
Bender Island (A Avatar: The Last Airbender Inspired/Based Fanfiction)

He awoke up on a deserted island, but if that wasn't weird enough, then this is one weird day.

Ilikefords4455 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs


"Bending? Oh, you have to be kidding me" I say, not believing the story this woman is trying to layout.

"The others had the same reaction when they got here. We are all so used to absorbing fiction, imagining what it would be like to live it, but somehow finding it hard to believe when it somehow actually happens" The woman says as she once again picks up water from the pots beside her, making it flow and bend in intricate patterns.

I sat there for a few moments as my mind tried to process all this.

"Can I do this too?" I ask

"Most likely since we have four people including me, all being able to do one or the other," She says. "The name is Kuwahara by the way. Come on out, meet the others" Kuwahara says as she waves her hand towards her in a gesturing manner.

A/N: What Kuwahara looks like.

I get to my feet, dusting myself off as I then proceed to walk out the structure. I was greeted to an amazingly well put together village with refined sand pathways, large and sturdy shelters woven from trees, a fancy concrete-lined firepit with intricately designed stone thrones around it etc.

"Wow" Is all I could say to describe this fantasy stronghold.

"Hey, Bonk is awake!" A large, muscular, extremely attractive and energetic girl standing around two meters tall says as she waves her hand.

"That's Chloe. Our Earthbender and the person you can thank for giving you that 2nd head on your first one" Kuwahara says with a chuckle.

"Earthbender? Bonk?" I say aloud in confusion.

"Bonk is an internet joke with dog and bat" One of the people sitting around the campfire who seems to sound Russian says with a giggle. "Bonk dog, silly Americans," The man says again.

"That's Alexi, our Airbender," Kuwahara says as Alexi then raises a partially opened green coconut as a form of greetings to me.

"Say, what would your name be big guy?" A man with tanned skin, a Kiwi accent, and most notably, a Combustion Bending Tatoo says as he walks over with a very welcoming persona.

"I'm Jackson," I say, being a bit nervous around people who could put me on a gravestone in a second.

"Hey man, I see you a bit frightened about us, I can vouch for all of us in saying that we are pretty chill. But if you even think about taking any of my jerkies, my 3rd eye with have words with you" The man says with a laugh as he offers a hand which I accept out of nervousness.

"Maybe you want to introduce yourself before you blow him up Terry," Kuwahara says with a sigh.

"Oh yeah, my bad bro. I'm Terry, I'm everything to do with fire. You want an explosion, lightning, some good ol flame, or just someone to talk to, I'm yah fella" Terry says as he playfully and quite intensely pats me on the shoulder, laughing as he walks back to his chair which was lots of what look to be tribal details on it.

"Hey Hey Jackson, let's go find out which element you can bend!" Chloe says as she leaps over with an earthen Piller right infront of her throne, landing right next to me with a superhero landing that she uses to shoot the pillar back over near her chair into the ground as if nothing happened.

"I mean, she has a point there. If big fella over here is a Water Bender, it would be easier tonight than any other time" Terry says.

"This is good opportunity, little comrade would tap into water easier if full moon is present," Alexi says.

"Couldn't hurt, not like your powers could go rampant if you did manifest them?" Kuwahara says as she begins to walk out of the compound with the others following, him walking out last as the group ventures a few dozen meters out of the treeline and onto the beach.

"Oh man, I feel sorry for the ocean," Terry says with a slight nervous sweat.

"The Full Moon won't help you become a master in a single night, but it will be strong enough to realise you as a water bender if you are one," Kuwahara says as she walks into the water, only for it to divide into two large walls Noa style. "But dividing the current isn't how you will begin," Kuwahara says as she seemingly gives up control over the two walls, splashing in on her but only for her to raise out of the water in a large spiral. She uses this spiral of water to carry her back to the beach without a single drop of water on here.

"Do you think your up to it?" Kuwahara asks, somehow looking menacing thanks to the strong moonlight hitting her back.