
Chapter 4: What’s your Fear?

'Why won't you listen?!' A voice whispered in the darkness. 'You are driving our patience!! When will you END THESE CHILDISH GAMES?!!' The voice booms causing the dark environment to shake. "Fine." It grew quiet as the shaking grew violent. "We'll play."

"Pssssh!" Someone hissing breaks from Will's consciouses. "Will! Get up!" A familiar voice whispered. The light breaks through the darkness before revealing Gwen standing a foot from Will's eyes.

He blinks as his vision focus on Gwen's green eyes staring daggers at his.

"I require your insight. Get up, please." Gwen plead.

Will groaned, turning his back to her. She stood on the bottom bunk below Will seeing him half-awake on his top bunk.

"Ah, no..." He mumbles, turning from Gwen.

"Will!" Her brows twitched, yet she smirked, getting an idea.

She leaves into the curtains and back with shaving cream in hand. She climbed the bunk and sprayed some into Will's hand.

Gwen traces her finger along Will's cheek. He scratches it in response.

Gwen does this until Will slaps his face with shaving cream.

"Psssh!!! Hm! Hm!" Gwen held in her laughter while Will groaned and glared at her.

"Gwen, seriously?!" The cream covered his eyes and nose, making it impossible to know he was glaring.

"You won't get up." Gwen gave an innocent grin. "I need your help." She raises a brow. " If you don't, mind another."

"I'm up." Will sits up with a groan wiping the cream from his face. "What exactly do you want?" His tired eyes gazed at Gwen.

"Follow me. And You will find out." She smirked, heading for the curtains.

"I hope you're not taking me to your secret dungeon." Will hops off the bunk, yawning.

"You would like that would you?" Gwen looks back at him with a raised brow.

"You suggested it." Will followed, Gwen that only sigh passing through the curtains.

"I followed what you said back at Ginger Town." She approached her laptop sitting on the booth table. "The voices you hear are they continuous?"

"They?" Will squinted his eyes while Gwen sat in front of her computer.

"They. In voices." Gwen stated, moving her hand about trying to get Will to understand.

"Mostly." He flicks the shaving cream into the garbage. "I only hear them giving me advice on decisions or comments, good or bad." Will squinted his eyes. "Oddly, my head feels clear."

Gwen nodded lightly. "Do you know how many?"

"I wished I knew." Will shrugged while Gwen pulled something underneath her laptop.

"Here." Her hands press a notebook on the table. " I got this before any of this started. I hoped to do something with it, but you needed more than me. Plus, I heard what happened to your last one."

Will grasp the notebook before looking at Gwen.

"Wait, you're telling me-"

"To learn about them." Gwen turned her feet towards Will. "Or you can continue ignoring them. Which one is better? I don't know. This decision is entirely up to you."

Will stared back at his notebook gifted from Gwen. He noticed a cat in the top corner of the blue notebook.

"You sure are a cat person." Will eyes linger on the Cat icon.

Gwen looks away.

"I can't help it." She said under her breath with a blush. She cleared her throat. "A-a anyway, I want your opinion." She turns to her laptop, typing. Will stood behind her, placing his hand on her headrest.

Gwen finalized her typing while Will squinted his eyes.

"Prowler Girl?" Will stared at the designs of her costumes ranging from Cat girl, Retro, and Night stalker.

"I'm still. Working on the kinks." Gwen said under her breath. "And the name..I'm still finding better."

"And that is?" Will questioned.

"A dream of mine." Gwen bits her finger.

"Would you like to tell-"

"NO!" Will stagger by Gwen's sudden outburst. "I-I mean-" She sighs. "C-can you not tell Ben?" Gwen's eyes land on Will, asking for his trust.

Will eyes linger on Gwen's.

He nods.

"Yeah. Ok." Will's answer caused Gwen to look away from him.

"Ok." She starts. "E-ever since Ben got that watch. It looked fun being in a super perspective." Gwen paused. "Those aliens she can turn into, I want to shoot fire beams from my fists like Heatblast, Bend steel like four arms, and-" Gwen blushes, cowering into her seat. "I want scratches from you and Grandpa with Wildmutt."

Will only gave a soft grin. Gwen noticed before avoiding her eyes.

"Y-you making fun of me?!" She folds her arms, glaring at Will, with her cheeks burning bright.

"You're cute." Will heart races. "Don't ever change." Gwen's eyes widen while her face turns into a cherry.

