
Ben 10: In Pokemon World with Different Omnitrix

Waking up and realizing he was dead wasn't what he wanted to do today. And he didn't want to be around such colorful and dangerous "Animals". And why is there a weird Omnitrix replica on his chest? Question after question, the answers to which 31 year old Thomas Andre hoped to get. P.S Art belongs to @heavanly.shrey on Instagram

Just_Moron · TV
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16 Chs


[ Thomas Andre POV ]

A man never cry.

A warrior never gives up.

A soldier never retreats.

Because they have something to defend, something worth giving their lives for, motivation to keep fighting, despite the hardships and difficulties.

And what's left for me? What I can protect, who I can stand up like a mountain to defend against adversity. Don't I deserve something good after I die?

Was I not good enough, or maybe everything I did...the charity I did, did I have selfish thoughts then?

I have to think back.

Uh, there weren't, there definitely weren't. All my actions, all my deeds were from the heart. And I'm not saying I'm perfect, far from it. I've got a whole bunch of problems that I'm trying to deal with, but I'm not. And one of them is the possibility of getting caught up in paranoid thoughts, like this.

I hate my imagination and the ideas that my mind comes up with. Of course, practiced the ability to talk for hours on end. Why, many times it helped, and it often led to funny moments from the shoot that I still catch a chuckle over to this day.

Speaking of filming, I have my cell phone with me.... That's good, but I'm so lazy... Getting up and picking up a smartphone, then unlocking it, tediously tapping on the screen to open the gallery, I don't fucking need it. Lying on these leaves is so much more comfortable now. It's so peaceful, so cozy and pleasant.

I think I'm gonna take a nap.




Who's tickling my hand? What is it? Who's sitting on my hand now? It's fur, it's definitely fur, something not heavy and alive. And it's making a very familiar "Pika-pi."

Wait a minute, that's...

"He needs help! " and a young voice, clearly belonging to a little girl sounded a little ways away. Was she talking about me? Well, there was no one else in this clearing but me, so it was definitely me. Plus I myself would have rushed to the person lying motionless in the clearing.

Then a younger voice came out as well, a teenage boy, he mouthed something and then, and felt something on his arm again. That Pikachu started to spark, but I didn't feel it at all.... And why is it sparking? Is it protecting me? Or does he just want to eat me and that's why he's keeping the others away?

I've never been a fan of Pokémon, I've never played any games, I've only watched some old anime and then only in snippets when I was going to school in the morning. So I don't know much about the creatures themselves, only about the main character, a 10-year-old boy. And about age, in this anime, that's the dumbest thing... Like, I know that in this anime, Ash started his journey from the age of 10 and it's actually legal... I never understood why Nintendo came up with that idea.

Okay, I've been thinking too much. I've been listening to what's been going on around me. But I think it's time to get up, because it's not right to lie in such a state in the presence of spectators, who by the way spoiled my sleep.


The stately man's movements drew everyone's attention. Both humans and Pokémon watched silently as the bearded man rose from his lying position. The Pikachu on his arm recoiled, giving the man a chance to move.

Andre stood up. Seeing the large number and children around him he was slightly surprised.

He turned to the children first, specifically the smallest one, with a pink hairpin on her head and a small backpack with an orange mouse peeking out of it as he noticed. "I'm fine, no need to worry." Leaning up he slowly stretched out, getting up from his sitting position. He saw the familiar Pikachu again, who now stood next to his leg. This struck him as odd.

There were different Pokémon peeking out of the bushes that he didn't know the name of. He didn't know much about pokémon...There were caterpillars, colorful monkeys, and live cocoons. The guy in the cap with Pikachu on his shoulder was the first to speak. Coming a little closer and trying to get a good look at Andre. The kid obviously hadn't seen such tall people, and his surprise was quite visible. "Phew, I thought we were too late, we heard the explosion and rushed to help, thought there were casualties."

A blond man with glasses, a work uniform and a strange briefcase added, "Well, only the trees are affected, at least from what I can see." he spun around, adjusting his glasses. Andre noticed that the briefcase was very unique. The likes of which he hadn't seen, so technologically advanced.

The little girl ran up to him, bouncing a little, "Good that you're okay, Sir! And you're so big, wow! Is this your pikachu? She was so protective of you, it's so cute!"

Ash and Bonnie glanced up at the towering figure before them. Behind his glasses, his eyes were veiled, but a subtle smile graced his lips. "Thank you for your concern, children. I'm honored," he replied with a calm, audible voice. Clemont edged a bit closer, prompting a cheerful squeak and smile from the Pikachu perched on Ash's shoulder. Andre contemplated the unfamiliar expressions of these creatures; he knew he'd need to adjust.

