
Rose Petals: The Dark Side of Moon the Undaunted

Summary: A small bit of history

"We should murder them all!" Mina shouted. "The idea of peace was doomed to fail before it was even conceived!" It was the only logical and sane conclusion.

"While none of us are opposed, that's ridiculous when we're up against a Serpantarian army!" Hekapoo argued back. "Comet already laid the groundwork, all we need to do is sign the treaty and we'll at least have a good portion of the monster population under control."

"And what, the lizard breaks that too?" Omnitraxus was with her. "He's just going to keep doing this until all of Mewni is under his rule."

"As if we're in any position to do anything else!" Count Mildrew spoke like an idiot. "Mewni just lost their Queen! Do we need to add more Mewman blood to the table when we haven't even properly mourned?!"

"Just let me at them!" Rhombulus stated. "Me and Mina can beat up and crystallize them all." And then through those crystals into a vat of acid.

"Yes, because you've been so effective in handling the situation so far." The pink bitch rolled her eyes as if she was actually effective.

"Oh, just like you were so effective at defending the queen." Mina responded back. "That's three queens dead under your watch, Rose! We hardly need the monsters when you're so keen on having Butterfly blood on your hands."

"I don't know where you get the gall to spout half the trash you're constantly spewing out, Loveberry." The false hero of Mewni raised her sword.

"Maybe it's because I'm not the one resting my ass on monster dick." Mina began to bulk up, ready to once again try and shatter the pink monster once and for all.

"Enough!"' Everyone turned to the one that shouted, the normally meek and quiet Johansson. "We can argue in circles all we want, but the fact of the matter is that the decision rests on Pri…On Queen Moon."

They all looked at the small and fragile queen, clutching the royal wand tightly, gazing at the room with chaotic emotions rampant in her eyes. "River, are you mad! She just lost her mother!" Count Mildew chastised.

"Plus her magic is far from strong enough for a war of this scale." Hekapoo added.

"Skywyne wasn't that much older when she took up the throne." The pink bitch made the only decent point Mina's heard out of her traitorous mouth.

"I want a say." The little girl spoke. "It's my crown now, I seek to have my voice heard." The girl stood on shaky legs, focusing a lot of energy to keep her gaze focused. "And I want you all to know..:I will make my decision tomorrow." She darted out of the room in a blink of an eye.

"Baagghhh." Like the goat said, peace or war?

"As the Queen said, we'll know for sure tomorrow." Rose stood up and began to make her own leave.

"You won't get away with it forever you lying sack of crap." Mina growled at the pink menace. "They'll see just how horrible you are."

"I know I am, I just don't pretend I'm completely perfect and right like you and the commission always do." Glad to see that the Commission hates the woman just as much as she did.


Lil Chauncey sat as he was petted by the mistress. "I swear Chauncey, you're the only one of three people I can talk to in my life."

"I hope I'm one of them." The pink lady came in. "How're you doing?"

"…" Mistress sent the pink one a weird expression.

"Sorry, dumb thing to say, I know." The pink lady sat down right beside his mistress. "I've seen so many wars in my life by this point I almost don't know how to feel about it…but your mom…it reminds me just how much I've lost…and now tired I am of losing."

"And now she's gone … because of monsters." Moon stared at the ground, holding onto Chancy tightly. "She extended her hand in peace and they spat on it."

"I've been in this situation before sadly as well, and I can't in good conscience just say you shouldn't hate them…because there's times I hate them too." The pink one stared at her hands. "There's even times I've come to hate humans, their potential for good sometimes gets outweighed by their potential for evil. That's true for every species."

"Then how do you keep going everyday?" Moon pleaded with the pink one with tears in her eyes. "How do you not just…give up on everyone?"

"Lots of effort, and patience." She explained. "Something you get when you're over a couple millenia old. Also I learned not to judge one species based on the actions of one person."

"You sound just like her…" Moon's eyes poured out like a river as she hugged the pink one. "I actually believed her, that peace could be achieved with one slice of pie…I'm not my mother…I don't know if I can have that level of compassion."

"No one is asking you to. You can take all the time to mourn if you want to, damn what the council thinks." The pink one rubbed the mistress's back.

"No, no she died for this … i'm queen now, I want to do something." Mistress stated. "I just … peace isn't an option with the lizards, but we can't afford to fight them either."

"They can be relentless; I know that personally." The pink sighed. "Eclipsa would've been better in this situation, she understood how monsters acted better than I ever could."

"Eclipsa …" The Mistress stood up. "The queen of darkness with a forbidden chapter … spells that can do many things at a great price … Maybe she has a way to take down the lizard." She turned to the book, where a weeping blue man was laying down.

"She's gone, she's actually gone…I really liked her." The little blue man kept sobbing.

"Glossaryck, I know this is a difficult time.." the mistress approached. "But perhaps you could.."

