
Ben 10 In Marvel

The story of a boy who is reborn in Marvel with the Omnitrix. Follow Ben as he navigates High school, rights and guys, and tries to find out why he is there.

9Lightning · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


(Short chapter today sorry, the next chapter on tuesday will be a 2 in 1)

The reason I chose to tell Peter about the Mass-Energy Equation was because even when using Grey Matter I was only able to scratch the surface of it. I needed help and Peter was the most trustworthy person I could think of right now he could be a little unreliable sometimes, but that was just because he was Spider-Man. Ironman was a good choice too but, I haven't met him yet and I knew he could be a little reckless when it came to taking risks with new technology i.e. Ultron.

While I was thinking about that Peter was still gushing over my notes.

"So when do you want to get together to help me work on it" I asked him.

When he heard my question he seemed to deflate "I-I don't know I have so much going on I have keep my grades up in school, go help at Doctor Conners lab after school, and try and take photo's of Spider-Man for my job. I just don't have any time!" he looked down depressed.

"We can work on it during lunch then" I consoled him.

"But, that's less than half an hour a day! How many years would it take us to finish it."

"So what if it takes years we're only 16 and have our whole lives ahead of us."

"Maybe" he said seeming to perk up a little.

After lunch the rest of the day passed without incident the only thing was everyone seemed to be avoiding me at least more than they usually did. They must have heard about what I did to Flash and were thinking I was crazy.

I swung by my house to drop off my backpack before heading to my martial arts class in the city. My human form was still my biggest weakness and I wouldn't be able to relax until I managed to fix it. My martial arts instructor was an old Chinese man named Lei Kung he looked ancient and I guessed that there was a good chance he was over a hundred years old. Even with his advanced age however he was still a master when I found his small dojo and asked to train he asked me to fight him.

At first I was against but, I gave in was going to go easy on him. The result of the fight was I was unable to even lay a finger on him while he beat me black and blue with his cane. Even now I still can even get close to him let alone figure out how strong he really was.

"Greetings Shifu(master in Chinese)" I bowed.

"Greetings young Ben" he answered back before stopping and narrowing his eye's "You misused my teaching today didn't you."

"How" I blurted out.

"So you did do it" he glared at me.

I fell to my knees and knowtoed to him "I'm sorry master it's just the man is an insufferable bully and I did not injure him I only taught him a lesson and-"

"No excuses you broke my rules and must be punished, Daniel" he called.

"Yes, Shifu" A tall redhead man came out from the back of the shop and greeted his master.

"Daniel, Ben here has broken our rules and attacked someone of his own initiative would you be so kind as to show him the error of his ways."

"Yes, Shifu" he nodded before turning to me "Get your gear on Ben and don't try and run I will catch you."

I was pale as a ghost "Shifu I-I'm sorry I promise I will never do it again!"

"Indeed you won't" he chuckled.

At that moment I was seriously considering exposing my identity and using the Omnitrix to escape. The young man Daniel was Lei Kung's adopted son he has been trained by him for over a decade and was all of the students here's worst nightmare. Master used him to punish anyone who broke his rules his fists were like two hammers and no amount of protective equipment would stop him from leaving a mark on you.

That wasn't even the worst part no the worst was how skilled he was. He always managed to hit you in just the right way where there would be as little damage as possible while causing the most pain possible.

Dan was already prepared in the ring "are you coming Ben or do I have to come out there and get you?"

"C-coming" I rushed to put my equipment on not wanting to make this any worse than it needed to be.

Standing in the ring I was facing Dan ready to get beaten.

He looked at me "you know Ben that isn't the proper mentality to begin a fight. If you admit defeat before the fight even begins how can you ever hope to win?"

His words shocked me he was right if I was losing my confidence against a normal martial artist how can I be worthy enough to be a hero? I knew for a fact that there were far more terrifying people in the world. People who can crush entire planets in the palms of their hands and here I am afraid of a normal person who just so happened to be a little good at fighting.

I slapped my face to try and regain my confidence and readied myself for the fight determined to win.

