
Ben's Boundless Odyssey: Beyond Realms

LeoTheWriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 3: A fight With Warwolf

As Ben ventured alone into the dark Twilight Forest, his enchanted emerald armor glinted in the speckled beams of sunlight able to penetrate the thick canopy overhead. The ethereal flames dancing along his silversteel blade provided extra illumination as he navigated over gnarled roots and around massive tree trunks. All his senses stayed on high alert, well aware fell beasts stalked these woods.

Earlier in town, Ben had overheard tales recently of ranchers losing livestock to savage predators. Based on survivor accounts and strange prints left behind, Ben deduced magical chimera-like creatures had emerged from the forest's deepest heart. As part of his self-imposed trials, he would hunt them down and rid the realm of their menace!

A rustling in the bushes snapped Ben instantly into a combative stance, sword raised. A snarling wolf with a scorpion's tail lunged from the shrubbery toward Ben's neck. "Warwolf!" Ben yelled, having read about their venom. With honed battle reflexes, he spun away while lashing out with a razor gust of wind magic. The slicing vortex of air shredded the beast in mid-leap. Its bloody remains collapsed at Ben's feet, already beginning to disintegrate into black vapor.

Ben wavered unexpectedly as he felt foreign energy surge into his body, signaling the absorption of Aera magical essence from the slain Warwolf. Checking his Status screen, Ben noted his mana capacity had markedly increased from defeating just that single enemy. "So mystical creatures provide accelerated advancement here eh? Better keep hunting then!" Ben chuckled.

Several hours later, with a couple dozen more chimera beasts slain by spell and blade, a bloodcurdling roar in the distance seized Ben's attention. That sound was no mere Warwolf...rushing toward the source, Ben smelled sulphur and death well before the creature crashed into view. "No way, already?!" Ben yelled as he took in the 30 foot tall lumbering form, wreathed in flames with the head of a bull, body of a bear and claws of hawk. "One of the Atlas Chimeras!" Ancient legends warned these entities possessed demigod-like power.

Grinning fiercely, Ben gestured as arcane force surged through his outstretched fingertips. Dozens of glowing magic missiles peppered the Atlas Chimera, stoking its rage. With another ear-splitting roar, it charged horns leading right for Ben. He barely dove aside as several tons of monstrous muscle stampeded past, the heat washing over Ben even at a distance. As the beast circled around, Ben's thoughts raced - its thick hide could resist prolonged assault but perhaps...there!

Drawing deep from his vast inner magic, Ben prepared his ultimate mythical art passed down through his bloodline. Magic circles and runes spiraled into existence before him in dizzying mystical complexity. As the Atlas Chimera thundered for a another direct charge toward the seemingly vulnerable human, right as it reached him Ben yelled "Aeolus Gate!"

A swirling portal opened, held back only by straining magics inches from Ben's waiting hand. As the Atlas Chimera's bulk touched the portal boundary, with a final mental command Ben unleashed the boundary rupture spell. The magical gate imploded with a thunderclap, swallowing the entire beast in an instant before flickering out of existence.

Breathing heavily, Ben braced himself as reality itself seemed to ripple. An invisible shockwave blasted outward, nearly knocking Ben to his knees while overhead the forest canopy swayed as if in hurricane winds. Gradually the churning skies calmed and glowing particles rained down over the surrounding clearing. Ben had felled the Atlas Chimera in one strike, but nearly tore open a hole in the fabric of space itself doing so!

"Haha okay note to self, be more careful with spells capable of literally rupturing reality next time," Ben chuckled weakly. As the last of the energy settled into his body, Ben gazed in awe at the notification for defeating a creature past even legendary tier - his powers from Gamer's Body had multiplied tenfold! Truly his might would one day rival the great realm-shaking heroes of myth and legend!