

His long-tattered clothes had already disappeared to who knows where, and he was only in his faded underwear briefs. He lay there almost totally naked with thick manacles connected to huge bolts pinning his limbs and entire body to the floor. They rendered him incapable of making significant movements, driving him to feel like a destitute swine waiting to be slaughtered.

But all that was not what staggered him the most. Instead, the glowing and bizarre six-pointed star that was inscribed on the floor in such a precise way to encompass the full extent of his body was the oddity that caused his mood to go into haywire mode.

Just by focusing his eyes on the intricate lines forming the six-pointed star, he could tell that there was something terribly disturbing about its very nature. Its units and segments contained various symbols and characters, all mysterious and unnerving, to the point of causing Tyrak to shudder from within. He could feel something strange, something ominous, tugging at his very source of existence just by taking a brief glance at one of the peculiar symbols.

"Where the hell am I?"

Tyrak took a deep breath to calm himself down. Fighting against a pounding headache, he struggled to make sense of everything while piecing together chunks of memories and perceptions — until he remembered what had happened to him.

The escape from the mines, the meeting with the mysterious entity, the stunning girl in the forest, and how she had poisoned him… All the events he had experienced came rushing back into his mind with a dizzying rush of clarity.

His heart hammered hard in his chest, and saliva pooled in the back of his throat. He swallowed hard and used all his newly acquired strength to flex his arms and legs as he struggled against the manacles connected to the bolts pinning him to the ground. But no matter how much he tried and strained, he couldn't free himself from the restraints. He was truly in a precarious situation, and not even his recently gained powers could aid him in the slightest.

"You're finally awake."

A magnetic voice sounded behind his head, and gentle almost-imperceptible footfalls rang within the otherwise silent cavernous space. The footsteps brought with them a whiff of enchanting fragrance, and in mere moments, a splendid creature of a human appeared within Tyrak's field of vision.

The gorgeous and captivating female that had just stepped on the scene was 'no other than' Tamara Wisetree, the lady that had drugged Tyrak. She had already removed her armor. Her ample bosom, which was as breathtaking and exquisite as the rest of her body, was on full display.

Her hazel eyes shone bright like stars under the dim lighting of the cave, and her face portrayed gentleness as she gazed at Tyrak. Her hair hung rich and purple about her shoulders, and her perfect hourglass figure was as fascinating and alluring as before. Tyrak could only sigh and sigh again and again at how such a delicate lady was indeed a demoness in an angelic disguise.

"What do you really want from me?" Tyrak croaked out a question. "Why did you bring me here?"

Tamara neither responded nor said any other word. She just stood quietly above and beside Tyrak while observing his body. Her captivating eyes made several circles all over his recently-enhanced physique, starting from the flawless skin of his face, then over his well-defined chest muscles, and finally on his crotch area.

At that exact moment, a trace of unnaturalness manifested on her otherwise calm face. Her eyes flashed, her breathing accelerated by the slightest of margins, and a rosy hue materialized around her cheeks.

Tyrak caught all that with his recently improved senses, and he could have sworn that she was blushing while glancing at his crotch. But before he could confirm if that had been the case, her expression hardened with what seemed like decisiveness, and she balled her fists tightly.

What happened next really stunned Tyrak to his very core. The strange girl seemed to have reached some sort of resolution, and without a care for anything, she turned her back to Tyrak and immediately started undressing.

Boots and Stockings! Check!

Gloves and a Blouse! Check!

Belt and Riding Pants! Check!

Tamara was so fast and snappy with her actions as she took off article after article of clothing. Before Tyrak could understand 'what the hell' was going on, she was already standing before him only in her undergarments.

Pausing slightly and turning around to glance at Tyrak, she smiled like an angel, or rather, a succubus. Then, with slow but captivating movements, she took off her last articles of clothing, which happened to be a white bra and a matching thong. She let them drop to the stone-cold floor and exposed her absolute self and stark-naked body to Tyrak's gaze.


