
Ben 10 In Marvel

The story of a boy who is reborn in Marvel with the Omnitrix. Follow Ben as he navigates High school, rights and guys, and tries to find out why he is there.

9Lightning · Outros
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6 Chs

New Student a Threat and The Equation

The weekend soon ended and it was back to school I barely paid attention in most of the classes anymore because I hacked into the school saw all of the teachers lesson plans. I used Grey Matter and memorized everything I needed to as well as finished all my home work for the next couple months.

So now I was using my free time in class to study the Omnitrix and to see if there was anyway to upgrade it. After all there was the Ultimatrix that Albedo an enemy from the Ben 10 show created that could simulate millions of years of evolution in the harshest environment possible to create hyper evolved versions of each alien. As well as the Biomnitrix that Ben 10,000 wore which he could use to combine the DNA of different aliens to get all kinds of crazy combinations.

It was fun to think about those but, I was still light years from even understanding how the normal Omnitrix worked let alone build more advanced versions of it. So that left me sitting in class scribbling on my notebook to understand the complicated math that let the watch do what it did.

Right now the math I was trying to figure out was the equations that let it freely convert energy into matter and back again. Even though I was gaining weight from exercising I was still a skinny guy and compared to some of my aliens I was several hundred pounds(kilos) short. And all that extra mass had to come from somewhere. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity proved that matter and energy were interchangeable but, not how to actually make them change.

Normally the change only goes one way from matter to energy like a burning fire creating light or an atom bomb exploding and even then a nuke only turned 1% of it's mass into energy. On the other hand scientist in a lab had managed to use lasers to create protons and electrons out of thin air. It was impressive but, the Omnitrix managed to create huge amounts of matter as well as control exactly what form that matter would take even making something as complicated as life in a split second.

I was trying to learn how this worked because if I could understand it maybe I could find a way to change my transformations. To do things like change who their clothes looked or more importantly add useful technology to them. I could make it so when I transform I would already have a police scanner in where ever the ear was for that alien, and more specific things like giving Four Arms brass knuckles or Heatblast a jetpack to focus his flames through to fly faster.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rang ending class and letting me know it was time for lunch. Lunch was really the only time at school I enjoyed I wanted to just skip school and see if I could find a job with Stark Industries but, my mom forced me to keep going to and I quote "Learn how to deal with people."

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to learn because there were only two ways people treated me at school. The first being to completely ignore me like most of the people at school did and to bully me like Flash and the jocks did. Peter was an exception of course but, the only reason I really talked to him was because I already felt like I knew him due to how popular Spider-Man was in my past life.

That being said I really liked hanging out with Peter he was probably the only person who could relate to me. We were both nerdy superhero's who felt like they don't belong and were bullied in school, of course he didn't know that.

I took my lunch and sat next to Peter at our signature table that was by the bathrooms and the trashcans that no one else wanted to sit at.

"Hey Pete what's up."

"Not much" he replied looking a little down.

I noticed he was upset and followed his line of sight to the popular table where Flash and his group were sitting along with a certain red headed girl.

"Sigh, you need to move on Pete if she's the kind of person who would forget about you just because she got a little popular she isn't the kind of person you want as your friend."

"I know that it's just that when she moved here at the begging of summer we were so close. MJ and me went on a couple dates and even kissed but, as soon as school started she completely abandoned me and doesn't even try and help if I'm getting bullied. The worst part is she doesn't even acknowledge it as soon as we are home and get off the bus she acts like the two of us are best friends."

I patted him on the back "you need to forget about her didn't you say you met a cute girl working at that lab you intern at?"

"You mean Gwen? She's just a friend and besides there's no way she'd be interested in me anyway."

"And how could you possibly know that? If you only ever your life being afraid of being rejected and never take risks how could you know what's possible or not?"

"That's easy for you to say if your so brave why don't you go ask out the new girl."

"Yeah, she had to start school late because of an injury and apparently she is super hot."

"Wait, why am I only hearing about this now!"

"Probably because you always zone out in class and never actually talk to anyone besides me."

"You say that like you aren't exactly the same."

"That's not true I actually try to fit in, you on the other hand seem completely fine with being an outcast."

"Hey, that hurts it's not that I like being alone it's just that there isn't anyone here I actually want to be friends with besides you."

Peter rolled his eyes "whatever you say." After rolling his eyes he turned to me with a devilish smile that let me know he was thinking of something bad "Anyway I dare you to do it!"