"D-don't say that!" Gwen cowered her face into her hands. "You're not supposed to be saying that!" She shouts into her hands, causing Will to smile with blush.

The Rv door opens, getting Will's and Gwen's attention.

"Haaaa.~" Benita stretches from the door. " It's good to breathe air like everyone else." She entered the booth in front of Gwen, kicking her feet up.

Gwen quickly adjusts herself.

"Ben, I think you should take these fights seriously. You never know who may be out there." Max places his hands on his hips.

"Grandpa, I'm fine. With this!" She flashes her watch. "And don't forget my best bud! We'll be kicking anyone's butt." She closes her eyes, causing Max to sigh.

Max gazed at Will.

"You're up, kiddo?" Max raised a brow. "I thought you were sleeping in for the day."

"Uh, yeah. I was." Will places his hands by his side. "I couldn't sleep."

Max noticed the notebook in Will's hand. He grins.

"I see why." He took a seat in the driver's seat, getting Gwen and Will to blush.

Gwen hid behind her screen, getting Benita's attention.

Will walk back to their sleeping quarters, looking at Gwen's notebook.

"Well." He said under his breath. "It's been quite some time since I haven't drawn." Will toss his notebook on his bunk.

Will headed back to the Tennysons before dropping to a knee.

A loud ring filled his ears, causing his head to pulse.

Indescribable voices whisper inside Will's head. His face grew strained while he clenched his teeth, trying to keep his voice down.

The episode came to pass, causing Will to fall on his hands and knees, panting.

Recollecting his thoughts, he stood to his feet, leaning on the wall.

"Ok." He tells himself, wiping sweat from his forehead.

He pushes himself from the wall before heading for the Tennysons.

"There's a Circus in town." Max looks to the head view mirror as Will appears from their Living Quarters. "I like to give it a look. If you all don't mind?" Max stated.

"I love Circus!" Gwen chirped.

Will stood over Gwen, leaning on the headrest.

"A what now?" Will raised brow.

Gwen snapped her head up to Will.

"ZomBozo's Circus of Laughs." Will only gazed, daze. "You've never been?!"

"Dad and I do our own thing." Will shrug. "It would be rare if we've gone out doing stuff like that."

"Ugh!" Benita grunts getting Will and Gwen's attention. "I'm glad you didn't. Not your relationship with your dad, of course." Benita rolls her eyes, putting her hands behind her head. "Circus is for kids."

"Hellooooo." Gwen cocked her head. " Who are you?"

"Benita P. Tennyson. I thought you knew this?" Benita cocked a brow to Gwen that only shook her head.

"Come on. Ben." Max called. "How can you hate it without giving it a try? It may be different from your usual."

"She's unnegotiable, Grandpa." Gwen turns to Will placing a hand on his, flashing the boy a smile. "It could be fun."

Benita noticed this while Will lingered on Gwen's words before nodding.

"Ok...I'll give it a shot."

Gwen smiled harder.

"Hold on!" Benita sat up, stretching her arms out. "That's below the belt! And you know it!" She points to Gwen, who only rolls her eyes.

"Stop crying, you big baby."

"The circus! The way we go!" Max cheered, getting Gwen and Will to chuckle while Benita only groaned.

A loud piercing ring stops Will from his action getting Benita and Gwen's attention.

Will clenches his ears, dropping to his knees. Another episode of undescribable voices followed.

'He-You-Will.' Will only got a hint from the series while he felt Gwen and Benita's hands pressed on his body.

"RAAAAGH!!!" Will roared, clenching his teeth.

A green glow filled his veins while ice races along his body. He felt Benita and Gwen's hands release from him.

'Do you hear me?' Ice engulfs the boy before scattering on the floor, revealing Zero phasing in and out from Tennyson's eyes. 'Help us.' Zero frowns his glued white teeth while sweating. 'Find ourselves.'

The torture stops. A cloud of ice escapes from Zero's teeth.

"Hey! Hey!" Benita's voice got Zero's attention as he noticed the three with worried looks. "We got to get whatever that thing out of you."

"Y-Yes." Zero closes his eyes. "But, no." The Tennyson's eyes shot up. "I can handle it."

"Handle it?!" Gwen shouts. "You're veins glowed, for Pete's sake!" Zero stood to his feet, towering over Benita and Gwen. "We have to find the creator of that watch before this get's any worst!"

"I'll get used to it." Zero reasoned.

"Don't do this. Will." Max stated while Zero avoided Max, worried, gazed from his beetle eyes. "I respect your discipline to this power. Don't let it get over your head."

"I won't."

Benita gazed at her watch.

"Where do we start?" Benita looks up at the three. "The creator could be up in space or maybe here as you know it."

"I don't know, Ben." Max frowned his brows. "For now, we focus on Will." He and the two cousins look at Zero. "Keep us updated at all times. Every. Single. Detail." Max's eyes harden. "Do you understand me?"

"Y-yes. Max." Zero answered half-heartedly.

"Will. Look at me." Zero hesitantly gazes his eyes at his. "Do you understand me?"

"I do." Zero nodded.

Max sighs, lightening his aura.

"You all get dressed." Max gazed at the children equally before heading to his driver's seat.


The Tennysons entered the circus yard with people walking by.

"Wow, look at this." Gwen glances at a sign of a dead-looking clown while Benita looks away.

"Yeah, it's great." Zero voiced, getting a few passers to look around like they're going crazy. "It seems the entire town is here." Zero sighs. "Well, at least. I'm getting in free with a VIP spot for my first time."

"You sure you can't. Turn back?" Benita raised a brow looking at Max but really at Zero. "Or you're trying to get a Free VIP tour?" Zero gazed confused at first before flashing his teeth, giving the Tennysons mixed reactions.

"I'm sensing a mischievous aura." Gwen squinted her eyes. "You sure have a way of making a bad situation into a positive one."

"Will. I hope that's not what your thinking." Max states, grinning with his teeth clenched, nodding at a family.

"What else can I do?" Zero shrugs. "Join the Circus?"

Suddenly a golden retriever appears dragging a leash, barking at the Tennysons.

"Hey! Hey! Stanly!" A man jogged toward the Tennyson's, grabbing the leash. "I'm sorry about that." He gave an apologetic; smile. "Stan, cut it out!" Zero staggered back as Stanly hopped around barking routinely. "I don't know. What's up with him today?" He pulled the leash as Stanly looked back, barking once in a while.

"Well, it looked like you have an admirer." Benita grins cheek to cheek.

Zero only squinted his eyes before placing a finger on Benita's spine.

Benita shivered from his touch, causing Max and Gwen to giggle.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and one's after them, step right up for a show of your lifetime." Everyone approached the announcer standing on a food crate. Zero noticed Stanly sniffing at him. "He's a fingerless freak. His strength holds no bounds: ThumbSkull!!!" A buff tower with black eyeliner walks out with a metal bar and bends it with his neck. He tosses it in the air while a tentacle-like hair grabs the bar and lifts it over a little girl with makeup.

"Presenting: Frightwig. This little girl is born with a gift that beats getting a unicorn: any day. When this little cutie let down her hair, theirs no telling what might happen." Frightwig's eyebrow twitched.

"I'm gonna kill him." She said under her breath, hiding a glare.

She bends the bar even more and places it on the welding iron.

A bald man with strand hairs dangling between his eyes and a restrained face mask approaches it.

"Now last, but not least: a freak that is vile as his attitude: AcidBreath." The Showman announced while the Bald man took the mask off, gaping his mouth, revealing a few teeth he had left.

Benita and Gwen winced while Max only stared with interest.

AcidBreath blew on the bent bar and iron: leaving a sour like-odor to melt the two like acid.

Everyone stared with mixed emotions.

"That's so disgusting." Benita pretends to gag.

"I think it was amazing. What do you think, Will?" Max whispered, looking forward, interested.

"You're adorable." Zero whispered in glee."Yes, you are." Stanly only panted while his face and head moved around like someone was petting him.

Gwen noticed a child in the corner of her eye, pulling their parent's clothes.

Gwen crosses her legs as her heel kicks Zero's thighs: that unfazed him.

Zero came back to his senses, standing to his feet. The child's parents only see Stanly looking up at the cloudy skies.

"For more to come. Come this way." The Showman aimed his cane toward the Main tent entrance. "Eight more minutes before the event. And don't pull hair. You don't want to encourage me to pull off my Toupee." He pulled his hair, revealing a wig and a big bald spot in the center of his head. A few laughed, getting The Showman to smile. He slaps his wig back on his head. "Buy some drinks, snacks, or Popcorn to accommodate. Susan, there is saving up for a car." The Show Man presses his cane against his chest. "God bless her soul."