An explosion seemed to go off within Tyrak's head at that exact moment. He was bewildered, dazed, shaken, confused, and excited all at the same time. And aside from that, the sensation of hot blood pumping into his fast bulging and hardening phallus was so vivid in his mind as his eyes greedily devoured Tamara's naked charms.

Although she looked like a twine-thin girl of twenty-something years on the surface, everything about her nude body was just ripe and divine. Her face adorned by her silky purple hair was angelic, her neck long and sexy, and her protruding breasts just the right size and neither too big nor too small. Her nipples were like two proud and precious jewels pointed forward, and together with her tapered waist and glossy skin, they elevated her feminine charms to unimaginable levels.

There were also those well-formed long legs and lovely delicate feet and ankles. Tyrak moved his eyes quickly all over them until his gaze settled on that particular place, the same slit and Shangri-La of a cave that would captivate any man, no matter how inexperienced. So sensual and titillating was the sight that Tyrak could only shudder, and so intensely at that. His euphoria and other feelings he couldn't comprehend soared to an unthinkable level, causing his body to react in ways he couldn't control. A sort of craving he had never ever encountered surged through him from the base of his spine to his head, and his phallus elongated to a painful extent before standing proud like a spear within his briefs.

"Do you like what you see?" Tamara suddenly broke the silence. Her voice exuded confidence and incredible allure without projecting any sense of shame whatsoever. And if she was embarrassed, she hid the feeling rather well as she stood at attention like a soldier while exhibiting all her secret goodies in front of Tyrak's searing gaze.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked again after noticing that Tyrak was still in an absentminded state.

Tyrak was never in the habit of lying. And even if he lied, nothing would change since he was already at the mercy of his enemy. He swallowed hard and replied with a "Yes" to her question.

"Good, I like your honesty," Tamara said, and her smile became even more enchanting. "From today onwards, we'll be companions. You'll protect me, and I'll use all my powers to provide you with opportunities that will help you live a life filled with glory. I make this pact with fate as my witness..."

There was a sort of magical charm to Tamara's voice as she chanted the words. The phrases from her mouth seemed to resonate with something beyond Tyrak's understanding, and the six-pointed star encompassing his body lit up with a sacred-like glow.

The mysterious symbols within the six-pointed star's various sections flickered in and out of existence, and Tyrak felt himself losing control of his mental faculties. His head started spinning, and his vision turned blurry. The world around him became less and less clear, and as more time passed, he could only maintain a slight perception of his surroundings. However, even with that puny perception, he could still monitor what Tamara was doing.

The strange girl had already summoned a knife from somewhere and cut apart Tyrak's briefs. But she didn't stop at that. Instead, she balled her fists and hardened her expression before kneeling down and caressing Tyrak's bulging and elongated phallus.

Even with his dulled senses, Tyrak felt extreme waves of pleasure assaulting his lower body as Tamara's delicate hands wrapped around his phallus and caressed it with up-and-down motions. Following his primal instincts, he repeatedly attempted to raise his hips in concert with the girl's movements. But his efforts failed partly due to some mysterious power that kept him in place and that mind-numbing feeling of bliss he was experiencing for the first time in all his years of life.

He soon surrendered his body and mind and left himself at the girl's mercy. Then finally, after a while, the moment arrived when Tamara seemed to judge that everything was ready.

The strange girl stopped caressing his phallus and then swung one knee over Tyrak to straddle him at the waist like a cowgirl riding her mount. She held on to Tyrak's bulging cock and paused her actions for a few breaths.

Once again, that struggling expression of appearing to hesitate manifested on her angelic face. But after taking a few breaths, she seemed to let go of all her reservations, and her eyes flickered with resolve.

Her sensual hips moved backward as she guided Tyrak's elongated phallus and finally positioned its mushroom-like head at the entrance of her sacred cave. Then, without delay, a misty glow seemed to flash through her hazel eyes, and she fearlessly sat herself down.