
Ben 10: In Pokemon World with Different Omnitrix

Waking up and realizing he was dead wasn't what he wanted to do today. And he didn't want to be around such colorful and dangerous "Animals". And why is there a weird Omnitrix replica on his chest? Question after question, the answers to which 31 year old Thomas Andre hoped to get. P.S Art belongs to @heavanly.shrey on Instagram

Just_Moron · TV
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16 Chs

7.Finally Accept.

"Begin downloading mental and voice commands, as well as information on alien races." Andre said, and the answer popped into his head.


[ Command Accepted]


As the data flowed into his consciousness, he felt a surge of information flooding his mind, each command and instruction embedding itself with startling clarity.

Despite the overwhelming influx of data, Andre remained resolute, allowing the intricate network of commands to integrate seamlessly into his consciousness. With each passing moment, he felt himself becoming one with the technology, a symbiotic fusion of man and machine.

While it was downloading, Andre found himself in a moment of quiet contemplation.

When he asked who resurrected him, HighTrix gave nothing. Static and obscure signs were his answers. Something is limiting his access to such knowledge. Or someone... The one who above all.

Maybe it's time to face it, and accept the fact that he's been reincarnated. But it's not like the original idea of reincarnation either. It said that when you die, you become someone else and live that life. But that didn't apply to Andre's case.

He's the same as he was, he remembers everything that was, everything that remains... There. In fact, it had been almost ten hours since he'd found himself, but the fact that he'd never see home again made it all worse. It hurt his heart to be away from his homeland, away from his family. But what now?

Now he's in possession of something that shouldn't exist, because that thing is too powerful, potentially capable of bringing about the destruction of the universe. But why does he need all that power? Why did he, out of eight billion people, get his hands on such power, such incredible power. He never went after power. What mattered to him was something else, his surroundings.

People's laughter and joy, their smiles and pleasure, that was his goal. He played for them, he sang for them, he was a presenter for many years. And he loved it, incredibly loved it, loved the attention they gave him. And Thomas was damn good at it, because it was his dream, the one he lived for. But what was his purpose now, what was his purpose?

And the beginning in this world was disgusting, in Thomas' opinion. "Like a little kid couldn't control his emotions, got angry and wreaked havoc on the forest. Made up some awful story, lied to the children. And now scared Beatrice too.... " Andre thought to himself.

He had always been hard on himself. Often making promises that he would become more serious, but it never came true. But in company, all his promises are shattered.

The more people he's around, the more impulsive he becomes. That's why his shows got so many views, because he could talk nonsense, and from such a large man, such words were funny, because you don't expect a 31-year-old man of 2.56 meters to say such things. "What would my mother think if she heard what I said to the kids... " he grumbled to himself, remembering the incident again. Almost always, Andre analyzed his actions done on camera and not only to get better.

And always, absolutely always, he found something to criticize. Maybe it's time to mentally grow up and be his age and not be a clown. "I'm sorry father, that's what you felt. Shame." With a heavy sigh, Thomas tiredly removed his glasses, the weight of his exhaustion evident in the lines etched upon his face. Running a hand through his short hair, he felt the weariness of his soul mirrored in the fatigue that permeated every fiber of his being.

"I need time. Alone. "

It was time, he realized, for a journey—a journey of self-discovery and introspection, one that he knew he must undertake alone. For too long, he had hidden behind the facade of humor and levity, using laughter as a shield to mask the deeper insecurities that lurked within.

As Thomas stood lost in his thoughts, a familiar and endearing "Pika-Pika" sound broke through the silence beside him. Instantly recognizing the voice, he felt a small spark of warmth amidst the sea of his melancholy, though it did little to change his overall state of moping.

With weary eyes, Thomas turned his gaze towards the source of the sound, his dark chocolate eyes meeting the bright, expressive gaze of his companion, Beatrice.

Beneath him, Beatrice rubbed against his leg affectionately, her presence a comforting balm to his troubled soul. "My little Storyteller, you returned..." he murmured softly, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he reached down to stroke her fur. "It's almost as if you can sense my sadness... I guess That's why you rushed to me again... "

Andre lowered his open palm, extending it as an invitation for Beatrice to perch upon it. In the short time they'd known each other, her presence had already become a cherished part of his life. As Beatrice hopped onto his hand, even the weight of her small form on his arm felt comforting and familiar.

Gently placing Beatrice on his knee, Andre's smile widened as he gazed down at his loyal companion. "Thank you, my little furball," he said affectionately, his voice tinged with gratitude. "For showing me the beauty of this world with your presence."