"Do what" I asked confused.

"Do what you said earlier take risks and not be afraid of being rejected. I dare you to go ask the new girl to the Halloween Dance."

"Fine" I told him in a confident voice but, inside I was kicking myself for being so careless with my words. After all I was one of the two school losers and there was a 100% chance I would be rejected I wasn't going to back out though. If I did that Peter would never let me hear the end of it so I manned and asked "so where is this new girl?"

"Over there" he pointed to the back of a blonde girl sitting with Flash's group.

"Her" I asked with a frown on my face? If she's the kind of person who is involved with that group then I don't want to asked her out no matter how pretty she is."

"Hah, I knew you'd chicken out" Peter laughed.

"Hey, this is different then you and Gwen I don't now that girl and I certainly don't like her!"

"Right" he said sarcastically "well whatever I knew you would never have the guts to ask Felicia out."

"What!" I jumped to my feet "Felicia as in Felicia Hardy?"

"Uh, yeah" Peter muttered surprised by my outburst "you know her?"

I realized I over reacted and quickly calmed down cursing myself for being too careless. After all I didn't want anyone to realize how much I knew about this world, if I was found out I would probably be hunted down by every evil organization in the world.

"Yeah" I lied "she went to school in the area I used to live in."

"Go ask her out then" Peter started up again.

"You know what" I stood up "I think I will."

Peter stared in shock as I walked across the cafeteria straight towards the popular table. He was only messing with me and didn't think I would actually do it.

As I approached the popular table Kong who noticed me first bumped Flash with his arm and nod towards me. As soon as Flash saw me he turned around and lean against the table with his feet crossed.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Bumbling Ben, what are you doing here?"

"Bumbling Ben really? How long did it take for you to think of that one a couple weeks?

"Shut up!" Flash turned red in embarrassment he had thought of that on the fly and realized it was terrible as soon as he said it.

"Right" I pushed him "Because your the only one who is allowed to insult other people. You only bully people because your insecure about how much your life actually sucks right?"

"You" Flash grit his teeth! He looked like he was ready get up and beat me to a pulp but, he was held back by Rand the only nice player on the football team.

"It's not worth a suspension QB" he tried to calm him down.

"I know" Flash growled glaring at me like he wanted to rip my throat out and sat back down "So what are you doing here loser. You know your kind aren't welcome here!"

"Whoa, Flash blonde haired and blue eyed people like you shouldn't go around saying things like that, it comes off way too anti semitic."

"Get to the point" His eye twitched as he was barely holding himself back.

"Alright, alright I came here to ask the Felicia if she wanted to go to the Halloween dance with me. So will you go to the dance with me?" I turned to her noticing the similarities between her and Black Cat."

Everything was completely silent for a moment before they all broke out in laughter.

"Hahahahahah, thank Ben I really needed a pick me up right now hahaha that's too funny, you and her haha" Flash nearly fell down from laughing too hard and had to hold his chest.

I stood there waiting for them to calm down as the whole cafeteria was watching us to figure out what was happening.

After they finally petered out I turned to Felicia again and asked showing my best smile"So how about it?"

She looked slightly apologetic as she answered me "Sorry I'm not really the type to go to dances."

"That's fine" I shrugged "I came over here completely expected to be shot down."

Flash never giving up a chance to insult me or Peter laughed "What a loser can't even get a date to the dance."

I sighed "Yeah, maybe I got rejected but, a least I got rejected by the prettiest girl in school and besides, didn't Liz break up with you last week for messing around with other girls? Who are you going to the dance with?"

It seemed like I hit a sore spot because Flash got and grabbed my collar and towering over me.

"You, wanna repeat that" he spat.

"I said you can't get a date and are just as much of a loser as I am."

That got to him he dropped my collar and wound up like he was going to throw a punch of course I didn't think he was actually going to do it he wasn't a complete idiot. He was just trying to scare me but, would I let him off so easily after all he had done to me and Pete?

While his right arm was wound up I grabbed his unprotected arm and put him in a Judo hold twisting his wrist and making him fall to the ground.

"Ahh" he screamed.

All of his football buddies jumped to their feet and tried to tackle me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I sneered and adjusting my position and putting flash in a more dangerous hold "take one more step and I snap flashes elbow. Your relying on a football scholarship to go to college right Flash" I looked at him.