The crowd disperses.

"I believe this gonna be great." Max smiled before his eyes only met Gwen's. "Ben?" He looks about.

Zero and Gwen noticed.

"She was just here a moment ago." Zero snapped his head around.

"Wow." Gwen folds her arms. "For an alien that can become naked to the eye. You sure lack situational awareness."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Zero half-heartedly said."I'll look for Ben. You two can do whatever you want. Oh, Gwen. You got a stain on your shirt." Zero walked away while Gwen immediately scanned herself.

"G-Granpa! I don't see it!" Gwen yelped as her eyes stayed glued to her favorite shirt.


"Is there anything on my back?!" Gwen turned her back to Max.

"Please tell me that you do!"

"Everyone's watching." Max smiled with his teeth clenched.

Gwen noticed Max called out. Everyone from the yard stared at her. Gwen blushes before hiding behind Max. Max only waved.

Zero wandered into the Circus tent cloaked.

"Woah." Zero wandered to the center, eyeing the massive place surrounding him.

Four large stainless steel benches lay across the ring of decorated barriers. Supported steel beams with spotlight's kept the tent from crashing down.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Crap!! Come on!!" A voice catches Zero's interest. "Why do these pins have to be so big!" Zero wandered through the big circle and phase through the curtain.

Frightwig's hair has a black steel ball at the end tangled between the steel beam.

Zero drools at steel, meeting steel until ice cased Zero before scattering, revealing Will.

Will only glared at his hands while Frightwig's ears twitched.

"W-who's there?!" Frightwig shouted while her eyes gazed about anxiously.

"Hey, uh, you need a hand?" Will walk to the side of her enabling her to see.

"Oh great, a poacher." She squinted her eyes at Will. "I'm fine. Thank you very much." She continued pulling on her hair.

"You, sure?"

"Yes!" She shouts at him, glaring.

Will back up with his hands raised.

"Alright!" Will back up. "I'm only trying to help. I don't know how your boss will react if he sees you in this predicament."

Will walked past her while Frightwig sweats.

"A-alright!" Will stopped with his hand on the curtain that leads back to the main floor. "Fine." Frightwig sighs. "Don't pull too hard unless you want to cancel this whole get-together." Will approached, grabbing onto the ball between the bars.

"So." Will grunts tugging lightly on her hair. "How did this happen?"

"You know my other hairs are free, right?" Frightwig squinted her eyes at him. Will let's go. "I'm joking!! I was joking! See." She smiled innocently at Will. Which only raised a brow.

"That sounds like a threat."

"That was a threat to friendship and motivation." Will didn't budge. "Alright, I know where this is going." Frightwig groans. "Free food? The best spot in the house? Maybe a photo ops with the cast members?"

"Make that a photo op with you with all the benefits. And I have a friend of mine. He has a red Hawaii shirt with grey hair. You can't miss it. "

"I can only do three out of that four."

"Best spot. Photo op and friend of mine."

"Deal." Frightwig rolls her eyes while Will grabs the ball once again. "When will you pull that thing out already?!"

"Don't rush. Me." Will warned. "AHA!" Will pulled the ball gently between the cracks. Frightwig sat up, stretching her back with a relieved sigh.

"My reward?" Will raised a brow while Fright wig only, sigh.

"Come on." She beckons Will over, causing him to smirk. Will stood shoulder to shoulder, pulling out his phone. "You better not touch me!"

"Alright. I won't." Will said reassuringly, scanning his phone with his finger. "You never told me how you got there."

"You're pushing it." Frightwig glare.

"Sorry." Will arch his phone over their head. He hovered his arm from touching Frightwig's back. He smiled. "Smile." From the camera's point of view, Frightwig turns her head at Will, squinting her eyes. "You know. You're my favorite."

"Is that supposed to butter me up?"

"Well, yes. Never got a compliment before?" Frightwig turned to the camera.


"Even with that tough exterior. You're pretty chill to hang out with." Frightwig smirk.

"Got it." Will checked his phone. "That's looking good. And I got you to smile." He smirks while Frightwig glare.

"That wasn't a smile, you dolt!"

"Still a win. In my book." Will said under his breath, putting his phone away, causing her brow to twitch.

"Hey, girl." A voice states as Frightwig pushes Will behind a few cardboard boxes and turns around. Thumbskull peeks through the curtain from outside the main tent. "You ready? Boss is."

