
Ben X (X-Men/Ben 10 Fic)

Join Ben Tennyson as he joins the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and begins on his path from celebrity to hero. He will work with his team and the other teenagers at the school to save the world and live their lives as freely and fully as possible.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: First Day of Class

After he transformed, Blitzwolfer sat down with the rest of the class who had either also transformed or were permanently in their shifted form such as a girl who looked to be a regular human girl except for the fact that her skin was blueish-gray and that she had a shark's head. 

"Alright, kids. Today, we are working on controlling our sense of smell. As Feral mutants, we have much stronger senses than others. This could be used to help track others or in combat but it can also be used against us. Sound attacks, stink bombs, even a suburban mom with pepper spray. All of those are things that can shut down a powerful Feral mutant, even with our increased healing factor," Logan began his lecture. 

'Wow. I knew that my senses felt overloaded when I used Blitzwolfer before but when he puts it like that, I guess I really am vulnerable to those things,' Blitzwolfer was surprised that the man was such a good teacher. Logan didn't really look like the teacher type. 

"And because you guys need to practice... think fast!" Logan grabbed something from behind his podium and threw it into the air. All the students looked up at it and almost immediately regretted it. 

There was a loud bang and flash. After both of those went away, one could see over 20 animal-like beings rolling around on the ground, covering their eyes or ears. 

'Oh, god. That hurts so much! Where is the humanity?!?!' Blitzwolfer was nearly in tears as he rolled around on the ground, his eyes and ears were hurting so much. 

Blitzwolfer could barely make out that Logan was continuing to talk but he couldn't hear a word that the man was saying. He saw Logan reach for under his podium again and Blitzwolfer wanted to move but he was still stunned. He could only watch in fear as Logan tossed several small items into the crowd of students. 

Soon after those were thrown into the crowd, Blitzwolfer and the other students began to cough and cry even louder. Logan had thrown several tear gas grenades into the crowd of students which made the ones who were just barely recovering fall into an even worse state. Their throats were and noses were burning, eyes were watering, and lungs felt tight. 

By now, the bang from the flash bang had begun to wear off so the students could hear each other coughing and crying out for mercy. They could also hear Logan continuing his lecture. 

"I think the flashbang should have worn off by now so I suppose you guys can hear me. If you can't, ask the other students about what I said later. For the next two weeks, this will be our regular training. 

And don't worry about dying. We have healers on standby so once you guys make it out of the cloud of smoke or if we see you suffering too much, you'll get all fixed up."

'This guy is a monster,' Blitzwolfer began to crawl in one direction, not even sure if he was moving closer to one of the tear gas canisters or out of the cloud. Either way, he knew that it was better to move somewhere that just sit there and take it. 

It took Blitzwolfer about 30 seconds to crawl out of the fog but even as he did, he was still suffering. Luckily for him, one of the healers walked over and began to pour water on his face, trying to wash the irritant out of his eyes. 

This helped relieve the pain slightly, but Blitzwolfer was still suffering. Luckily for him, Logan didn't do anything else to them. Once all the students had moved out of the fog, he had someone who could control wind stop the sphere of air that was holding the tear gas in place and unleashed a strong gust that blew the gas upwards. 

The rest of the class was spent recovering from their 'injuries' and complaining about Logan. Apparently, this was the first time that he had done so.

"Can we fight teachers?" Blitzwolfer asked Rahne. He was still transformed since he recovered faster as Blitzwolfer but Rahne returned to her human form. That was the only way that she could speak with others without someone using telepathy on her. 

"Yep, but I don't recommend it. Logan is over 200 years old and has fought in almost every war since the revolutionary one. He's also been trained by various militaries and secret orders including assassins," Rahne dissuaded him. They weren't the first students to suffer at Logan's hands nor would they be the last. 

There was a senior student that tried to fight with Logan before and he had gotten his ass kicked without Logan even using his powers. Although the man was short, he was filled with the fury of a thousand short kings. 

"Ugh," Blitzwolfer sighed and laid on his back before sitting back up in one sudden move. "Wait. Can he even go through this stuff without suffering?"

Rahne looked shocked when she heard the question. She thought back to it and realized that Logan had looked away when the flashbang went off and was clear from the tear gas. Other students also heard the question and then they all put it together. 

He was making them suffer through something that even he couldn't handle! The anger that the students felt towards Logan was reignited. 

When class was over, Ben and Rahne walked back into the building together where they saw their other friends. 

"Wow! You guys look really bad," Amara laughed at the pair who still had red eyes from the tear gas

"Ugh. And we have to do this for two more weeks," Ben complained before his head hit the desk

"Don't fall asleep now. You gotta take good notes for this class," Illyana warned him. The teacher for World History would put the most abstract things on quizzes and exams so unless one was a telepath or super intelligence, this was the class that everyone paid close attention to. 

"No worries," Ben replied before sitting up and pulling out his notebook. He then pulled out a pen and pressed the button to use it. Ben's eyes began to glow purple as he started to chant. 