"You won't do it" Kong Flash's best friend said "If you do that you'd be in juvy for years."

"True" I admitted "but, so what I'm a genius you should all know that even if I'm away for years and don't graduate from high school it would still be too easy for me to get a good job have an awesome life. Flash on the other hand if I break his elbow no more football, no more scholarship, and no more future."

After I said that everyone was looking at me like I was a monster and Felicia looked ready to make a move on me if I tried to keep my word.

Seeing my speech had the desired effect had the desired effect I let Flash go "But, I would never do that I'm not in the habit of ruining peoples lives." I looked down at Flash who was kneeling on the floor "remember how you feel right now that fear that weakness that's how you make people feel when you bully them. You may never have done anything that severe before but, that doesn't change the fact that you have made my friend Peter and several other people at this schools lives a living hell over the years."

With that I walked away looking like a total badass but, on the inside I was still shaking I knew that my stunt could have gone really wrong really fast. The truth was I never planned on doing that when I came over here but, Flash always managed to piss me off and I lost my cool for a second. If it came to an actual fight with Flash I wasn't sure if I could win.

Even if I was a genius that didn't change the fact that I had only been learning martial arts of a couple months. Flash was easily a hundred pounds (50kg) heavier than me he was jacked and that makes a huge difference in a fight. I only got the better of him by taking him by surprise. Not to mention Black Cat she was trained by her father since she was little and he was literally the greatest thief in the world. If she wanted to she could have laid me flat in a second.

Back at the popular table everyone was still in shock by what happened and as Flash finally managed to get back on his feet Kong shivered a little and spoke "guy's I don't think we should mess with him anymore."

Everyone gulped and nodded in agreement Flash remained silent and just sat there eating his lunch. Felicia on the other hand was watching Ben walk away with a strange expression on her face. She had for the first time found something at the school that actually interested her.

I let out a breath as I sat down next to Peter who was giving me a complicated look.

"What was that about" he asked?

"I was just teaching him a small lesson" I shrugged.

"You went too far" he told me "where did all of that even come from."

"I don't think so all I did was scare him a little bit he isn't even hurt. Besides what if what I said inspires him to try and be a better person?"

Peter shook his head "with great power, comes great responsibility. The ends don't justify the means even if it does make him a better person it shouldn't have been done like that."

"Maybe" I sighed "I admit I did go a little far" I looked at Peter and he was staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

. . .

. . .

"Fine" I gave in "I'll apologize to him tomorrow ok are you happy now!"

"Yep" he smiled.

This guy I thought "You know we got a bit sidetracked there I proved you wrong and asked out Felicia."

"Yes you did" he nodded "and I'm proud of you for it."

"Now you have to ask out Gwen I won our bet."

"What bet we never made a bet."

"Ask her out you coward!"


"Fine whatever your train wreck of a love life isn't my problem."

"You say that like you have a girlfriend."

"I may not have a girlfriend but, at least I don't sit here every day thinking about a girl who threw me aside like a piece of garbage."

Peter froze when I said that and started mopeing around again "You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts don't you Ben."

"Sorry man I didn't mean to put you down" I apologized. "Hey want to see something cool" I smiled at him.

"What? he looked at me a little curious.

"This" I said as I took out my note book that I was using to try and understand the Omnitrix.

Peter cautiously opened the book wondering what I though was so interesting but, as he started reading he became more and more shocked. He started furiously turning the pages engrossed in every word and equation. Ten minutes later he slammed the book down and exclaimed "This is impossible who did you come up with this!"

"Because I'm a genius" I shamelessly boasted.

"I'm being serious Ben!" He leaned over and whispered "Do you know how important this is! If you can finish your theory it would literally change the world!"

"I know" I told him "so keep your voice down."

"I'm sorry" Peter took a breath "It's just a way to convert any matter into energy at 100% efficiency and back again is just too amazing! It could be used to turn all the worlds toxic waste and pollution into clean energy, to literally make food out of thin air and solve world hunger, to make any supplies or parts a spacecraft needs letting us explore even farther out into the universe!"

"I know" I giggled a little after getting infected by a bit of Peters excitement "do you want to help?"

"Yes" Peter almost screamed.

"Good" I laughed "the truth is I don't think I would be able to do this by myself."

Peter was bouncing around in excitement "Oh, I forgot to ask does it have a name yet?"

"It does I've decided to call it the Mass-Energy Equation."