
Ben 10: Animeverse

A guy finds a meteorite falling during the night in the forest he goes to find the meteorite to inquire about it. What he finds there is a watch which will change his life forever Follow our hero as he goes from one world to another in a journey of his life time Disclaimer: Author Doesn't own anything except the OC all other characters belong to their respective franchise

Nastu1412 · Outros
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17 Chs

The New world and the New power

It had been a few days since the old lady passed they still stayed in the tent and had not left anywhere. Risa wanted to wait a few more days before leaving her home and going with Jason, Jason had no problems with it so they were still staying on the posioness plain.

During this few days for Jason and Risa had been a so fast for them form their sudden marriage to the old lady's death, due to the speed at which the things were going things hadn't properly registered with them. They were still sleeping in different tents and their interaction was still as before intimate but vague at the same time.

The past days were the hardest on Risa as she had lost her only family and the person who was her emotional support for the longest time. Even though she loved Jason and wanted to be with her it still took time for her to accept him as her husband.

Jason in the past few days had clarified a few things with the Omnitrix, first of which was the way to go back home, the result of a brief talk with Risa about their next destination was decided to be his world, for Risa because she wanted to see her husband's original world and because he also wanted to go back to see the aftermath of the explosion that brought him here. They decide to leave in a few days.

He had asked Omnitrix what was the way to transfer the clone of omega nanite to Risa because he wanted Risa to be able to control her Fanalis abilities and if possible train her nanite abilities together. He also found a few odd things the Fanalis physiology that it was quite similar to humans i.e if a Fanalis never trained in his/her life they would still have more physical strength then most people but if they start training their strength starts to increase exponentially. This was proven as only with little exercise Risa's strength basically doubled her strength.

And surprisingly the way to transfer the Omega clone was by kissing. The whole concept was that he kisses her and the Omnitrix will make sure the clone is transferred to her. Like the process that happened with him at first it will be a bit painfull and after a complete 8 hour sleep the nanites will have done their job and she would have the same abilities as him, well only one of them. He wanted to wait until he reached his home before he does it as it will be safe their.

Now he was sitting outside his tent and planning out ways to help Risa cope up with the technology's and the culture of his world. Because his world was not only advance but also had no magic and if she by mistake hurts somebody it will simply not end in a law suit. This problem was only for his original world as and when they go to other worlds they will deal the problem together at that point of time.

As he was thinking about this a sudden thought hit him which he had forgotten over his stay here and that was DNA scan. This ability of the Omnitrix allowed it to scan the DNA of the species and makes a copy of it so the user can then use it to and change into particular species. Jason started to getting excited at the thought of getting the Fanalis in his arsenal.

He directly went to find Risa to discuss about this matter with her. After searching a bit, he finds her in the back cooking food for them. Risa cooking was good he liked her cooking although the food he had brought after he came here was already over and Risa was very fascinated with and wanted to learn about it. Which played a huge role in her decision on the next destination.

Jason: Risa are you free? I want to try something.

Risa: OK dear just give me a second. (she started calling him dear a day or two after they got married).

After finishing her cooking, she goes to where Jason is standing waiting for her.

Risa: OK dear what was it you wanted to talk about?

Jason: Nothing much just wanted to try something with the Omnitrix, just stand here for a moment.

OK that's great now just wait. ...….. Omnitrix scan Risa's DNA.

Omnitrix: Personal scanning acquiring DNA sample.

After the voice from the Omnitrix stopped a bright green light came from the Omnitrix and laminated Risa. After a few minutes the light dispersed and Omnitrix started speaking again.

Omnitrix: Mutated DNA sample acquired processing ...............…..


Condition to unlock slot 21 has been meet the

Slot 21 has now been openend.

Due to all conditions not being meet user can only use slot 21 in Takeover mode.

Please obtain 5 more mutated DNA samples to fully unlock the slot.


Jason was shocked by what the Omnitrix was saying he only understand a bit of it but most was still a mystery for him. he looked at Risa who looked questions on her face towards him.

Even though he was slowly teaching her stuff about his civilization and his world to her, but she still didn't understand a lot of it, that will change a bit after she gets the nanites but now it was a slow start.

He told Risa that it was nothing to worry about and left her to do some more cooking before he went towards his tent and started asking questions to the Omnitrix.

Jason: OK Omnitrix what happened their and what is this all about mutated DNA?

Omnitrix: The user has met the condition to open the slot 21 which was previously locked. and mutated DNA is a DNA of a species which due to some factor may be external or internal factors, in case of this they could not be counted as a different species but a variant of the same.

Jason: Like the one's I have.

Omnitrix: Yes, due to this reason a special set of slots were opened where the user can collect such DNA's and combine them to form a brand new DNA sample.

Jason: OK so you are saying that Risa is a Fanalis with a mutation and that is why I have to collect 4 more DNA samples of different Fanalis so that I could open the slot.

Omnitrix: No the user has it wrong its not the individual Known as Risa who has a mutated DNA sample but the race known as Fanalis in whole is a variant race of the homosepiean species(humans).

Jason: What????? that's not possible I have read the story Fanalis are the descends of the red lion tribe from Alma Torran and they had this weird dragon lion hybrid beast form from they turned into human to which is where they get their real strength.

