
Ben 10: Animeverse

A guy finds a meteorite falling during the night in the forest he goes to find the meteorite to inquire about it. What he finds there is a watch which will change his life forever Follow our hero as he goes from one world to another in a journey of his life time Disclaimer: Author Doesn't own anything except the OC all other characters belong to their respective franchise

Nastu1412 · Outros
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17 Chs

The Explosion

After greeting the unexpected guest he decided it was the time he tested out some theories he had regarding his powers and get some and get some valuable fighting experience which he desperately needed he learned karate when he was small and also learned kick boxing when in his teens he still practices them from time to time but he didn't have any fighting experience so he decided it was time he got into a fight the best place to get it Null void.

But first he was hungry after waiting a while the delivery finally arrived and he finally had some good food.

After which he changed his cloths for a more battle appropriate cloths and opened a Null void gate from his living room and entered it without hesitation.

After entering the Null void his first job was to find a Null worm colony, Null worms were creatures who were about the size of a big dog and had and looked like a mix between a worm and a centripetal they were very dangerous and large in numbers it was also that they were not originally for null void their species were imprisoned here due to the destructive capabilities perfect for Jason to test out his new powers and get used to killing.

And the reason he called them Null worms is because he couldn't pronounce their name properly. So he just gave up.

It didn't take him a huge time to come upon a colony so starting his plan in motion he transformed into Heatblast and jumped towards the colony.


Its been two weeks from the first time he entered the Null void to train. in this time he had killed many Null worms and even destroyed a few colony but nothing that could harm their numbers he even fought with a few criminal's along the way most of them were hard fights as they were trained as well as good in fighting and he was still new to killing and fighting so it took him a few fights to get good at it but he was better now all the fighting had made him aware enough.

He started carrying himself differently, he was now more aware about his environment not like in paranoid people but more like person who had been through many battles. He was getting better and better at controlling his alien transformation and also other abilities.

But the hardest part of this last two weeks was after his first kill he felt killing null worm and a different sentient being was different in experience, first didn't feel much and the second made his stomach go bad, the day he first killed someone he was not feeling good it took him a whole night to calm down and collect himself but afterwards it became numb he still didn't like killing but he was not against it.

The main motivator behind it was to not be like one of the hero's in the media who left their enemies alive after defeating them only for other people to suffer in the hand of the villains again he didn't want his incompetence to be some other innocent persons problem.

The nearest he reached to death door was when he met a gigantic chutuluu creature who was as big as a town in size Jason wanted to fight it to see how he would fare but before doing so he asked Omnitrix for help regarding it to know more about it the answer he got scared the shit out of him.

Omnitrix: That creature is a class EX+ difficulty creature the one and only creature in its class it was the first living being to be every found in the Null Void and has been named the First no creature or machine has ever been able to harm this creature and that has been since from the past few thousand years or so it has been advice to flee from it general vicinity it to ever encounter it as engaging it in combat will lead to certain death.

Jason: What about Celistialseapian's did they ever fought them.

Omnitrix: A few centuries ago a group of Celistialseapian was send to combat this creature but the result was total aniliation no one survived. From that day onwards he never went towards where the First was spotted if literal god's like being couldn't fight it then who was he.


After waking up in the morning he decided to take a off today because he was kind of tired of the continues fights. That doesn't mean he didn't like fighting he bloody loved it the stronger the opponent the better the fight he even started to wonder if he had some sayain blood in him.

He decided to go clothes shopping for some combat gear as most of his "combat clothes" were not in the best shape. He also decided to take it slow today and take the bike instead of running to the mall.

He changed his cloths after finishing his morning routine, took his bike key closed his apartment and headed towards the mall.

It took him about 20 minutes of driving to reach the mall it was big 6 story building with every kind of shop you could think of in it. It was one of the biggest mall in this state.

After ending the first thing he did was go the the nearest clothing shop to find some cloths he really wanted to try on some new cloths. The whole shopping trip didn't take more than a hour to complete by the end of it he had a some robust cloths which would last him a while and some camping gear which he decide to by when he went to a new dimension and if he didn't find a place to stay like in emergency situation.

After buying all the required stuff and asking them to deliver it to his home after paying the bills he decided it was a good idea to just roam around the mall just for to pass the time.

While he was passing by he noticed a familiar face it was one of the girls who had knocked on his door that night he also noticed that she was sitting alone with no one and drinking coffee while reading a book.

As he was free now he decided to go and say hello to her.

Jason: Hello there how are you?

Jean: huh ah hello sorry I didn't see you there I was a bit engrossed in reading the book.

Jason: No issue there if you don't mind can I have a sit.

Jean: Sure why not its not like anyone is sitting there.

Jason: Thanks so what's you reading?

Jean: ah nothing much its its.......ah promise you won't laugh. its a self-help book about how to tall to stranger's

Jason: OK I'm not laughing but you don't look like a person who has difficultly talking to people or making friends.

Jean: Well that what most assume but I am not that good at it.

Jason: you are talking to me just fine and we are practically strangers.

Jean: Ya but with you it feels like I can just let it loose and you won't mind it.

Jason: Well if the one letting it lose is you then I really won't.


Jason:...... you know what I'm feeling a bit thirsty why don't I go get some thing to drink anything you want.

Jean: A ice tea will be nice.

Jason: One ice tea coming up.

Saying that Jason left from the place he was sitting and went to get something to drink he didn't know why did I that slip of tongue happened he didn't mean to say that but he did and it made a atmosphere a bit awkward.

On the other hand Jeans head was in a turmoil right she couldn't understand why the hot guy from that time was sitting with here and talking to her, she was a bit confused about weather he was only flirting or genuinely wanted to just talk many things were going through her head right now due to which she almost forgot about what she was initially doing.

After a while Jason returned with the ice tea and something to drink for himself this time he was adamant about having a proper conversation with her and he did.

They talked about a lot of things they found out that they had a lot in common like they both liked anime and like to read books he even showed his Omnitrix to her saying it was a limited edition piece which is why he was wearing it she was really interested in the watch at first but they talked more the topic shifted and it kept on changing.

They were talking with each other for hours now without noticing the time they would had kept talking if not for the call she got from a her friend calling her for some important stuff. She was a bit sad she had to leave but she was happy for the good time she had talking to him.

After talking to Jean, Jason felt really good like a pressure had been limited from his shoulders and he was also getting hungry. So to state his hunger and stock pile his food he went to the nearest food outlet and ordered a bunch of takeouts.

It was around 2 in the afternoon due to some event their was a big crowd present in the mall Jason was heading out of the mall with a big bag full of takeout and different beverages as he was walking towards the gate on the ground floor.

He started hearing a series of explosion and the next thing he knew everything turned black.

Chapter of the day


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