"Wait, my Pikachu? Her?" Andre queried, arching an eyebrow and peering down at his leg, where he felt a presence. Sure enough, the Pikachu in question stood by his foot, closer than he realized. He redirected his attention to the children, focusing on the girl. "You mean him?" he gestured toward his previous companion.

However, it was an older blond boy with glasses who answered. "Nope, that's a female Pikachu. See the tail? The heart shape indicates female, while the flatter end, like our Pikachu's," he indicated Ash's shoulder, "...denotes male."

Listening and comparing their tails at the same time, Thomas noticed the difference. Useful to know. As he did so, the audience grew smaller. He didn't miss the way the local pokémon spun into the bushes, heading into the thick of the forest. Apparently they'd had enough.

Even better. He'd want to figure things out here first. "I'll be sure to remember that, boy. And thanks for coming to the rescue, even though it wasn't needed, but your intent is enough, that's commendable. Well done for wasting no time." He praised them, nodding his head slowly. The guy in the cap and his Pikachu smiled widely, and the girl gave a thumbs up and the bespectacled man nodded. "What's your name, you came out here for me in the middle of nowhere and I'd like to know the names of my heroes, bwahahahahaha!"

The one in the cap almost shouted, "I'm Ash Ketchum, and this is my partner Pikachu! " pointed to Pikachu and he waved his little paw.

The little girl was equally enthusiastic, "My name is Bonnie, and this is..." she lifted her little bag a little higher to reveal a small orange mouse with long whiskers, ".... my friend Dedene!"

" De-Dedene!" it squeaked.

Lowering her bag she pointed her finger at the older blond boy," And this is my brother Clemont! " and he waved to him.

Yeah, he didn't know anyone besides Ash himself. He distinctly remembered the redhead and the narrow-eyed boy who had been with Ash at the beginning of the adventure.

And speaking of Ash himself.

In the old anime, he was just a 10-year-old boy fearlessly venturing into the world of Pokémon. Andre remembered him that way - perpetually energetic, a little naive, but determined to become the greatest Pokémon Master ever.

The reality, however, turned out to be quite different. In front of him was not a little boy, but a real young man, but still the same. His enthusiasm was infectious and he had a silly smile on his face. Andre evaluatively looked over Ash - his height was somewhere around 170 centimeters, slim but muscular build. All these adventures had done the kid good, the muscles were there. This guy was clearly in the prime of life.

Andre smirked involuntarily, remembering how fans had once argued heatedly on the forums about why Ash didn't grow up in the anime. The theories had ranged from him being stuck in a time loop to being frozen at the studio. And now all those jokes and memes had lost all meaning.

He still can't believe it Maybe it's just some elaborate hallucination? Maybe his mind was playing a cruel joke on him right now, and he was actually lying in a mental institution somewhere? Andre shook his head, pushing those crazy thoughts away. No, we won't go back to those thoughts. He's in front of people now, and he doesn't want to make a fool of himself. He'll just go with the flow, improvise, like he always does when he can't remember the script.

"Well, my name is Thomas Andre," he began with a genial smile, addressing the children. "Showman, for every occasion and opportunity. Pleased to meet you."

Glancing around at the trio and the Pikachu gathered before him, Andre couldn't help but notice the second Pikachu's reaction to his introduction. Its gaze flickered upward at the sound of his name, prompting him to acknowledge that this particular Pikachu needed his attention.

I'd like to know what to do with this Pikachu. But..." Andre trailed off, observing the Pikachu at his foot, noticing how her tail began to bob with increasing speed. If he remembered right, an animal's tail often reflects its enthusiasm. And judging by the Pikachu's fixed gaze and unwillingness to move, it seemed quite attached to him.

"It just came to my attention that this giant tree is broken," he continued, his voice carrying with a hint of bewilderment. "How I didn't notice that, I don't understand. Who is responsible for this..."

"We'd like to know that too, Mr. Thomas," Clemont responded earnestly, his brow furrowing with concern. "That's why we came running here, and when we did, we saw you."

He pivoted in a full circle, scanning the surroundings once more. "Something sure didn't blow up in here, no fire or smoke," Clemont remarked, noting the absence of typical signs of trouble.

Ash chimed in, pondering aloud, "And if that trio from Team Rocket were here, I'd recognize them.... Hmm..." He turned to his faithful partner, seeking Pikachu's opinion.

Pikachu leaped off Ash's shoulder and struck a thoughtful pose, tapping its chin with a tiny paw—a display of intelligence that Andre couldn't help but find endearing. Bonnie mirrored the action, stretching dramatically and vocalizing a thoughtful "Hmmm..." in unison with Pikachu's contemplative stance.

Their reaction, it feels so nostalgic. Those were indeed good times.