Omnitrix: The DNA sample analysis shows that that the base DNA of the species is 60% solar to that of humans. And abilities provided by the mutation are super enhanced strength and a beast transformation that further increases the base strength by a 5 times. Making this mutation most suited for physical related activities.

Jason: So to make it short Fanalis are more like werewolf but instead of a normal wolf they beast is a red dragon ,lion hybrid which gives them unimaginable strength.

Omnitrix: Yes.

Jason: OK its a bit hard to believe. So Risa is basically human huh. And what was it about collecting 5 more samples.

Omnitrix: In order for the user to create a DNA sample usable for a transformation the user has to habe a DNA sample with at least 60% differences from the users basic DNA. In order for that to happen the user has to obtain at least more 5 mutated DNA samples so the Omnitrix can compile them togeather and make an new DNA sample.

Jason: 5 more just my damn luck and where the hell I'm suppose to find 5 more DNA samples.*Sigh* anyways I'm getting hungry let's go and eat Risa must have finished cooking by now.

Saying that he goes towards where Risa was to get something to eat.

Next morning after breakfast was finished Risa came to talk Jason about leaving.

Risa: Dear I think I'm ready to leave now, staying here will not be anymore beneficial for anyone and I can some what sense that you are getting more and more anxious to know about the result of the incidence that brought you here.

Jason: Are you sure Risa? if you want we could stay a few more days I don't mind.

Risa: I'm sure I will take me a few hours to pack everything here and then we can leave but before we leave I do have a question.

Jason: OK ask.

Risa: How much can we take with us?

Jason first at Risa and then at the surrounding things around the tents, their was a lot of stuff utensils, cloths, some jewelry animals and many more things just looking at the stuff he was getting a headache of finding a solution for them turned towards Risa who was looking at him with puppy dog eyes and asking if they could take everything with them. He almost melted and said yes to her as she looked so cute but while resolve his heart to ignore the cute look she was giving he says.

Jason: Just pack everything and keep them here we will only take the valuable things here and come back later for the rest the things we won't be able to take there will be the animals and the utensils and some of the other random things.

Risa: But those are the most valuable things we have how can we just leave them here, and what about the animals we can't just leave them here.

Jason: I know but those things won't be necessary where we are going and I have my own set of better quality utensils at home so don't worry and about the animals we can't help it as where we are going we won't be able to take them there.

Risa: Not even one?

Jason: Not even one please Risa try to understand how about we do this after you get accustomed to my world I will buy what every you want for once no matter the price. OK please

Risa: (pouting) OK

Jason: OK now let's start packing if we start now we could leave before sunset.

Risa: Won't it cause inconvenience if we travel at night and I forget to ask how long will we have to travel to reach your world.

Jason: Don't worry we will reach their before you notice it.

Jason replayed with a mischievous grin on his face, Risa just ignored it and went to start the packing after which she had to release the animals in a safe place and they will be able to survive on their own from now on. Risa was a bit sad about that but her husband had said it was not possible for them to come with her so she could just let it be.

It was already night by the time they finished all the preparation, animals were taken and released outside of the plains and tents were packed. There were three groups if things visible one small that they will be taking with them now, one for which they come later and one which they will sell later in this world.

After everything was ready to leave Jason raises he left hand and point it towards a random direction and commands the Omnitrix to open the portal as he did that a light emits from it opening a circular grey gate which swirls like a whirlpool. Omnitrix tells him that the gate is directly linked to his room so they will directly arrive their.

Jason: That's our ride home as soon as we pass through that we will reach my sorry our home.

Jason points at the gate and motion towards Risa towards the gate but seeing hesitation in her eyes he holds her hand which instantly makes Risa's face red for a bit after which they walks towards the gate and cross it each of them holding a big bag on their back.

As soon as they pass the gate Risa is created with a big room as big as her tent but square in shape and white in color with different things all over the place and some also hanging on the walls he was amazed by such a thing.

Jason keeps the thing on his back on the floor, and also motions Risa to do the same after which he holds her hand and tells her to sit on the sofa while sitting next to her.

Jason: Risa you see I have already told you about this watch and the power it gives me but I didn't tell to all the things their is more that this watch can do like...........

Jason starts explaining The Anodite magic and the Nanites abilities to Risa in brief like what it allows him to do and how it fives him a healing factor and also increases his life span to more that a few hundred years, after which he also explains that he could give her also these powers and the conditions required to give it to her. To which her reply was.

Risa: Dear I'm already your wife and if you thing having these powers will be a beneficial thing for me with my Fanalis powers than I don't mind but I have one question.

Jason: OK ask.

Risa: What's a kiss?

Jason looks at Risa trying to figure out weather she was trolling him or was it a genuine question but looking at her curious face which with a hint of anticipation looked so cute that he concluded that it was genuine question but.....

If it was genuine then it then it shows that she was very little about how a physical relationship between a couple went which brought a hint of excitement in him thinking that it will be fun and started laughing evilly in his mind.

Risa on the other hand was patiently waiting for her husband to answer her question without having and idea about his true motives.

Hey guys first chapter of the day

Enjoy more on the way

Nastu1412creators' thoughts