"Scribo in incendia!" Ben whispered. His pen was surrounded by a purple light and began to float in the air. When the teacher began their lecture, the pen began to write in the notebook, writing down everything that the teacher had been saying. Ben pushed the notebook forward so he could lay his head down and rest.

Those who sat around Ben looked at the pen in shock as they saw it writing away. The few who were close enough to see what it was written saw that it was copying everything that was said perfectly. 

"Gotta get him to teach me that later," Illyana said jealously. While Ben rested during class, the others were writing everything down.

When class was over, Ben felt someone shaking his shoulder. He looked up and saw Amara smiling brightly at him. 

"My turn, playboy. We got our class together next," Amara began to pull his arm to get him up.

"One sec," Ben laughed while putting his pen and notebook into his bag before following her to the basement. Elementalism was held in the Danger Room since doing anything outside would cost too much in order to repair the grounds. 

When the duo arrived, they were some of the first to get there. Ben saw that only 2 other students had gotten there before them as well as the teacher. 

The teacher for this class was a blonde woman with pointed ears and some mystical type of beauty. It was like she constantly had a charm spell active on her. She was wearing a tight green and black outfit that revealed his slender shoulders.

"That's Mrs. Braddock," Amara explained. "She's one of the strongest mutants on the planet as well as one of the most powerful magic users as well. Rumor has it that she was offered the position of Sorcerer Supreme but rejected it. That's the only reason why Dr. Strange is the current one."

Meggan Braddock was perhaps one of 3 strongest mutants on the planet. Most assumed that her main strength was her ability to control elements on the level of Omega-level mutants or her power with magic but those were only secondary powers. Her real strengths was that she was a powerful empath and shapeshifter. 

Meggan could transform into anything or anyone and use their abilities. If she turned into a dragon, depending on which one, she could make herself magic-proof and element proof. If she turned into another mutant, she could copy all their powers. Even worse, she would know how to use one's power at their fullest level, capable of surpassing even the originals. 

Meggan was so powerful at shapeshifting that she could had once made herself the female version of a person that could warp matter on a level comparable to reality warping and used their own abilities to defeat them. 

"Really? Wow," Ben was amazed. He couldn't believe that she was so powerful but he had never heard of the woman. 

"Yeah, she's in charge of this class and the magic class. She's pretty chill but can be a bit flighty," Amara continued 

"Guess I shouldn't get on her bad side then," Ben figured since she was in charge of two of his classes. 

"Hard to, Ben. But you might already be on someone else's bad side," Amara lifted her head and pointed behind Ben.

Ben turned around and saw a boy with brown skin and curly black hair, walking over to them with a scowl on his face. It was obvious that the boy was looking at Ben with hatred but the latter hadn't even met him before. Ben could feel some intense heat coming from the guy and knew that it wasn't just his imagination. 

"Ex?" was all Ben asked

"Worse. Bobby is a teammate that has a crush on me but I rejected him," Amara began to explain. "Not too smart to mix business and pleasure. Plus, I'm not into guys who rely on their parents' money."

"Ah. And since I have been hanging out with you..." 

"He's probably gonna try to pick a fight during class. Don't worry though, I won't let him hurt you," Amara tried to comfort him, showing that she was willing to protect him. But she didn't know Ben.

"No worries. No matter what he wants to do, he can't beat me," Ben began to dial with his watch, setting it on a particular form that he was going to use for the class. If he wanted to use fire to beat him, he was choosing the wrong opponent to do that with.

Bobby didn't come any closer and stood about 10 feet away from the pair but the entire time they were waiting for class to start, Ben could feel the guy staring at him. 

Sooraya was also in this class so when she saw that Ben was part of it, she walked over to sit with him and Amara. 

When the bell rung, Meggan clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention. 

"Hey, guys. I'm a bit tired so I'm gonna take a nap. You guys can just do whatever," Meggan told them before turning into a blonde cat and walking into a corner of the room to go to sleep.

'Wow. She really is flighty,' Ben couldn't believe that a teacher could be so bold. This was a side-effect of Meggan's ancestry as a half-fae. 

While Ben was looking at Meggan, Bobby had begun walking over and Ben didn't realize until he was only a few feet away. 

"Sup. Roberto Da Costa but my friends call me Bobby," Bobby introduced himself

"Cool. Guess I'll call you Roberto then," Ben replied. Although he was usually laid back, Ben was never the type to try and get along with people who clearly had an issue with him. At best, he would avoid them. At worst, he would confront them. 

Bobby was visbly upset when he heard this, seeing that Ben had no intention of playing along with him. So he lost the fake smile on his face and replaced it with a scowl. 

"I hear that you've been bothering my teammates," Bobby used the excuse he had come up with the night before so that no one would say he was being a sore loser about Ben getting the attention of the girl he liked. 

"Really? Haven't heard that from any of them," Ben replied, not bothering to put up with Bobby's tough guy routine. "If you have an issue with me, just say it. Don't hide behind others."

"You really think you're hot shit?" Bobby asked, not denying Ben's words

"Nope. Just the shit."

"Wanna go?"

"I'm down," Ben told him before pressing the screen of the Omnitrix