"I'm on my way." Frightwig places her hands behind her back, causing Thumbskull to leave with a raised brow. She turns back to Will. "Get a ticket, you dolt." She walked out the curtains while Will sighed.

"This girl is something else." Will squinted his eyes. "Did he mean the show?" Will pondered before shaking his head. "Ok, I was hoping one of those voices to say something." Will heard someone coming he hid behind the boxes.

Zombozo entered the main tent; and stopped at the curtains that presented the open circle; and the patient audience.

"Come on. You got this." Zombozo said to himself. "Make them laugh. Make them. Laugh." He fixed his tie and sleeves collar and gave a toothy smile.

"And now you all been waiting for 'Zombozooooo!!"

"It's showtime!" A car too small for him pulled up by him. He entered and drove out to the dim circle.

Will; "Now, this is making my head hurt." Will approach the curtained looking out, watching Zombozo rodeo with the small car while the audience laughed.

He noticed Max, Gwen, and Benita seated at the center bench at the edge laughing, but Benita.

Two employees with clown makeup approach them, talking with the three. Benita only looked away from them until they stood them up, leading them to the center of the bench. With a better view, Will only smirked.

The small car vanishes into confetti going through Zombozo's red cape.

Zombozo waved to the screaming crowd.

"Now, Zombozo would like a volunteer!" The announcer stated while Zombozo pulled comically huge glasses from his sleeves. He opened them before placing them on, making his eyes huge. He pointed his finger out to the crowd, making them cry with laughter. "Drum roll, please!!!" The lights turned off while drumming roared. "Please stand up!!" A spotlight hits Max, gazing about daze. "Yes, you! Join Zombozo on his wacky entertainment." Max smiled cheek to cheek while Will did the same.

"It's all. Coming together." Will stated while an engine roared.

He snaps his head back, seeing the small car drive outside.

Will raced from the curtains, seeing trailers and tents scattered in the back as he noticed the car driving through the fence heading to town.

"I have a bad feeling. About this." Will said to himself before flexing his head. "Uh?" He tried to shift, but nothing happened. "Don't tell me." He groaned.

He races after them.


Frightwig rips the ATM from the brick wall with her hair.

"Ha, payday!"

Thumbskull rips a bystander's car roof looting it: clean while AcidBreath melts the; car door with his breath.

"Their. Bad. Who would have thought." Will pants hiding behind a car, watching their crime spree. "Think! Will!" A light bugged him. Will gazed up at the Moon crescent shining in the rear-view mirror. The car he's hiding behind. He gazed, about not seeing a soul. "I hope no one sees." He pulls a bobby pin from his shoe and picks the lock.

Will open it.

"Still got it." The boy leans into the car, hot wiring.

A snarl filled his ears, causing Will to jump: hitting his head on the bottom of the steering wheel.

"Damn it." He looks back. It was Wildmutt towering over him. "Uh, Ben. It's not what it looks like." He sweated while she growled and snarled.

Wildmutt snaps her head to the Circus Freaks.

She growled, climbing the car and leaped to a small car: Thumbskull was approaching. She growled, once more flashing her sharp teeth causing ThumbSkull to stagger back.

"Uh, d-down, doggie." Acid breath and Fright wig noticed Thumbskull staggering.

"The heck is that thing?!" Frightwig shouted while Wildmutt ripped the roof from the small car hurling the money and stolen goods over her shoulder.

"Hey!! Girl!!" Acid breath gazed at Frightwig, dropping the bag of cash.

"I know!!!' She whips her hair. Wildmutt dodges while the ball pins dent the car.

Wild mutt pounces on Frightwig slamming her head on the concrete.

Acid breath charges, inhaling, but Wild Mutt grabs Frightwig in her mouth and hurls her into Acid Breath.

Thumb skull hurls a sack at Wild mutt; she dodges but takes a kick to the chin.

She crashes into a car while Thumb skull rushes her.

A blaring car appeared: tackling him into a Bank.

Acid breath looks around before eyeing Will in one of the cars.

"Hey, get the bo-" The car roared toward him. AcidBreath dives from the vehicle, hitting the ground with a groan. The car crashed into a planted tree on the sidewalk.

Frightwig hears the loud crash.