"Sorry…sorry prin…Queen, but I'm too much of a mess…I'm just going to keep crying in your mama's chapter." The man closed the book on himself.

"Wow … never seen Glossaryck care so much about one person." The pink one spoke. "But on the subject, queen Eclipsa loved monsters, she's not one to have a spell made to destroy them."

"Maybe, but there's plenty of other spells that could do more damage then any in any other chapter." Moon gripped the handle of her wand. "There's only one way to find out…I need to speak with her."

"I … that's an excellent idea!" The pink one spoke excitedly. "Let's do that now!"

"You changed your tune pretty quickly."

"What can I say? I want to catch up with an old friend."


Rose walked with Moon in the crystal caverns, the bastard Rhombulus leading them. "I still don't like this." He spoke. "But I'm out numbered on the vote … man I miss Reynaldo."

"He was somehow worse than you on your worst day with all his complaints." Rose rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Glosseryck would be more than happy to give you a just as equally mundane job right beside him if you miss him so much."

"Or he could just undo the curse Rhina put on him." The walking crystal deadpanned. "Then again he hasn't fixed my snake hands either so …"

"How much longer?" Moon asked impatiently.

"Just a bit more, we had to store someone that evil near the back."

"She didn't even resist arrest…" Rose rolled her eyes. Trying to talk to any of these morons was like talking to the diamonds, essentially impossible and futile. They walked for a few more minutes until they reached the tallest crystal in the area, where right before them was the supposed 'Queen of Darkness' herself. "She looks at peace at least."

"You say that now, but I never let out anything that's been inside of a crystal longer than a year." The man raised his hands, turning to Moon. "I have no clue what's gonna happen when I let even a part of her out."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Moon took a deep breath. If Eclipsa did die, Rose always did have the option to revive her. It may be slightly against what she wanted, but Eclipsa knew how to make the best of a bad situation.

The man nodded, slowly sending out waves of energy as from the chest up, the queen of darkness was freed. "Call if you need me!" Rhombulus shouted as he ran away like a coward.

Eclipsa was silent and still for a moment, before taking deep and almost painful looking breaths of air, and her face fell to the crystal she was trapped in. "We killed her!" Moon shouted in panic.

"Hold on, maybe I can.." She was about to produce some tears when..

"Be … fore …" Eclipsa spoke….after eight hundred years…she finally heard her friend's voice again.

"What?" Rose asked.

"Be fore…" The dark one said again.

"Before … before what?" Moon asked, trying to understand this riddle.

"B four..B4!" Eclipsa gestured her head toward the vending machine that was in the back.

Rose stared at the machine before chuckling. "I know your candy addiction is bad, but is that literally the first thing you ask for when you wake up from what is essentially a three hundred year comma?

"It was the last thing I was thinking about before I was frozen, I'll go crazy if I can't satisfy it!"

"I've got it, I've got it." Rose paid for the bar of candy, walking over as Eclipsa managed to free one of her hands, covered in a black sickness. Dark magic took its toll on the body.

"Yes… yes… so good!" Eclipsa happily munched on the chocolate. "So nice they still make my favorite candy after…three hundred!?" Eclipsa almost choked at the realization….before biting down on the candy again.

"Nothing ages when it's crystalized." Rose shrugged. "Be grateful you're not older than me."

"Well at least you make over six thousand years look good." Ah, this was fun. "So, who's the new one?"

"Oh…I'm Moon Butterfly…the new Queen of Mewni." Moon tentatively answered. Rose had to hold her tongue. They were Butterflies, even if they weren't the original.

"Always happy to see new family." She smiled so innocently. "But you are young … I take it your mother had something bad happen to her … and that's why you're here?"

Moon gave a silent teary nod as Rose gave her a contempt one. "It happened again.."

"Oh…I'm sorry." Eclipsa gave her condolences with her own tears. "It happened with my mother too."

"Yes…she's gone, and now everyone expects me to make all these big decisions when I can barely pick what boy I like!" Moon groaned in frustration.

"I know how that feels as well." Eclipsa nodded. Probably not, considering how young of a love she had with Globgore, but it would be rude to speak up now.

"But now's not the time for that…your chapter in the book of spells is forbidden, and I need to learn a spell that can kill a Serpantarian."

"Moon, I keep telling you." Rose felt drained from repeating herself. "Eclipsa loved monsters, she wouldn't make a spell just to kill one."

"… Well…" Eclipsa had an uneasy expression on her face.

"No..you actually made one!?" Rose was aghast. "But I thought..!"

"All knowledge is good knowledge, you know that's my stance on things, Rose." Eclipsa gave her a cheeky smile. "Just because I learn something doesn't mean I have to act upon it."

Rose groaned. "I swear, three hundred years go by and you think you know a person."

"So can you teach me?" