
Ben 10 Altered DNA

MasterrThinker2003 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

And then there were 10(part 2)

"Oh, my god," Gwen said as she started to analyze the body of Diamond.

"If you somehow can't transform back you will have to play the little league game as this monster," Gwen said to Ben.

"Wait! I signed up for the little league?" Ben asked.

"No. But your mom did. When I told her that our school is recruiting." Gwen said.

"Booom." Then they heard a noise outside the Rv.

"Huh. What was that?" Ben asked.

"How would I know? Can't you see that I am sitting right in front of you?" Gwen said.

The loud noises don't stop.

"Bamm." "Grrrrsshhhh."

And it seems like the world is ending so Ben started to become worried. After all grandpa max was outside.

So Ben stood up and walked towards the exit of the RV.

"Hey, what are you doing? Grandpa told you to wait and not to go outside." Gwen tried to warn Ben but Ben have already stepped outside.


Then he saw a terrifying scene.

Grandpa Max was nowhere in sight but there were several small machines that appeared to be destroyed by a powerful impact. It appears to be a hit from a shovel to be exact.

"Huh. What is that thing?" Gwen said as she approached the destroyed machines.

Ben was feeling a little uneasy. Ben looked around and found the direction where a bunch of trees were semi-damaged.

And a string of smoke can be also seen flowing towards the sky.

"There," Ben said as he started running in that direction.

Gwen also followed Ben.

After walking for a few minutes the two arrived at the location where Max is and saw him facing off against a giant crab-like robot that is more than twice his size of him.

He was not using a futuristic weapon but only using a fire extinguisher as a weapon.

"Grandpa," Gwen called out.

The machine seems to be able to detect sound waves as its head turns towards Gwen's direction.

However, it immediately looks away from Gwen as it looked directly at Ben.

Two laser beams were shot out from the claw of the machine.

"Ben lookout," Max warned Ben.

Ben combined his arms and used them as a shield to reduce the damage that he might get from the laser beams.

He knew his new body is hard and he was just using it because he knew if could not move out of the way in time.

Luckily for him, the beam was absorbed by his body and no damage to him was done.

"Huh." Ben was surprised.

Then he tried to throw an air punch just to see what would happen and a few crystal shards were shot out towards the giant robot.

"Hey. I can work with that." Ben said as he noticed and realized what his power could be.

Crystal manipulation.

He is not entirely sure but it doesn't seem unadvantages to try out this great piece of scrap.

The robot moved towards Ben as it started to consider him as a threat.

Ben punched one of his fists into the ground and large crystals started to pop out of the ground piercing the robot.

In the meanwhile while Ben was distracting the robot, Gwen helped Grandpa Max who was somewhat roughed up by the robot.

"Grandpa I knew that you said we can't go out no matter what but....." Gwen said as she started to make excuses for disobeying Grandpa Max.

"Gwen, we will talk about it later. First, Get me to the Rv. There is a way we can help Ben take that thing down." Grandpa Max said.

Gwen didn't realize Max immediately found out the identity of Ben in his diamond head form and nodded.

Currently, she is not someone that can think normally and decided to follow Grandpa Max's order.