"What's going on?!" Frightwig loses her focus to Wildmutt, that comes full-throttling towards her. She grunts and whips her hair; Wildmutt pounces on her. "Agh!" Fright wig wraps her hair around Wildmutt's neck, trying to pull her back. Drool drips from Wildmutt's mouth: onto her and the street around her. "Gross! Gross! Gross!!" Frightwig plants her feet on Wildmutt gut and throws her over.

Their battle continues while Will sneaks around to the next car damaged by Thumb's skull. He climbed the opened door and began hot wiring.

"Come on...Come on." Sweat rolls from his head.

"Take this." A hand gives Will a handkerchief.

"Thanks." Will dry himself off before looking back with wide eyes. "And I OOOOH?!" Zombozo grabs Will by his ankle and hoists him up. "Let me go!!!" Will squirmed.

Wildmutt currently pinned: Frightwig and Acid Breath, snap its head to Will's screams. She shows her Kaine teeth, snarling.

"Hey, girl. Do you want a biscuit?" Zombozo tempts the boy.

Wildmutt's hair stood up. Her barked wallowed, and her growl put everyone but Zombozo on edge.

"Boss, I think you made her mad." Thumbskull got to his feet.

Zombozo's smile grew, flashing his dirty teeth. He beckons Wildmutt over.

"Come, get it." Wildmutt charged, but came to a stop halfway, grinding her sharp black nails against the road, causing sparks. Her snarl and hair cease.

"Huh?" Zombozo and Will gazed dazed. Wildmutt held her ground, trying to look up at Zombozo. She whined.

"Ok...I'll come to you!" He kicks Wildmutt.

"Nooo!!!" Will reaches out.

Wildmutt crashed her back against the phone tower leg and hid behind it. Whing once more.

"So, is this your problem?" Zombozo squinted his eyes at his crew. "A RUNT AND A SCARY CAT?!!" Zombozo roared, causing his people to flinch. The circus freaks look at it, Cluelessly.

Frightwig noticed Will slowly squirming within Zombozo's grasp. She staggered.

"Boss." Acidbreath starts. " It was different a-"

Darkness shadows Zombozo's expression revealing his glowing orange pupils.

Everyone staggered while Wildmutt whined even more.

"Bring this curtain down on this pup."

"Wait!" Will screams. The circus freaks destroyed the tower leg causing it to cave in on Wildmutt. "WILDMUTT!!!" He cried out while Thumb skull gazed at the rumble.

"That dog is good as dead. Boss." Tears poured from Will's face.

He flexes, gaining the freak's attention.

"What's ya doing?" Zombozo's serious gaze changed to a raised brow.

"HMMMMMM!!!!" Will growls.

"Does he have to go?" She questioned while Will popped a vein.

"No...Tantrum?" Thumbskull shrugged.

"HMMMMMM!!!! RUUHAAAAAAA!!!" Will roared while his eyes grew bloodshot.

"No, it's like he's gathering earth energy: trying to turn it into some ball....what was it called?" AcidBreath questioned Frightwig; that only shrugged.

"AAAAARUAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Blood pours from Will nose.

He passes out with his arms dangling.

"Talk about, cry, baby." Zombozo tosses his body against a car door. "Now, excuse me." He pops his collar. "I'm starving." He grins before disappearing while confetti takes his place.

The circus freaks resume collecting the goods. Frightwig was on her hands and knees, collecting the money and putting it in the sack that her hair was carrying. She reaches her hand for a bill but realizes it's by unconscious Will.

'Why am I worried about this, dolt?! I just met him.' She goes to grab the bill, but her handshakes and her eyes wander to him. "AGH!!!" She goes to check his pulse. "He's out."

"What are you doing?" Thumbskull throws nine bags of money over his shoulder. "Let's go!" Thumbskull waited. Frightwig grabbed the last bill and raced into the car. They escaped.

Rumble of the phone tower. Shake before a roar broke from its prison, an orange paw hooked onto the cement.

Wildmutt climbed out of the debris with dust on her fur. She shakes it off and scans the area but notices Will's heat signature leaning on a car.

She raced to his side and shook him, using her head, not getting a response. She licks his face, getting no result.

Wildmutt pressed her head against him in a frenzy until dropping to her chest. She lay, her head on Will's lap.

Her gills retracted and closed quickly. She whined.

She raced to his side and shook him, using her head not getting a response. She licks his face, getting no result. Wildmutt pressed her head against him in a frenzy until dropping to her chest. She lay, her head on his lap, and her gills breathe repeatedly. She whined.