Beatrice, in response, wiggled her ponytail in a playful manner, her gaze fixed upon Andre's eyes, seeing them for the first time. There was a depth to his gaze that she hadn't noticed before, and she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from them.

"We will leave the city and go on our journey," Andre continued, his voice soft but resolute. "Tell me, Beatrice, do you still want to be by my side?"

Beatrice's response was immediate and unwavering. With a cheerful chirp, she nodded her head enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with unwavering loyalty.

Her answer raised one question, " I really wanna know what you see in me that you decided to join me? "

She bowed his head sweetly, he simplified the question, " Why do you want to be my friend? "

" Pika-pi...? "Beatrice blinked in response, her gaze unwavering. "Pika-Pikachu-Pika!!!" With a series of chirps and gestures, she began to communicate her answer, her high-pitched voice filled with emotion.

Listening intently, Andre felt a warmth spread through his chest as Beatrice conveyed her reasons for wanting to be his friend. Though her words were spoken in a language he couldn't understand, the sincerity in her voice was unmistakable.

As she finished speaking, Andre couldn't help but be moved by her heartfelt response. With a soft smile, he reached out to gently stroke her fur, a silent gesture of gratitude for her honesty and unwavering loyalty.

"She really earned the title of "Little Storyteller." Andre smirked.

With a gentle tone, Andre addressed Beatrice, his voice laced with concern. "Beatrice, were you very frightened of the larger creature that was here?" he inquired, his gaze fixed upon his loyal companion.

Andre couldn't help but recall the events that had unfolded during his first transformation—the raw power, the primal instincts that had surged through him with an intensity he had never before experienced.

Beatrice, sensing the weight of his words, chirped softly in response, her actions speaking volumes even without words. She nodded her head, her small frame trembling slightly as she recalled the overwhelming presence Humungoasaur

Andre felt a pang of regret wash over him. And though he couldn't change what had happened, he vowed to do everything in his power to ensure that she felt safe and protected in the future.

" I wish I understood you better ... " he thought, putting his glasses back on. But for a second, he froze in place. " Damn it... That's a lot of aliens, an unbelievable amount... "

The HighTrix's command download is complete.

Now he contains the knowledge of several tens of thousands of aliens. They include the most dangerous as well as the most harmless. "Amazing...and The possibilities. They are limitless," he came to this conclusion again by running through several aliens in his mind.

It was to be expected that his upgrade would affect his inner characteristics as well as his physical ones. Improved thinking speed, reaction speed, and overall brain function. That included improved memory. "DNA scanner. Exactly! ", not only to understand Beatrice, but also for the experiment. He wonders what the final transformation will be.

"Initiate the DNA scan. " Andre mentally orders, focusing his gaze on Beatrice.


[ Command Accepted]


For just a second, the HighTrix dial took on a yellow hue. Within moments, a beam of light shot forth from the dial, enveloping Beatrice in its radiant embrace.

Startled by the unexpected burst of light, Beatrice leaped into the air, her small form trembling with surprise. "Pika-Pika?!" she chirped in confusion, her voice betraying her astonishment.

Andre watched with a mixture of concern and curiosity as the yellow light surrounded Beatrice, its gentle glow casting her in a warm embrace. Yet, to his relief, the beam of light seemed to harmlessly pass over her, leaving her unscathed.

Turning his gaze towards Andre for reassurance, Beatrice found solace in his calm demeanor. Through the lenses of his glasses, she met his gaze, finding comfort in the reflection of his steady presence.

And as quickly as it had appeared, the beam of light vanished, leaving nothing behind but a sense of wonder and intrigue. With a soft smile, Andre reached out to gently stroke Beatrice's fur, silently reassuring her that all was.


[DNA has been obtained and is ready for use.]


" Excellent. "

As the beam of light vanished, Andre's smile widened, his previous sadness fading into insignificance in the face of the intriguing transformation. Turning to Beatrice, he spoke reassuringly, his voice calm and kind.

"There's no need to be frightened, Beatrice," Andre said, his words carrying an air of reassurance. "And don't faint... if Pokémon can do that at all... Okay, Godspeed"

And pressed the HighTrix.


Will it be Pikachu or...

(A/N) Thanks for your feedback guys, like really thank you. Because of you, I know which way this story will go. Your comments and reviews are the best gifts for me as author. If you can, can rate this work and write full review?

And also thank you for your Powerstones, because of it, we were in a top! But if it's possible, we should go higher.

One last thing, if you have idea, then tell me, I'll try to use it. And I'll mention your name as the maker of this idea.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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