Turning to his companions, Andre posed the question, "What are we going to do about this little storyteller?" He raised one hand to gently rub Pikachu's head on his


Everyone turned to look at Pikachu's from Andre's foot. Thomas dropped to one knee, moving slowly and deliberately so as not to startle her. "Yes?" he inquired calmly, extending his open palm invitingly. To his delight, Pikachu instantly climbed onto his hand, fitting snugly in his large palm. She felt as light as a feather, If he hadn't seen her now, he wouldn't have known she was there.

With Pikachu calmly perched in his palm, Andre began to slowly stand up, towering at his full height. Despite her small size in comparison, Pikachu remained remarkably composed, exuding a sense of tranquility even in the presence of a giant like Andre.

It's really weird that it's so light.

Are all Pikachu like that, or is it just him? Because he has one thing to say. He feels incredibly good, full of energy, he can hear better, he can see better, he can even breathe easier.

Is it the sleep that's making him feel so good or is it something else? Could it be the Omnitrix armor he's wearing right now? He hasn't even had a chance to try it out, and honestly, he can't wait. He'll do it as soon as the kids are out of the way.

"Pika-pi, Pika-Pikachu-Pika!!! "

Standing on Andre's hand, Pikachu began emitting a series squeaks, catching Ash's Pikachu by surprise. She recoiled slightly, feigning astonishment for dramatic effect. Speaking on their language, she gestured towards Andre with one paw while using the other to mimic destruction of the surroundings. Everyone began to listen attentively.

With each squeak, she eemed to narrate an epic tale, her gestures and expressions conveying a sense of urgency and importance. It was as if she were recounting a legendary

"She's so emotional, I never thought I'd live to see this. Wait, I didn't. Yeah. And why is she pointing so furiously at me? Did I really break that tree? And how... " he decides to remember how he did it. He remembers that in a moment of rage he shouted something into the forest and stretched out his arm to hit something, as he usually does. There was definitely contact with something... And... He hit a tree, and the centuries old tree just fell... From the force of the impact. " How? Was it that weak, or did it-- Did I become stronger? "

As she concluded her animated storytelling, she turned to face Andre, a smile—perhaps—adorning her muzzle, while her tail twirled cutely behind her. The gesture conveyed a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie, as if she had shared something truly special with Andre.

Meanwhile, Ash's Pikachu began to speak excitedly to Ash, recounting the events in its own language. With each sound emitted by Pikachu, Ash's eyes widened in astonishment, frequently darting upwards to gaze at Thomas.

"Do you mean..." Ash began, his voice tinged with realization as he started to piece together the puzzle of what's happened

However, before Ash could finish his sentence, Andre interjected with a sigh of resignation, finishing it for him. "Yes, I remembered, it was my doing," Andre admitted, lifting his palm and gently transferring Pikachu Esha to his shoulder. She settled there with a cute squek.

Andre's admission was met with a range of reactions. Bonnie gasped loudly, exclaiming, "That's incredibly cool!"

Clemont, meanwhile, shook his head in disbelief, muttering, "Impossible..." as he quickly began calculating the sheer force required to bring down a tree of such magnitude.

Ash, on the other hand, simply gazed at Andre with quiet awe.

Andre couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he watched their reactions. It reminded him of his early days on stage, when audiences marveled at his height and voice. Those were indeed good times.

Yet, despite his fondness for their response, Andre found himself just as surprised as they were by the revelation of his involvement in the tree's downfall. Nevertheless, he was determined to figure it out. But first, there was something he needed to address.

Turning to his companions, Andre posed the question, "What are we going to do about this little storyteller?" He raised one hand to gently rub Pikachu's head on his

Bonnie couldn't contain her excitement as she blurted out, "She's so attached, can you keep her with you? Look at her, she's so happy!" She pointed at Pikachu, and little sparks flew from her, her tail wagging with delight at the prospect of Pikachu staying close to Andre.

Andre couldn't help but be touched by the display of affection from Pikachu and Bonnie. He found himself puzzled by Pikachu's strong desire to be near him, but he couldn't deny the joy it brought to both Pikachu and Bonnie. If Pikachu wanted to stay by his side, Andre was more than willing to accommodate. After all, he felt confident that he could handle anything that came their way.

Even though he doesn't know what's in store for them. But... BUT, if the omnitrix turns out to work. It's gonna be one hell of a time.

Andre continued to scratch her head, "What do you say, Little Storyteller, want to stay with me?" he asked with a smile.

Pikachu's response was immediate and enthusiastic. Jumping up sharply on his shoulder, she shouted loudly, "Pika-Pika!" while nodding fervently. Her wagging tail reached a fever pitch, generating sparks of electricity that crackled in the air. And in her excitement, Pikachu unleashed an electric shock, but to Andre's surprise, he didn't even feel a jolt.


Instead, his laughter rang out loudly through the forest, echoing with pure joy and amusement at the unexpected turn of