"Excellent" he smiled that is how you should be.

Almost as soon as he finished talking he charged me he was so fast I almost couldn't follow him with my eye. I tried to duck to the side of his punch but, he easily predicted me and nailed me right in the chest. I staggered back gasping for air Dan didn't let up and kept pressing me I tried to block with my arms but, only managed to stop half of his punches. And even the half that I did manage to block made me feel like I was getting hit with a crowbar.

He continued to be me senseless for the next hour never hurting me so much that I wouldn't be able to continue. It was easily one of the worst experiences of my life but, even knowing that I knew I would still come here tomorrow. Because they were the best teachers even while beating me up Daniel wouldn't stop giving me advice on how to improve and the incentive of not getting the crap beaten out of me was a great motivator.

If I was going to a different Dojo I didn't think I would have been able to learn as much in a year as I have learned in three months here. After what seemed like an eternity it was already sun down and time for me to leave.

As I was leaving Master Lei stopped me "You have great potential child but, you need to learn to control your anger, else it will control you. We do not fight to defeat other but, to protect ourselves and the people we care about."

"Yes, Shifu" I bowed knowing he was right and that I really should apologize to Flash tomorrow.

"Oh, and if I ever find out you started a fight of your own volition again well, lets just say I will be giving you . . . special training session you will never forget."

Seeing that mischievous glint in his eyes I vowed to myself to never let my anger get the best of me again. "Goodbye Dan" I waved as I left.

After I left Dan walked up to Master Lei "Master is it really proper to be teaching him Kunlunquan he is an outsider?"

"Did you forget Daniel you too were an outsider when you first came to K'un Lun."

"Regardless master Kunlunquan is our sacred martial art it is not to be casually passed on!"

"You do not understand Danny, I am old older than you can imagine and I have trained many people in my life. And in that boy I can see potential from what I can see his destiny might not be any lesser than yours."

"But, how can that be master I am the Ironfist and he's ju-"

"Just an ordinary person, is that what you were going to say? I'm disappointed in you haven't I trained you never to look down on anyone. While Ben is lacking in compared to you in martial arts talent, there is a power inside of him that is greater than anything I have ever seen."

After I left the Dojo I found a secluded alley and transformed into Blitzwolf. He was my new favorite alien it just felt right being him not to mention he was also one of my coolest looking aliens. Not wasting any time and started looking for any crimes to stop.

By this point I was already famous so I put less effort into hiding from people I would even wave and say hello if someone called out to me. Dealing with fans was definitely one of the more fun parts of the job. While I was enjoying myself I didn't forget that I was supposed to be stopping crimes.

In only my first two hours out I had already stopped 3 muggings, 2 robberies, and 5 gang fights. This was starting to get ridiculous there were just too many criminals out on the streets when the gang war first started the police tried to keep it under wraps but, that was impossible now. Everyone in New York knew what was going on now and people were afraid.

The Police stations were full to bursting and there weren't enough cops to respond to every call. I tried to help as many people as possible but, it was getting overwhelming having all that pressure on my shoulders. We really needed to end this as soon as possible after tonight I decided I needed to tell Spider-Man who Kingpin and Bigman were.

I would just lie to them and say I used one of my aliens to sneak around and find that information. So I started heading to the address that Spider-Man gave me, It was an old apartment building at the edge of Manhattan overlooking the ocean. I was exhausted from my training earlier and stopping all those crimes.

I decided to take a rest here and jumped up onto the nearby water tower and just enjoyed the view of the moonlight reflecting off the ocean. I sat there for who knows how long until I was sure Spider-Man wasn't coming tonight. I changed back and checked my phone to see what time it was 12:40 so it was already the next day Peter definitely wasn't coming today I would just have to check back again tomorrow.

I changed back into Blitzwolf and started running back home. I used my claws to dig into the side of the building and jump from rooftop to rooftop. I was halfway across the city and was taking a break on a high rise building when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

There was a shadow jumping from building to building it was Black Cat!