
Ben's Boundless Odyssey: Beyond Realms

LeoTheWriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2: Ben Training Arch !

After an emotional reunion with his parents and sister Alice, who shed joyful tears at his sudden recovery, Ben set out to explore his family's estate and get reacquainted with his new surroundings. His Gamers' Mind ability kept his thoughts clear and analytical as he processed the waterfall of shocking discoveries over the last day.

Wandering into the vast manor library, Ben realized he had retained all the memories and learned knowledge of this world's Ben. Equations, maps, magic sigils and anatomical drawings filled the texts - representing a lifetime of intense scholastic training. "So I have all this guy's magical schooling crammed into my head now too, eh?" Ben chuckled in amusement.

What drew his attention most though was when he pictured his Status screen and saw listed under Abilities: Mana Manipulation (Journeyman) and Sword Mastery (Apprentice). His counterpart had already been practicing spell casting and melee combat it seemed!

Eager to test his competency, Ben traced a glowing sigil into the air while channeling mana from his deep internal reserves. An orb of flame blossomed to life in front of him. With a flick of his wrist he sent it circling several feet before dissipating the magic. Next he grasped the bejeweled longsword hanging as an heirloom on the library wall, feeling the perfect balanced weight of silversteel in his palm.

Moving through a series of slashes, jabs and ripostes, Ben marveled at how naturally swordplay came to him now. "Well no sense wasting time sitting around reading textbooks anymore," Ben said with a growing smile of anticipation. "Time to level up these skills and see what I can really do in this world!"

Venturing into town, Ben sought the governess Ms. Helga who had overseen his education growing up. If his inherited memories served right, she could now point him to more advanced spellcasting and combat training. As expected, the stern-faced older woman's eyes went wide at seeing Ben up and walking again but she quickly embraced him in relief.

"Young master Benjamyn! Praise the gods for your full recovery at last!" Ms. Helga exclaimed. "But what of your studies?"

"Well about that..." Ben grinned eagerly. "I want to develop my talents beyond just book knowledge into true magical mastery and battle prowess. Can you guide me to the right teachers?"

And so Ms. Helga introduced Ben to two new instructors over the following weeks - Sir Brandr, the hardened former royal knight who put Ben through grueling weapons drills and survival exercises in the wilderness; and Lady Wylla, the eccentric but brilliant mage capable of raining elemental storms upon enemies.

Ben pushed himself harder than he had ever done before in his life. Hours of mana manipulation exercises until he collapsed from exhaustion. Repetitive sparring bouts under Sir Brandr's ruthless supervision until his body screamed for mercy. He drove himself each day to the very brink, only to rise again stronger thanks to bonuses from Gamer's Body. His power grew tremendously...

Soon tales spread of Baron Albion's once frail son now wielding devastating magic and sword skills exceeding most veteran soldiers. Ben no longer spent quiet days lost in scholarly pursuits - instead he could be seen marching through the estate wielding glowing weapons and armor with summoned familiars at his heels. Something had changed within him during his coma it seemed...

With his newfound talents mastering both spell and steel, Ben decided it was time to test himself against true danger. Donning his enchanted gear and sword, he set off alone into the depths of the wild Twilight Forest in search of magical beasts threatening the realm. Thus started the legend his people would one day tell - of Sir Ben, Champion of the Kingdom!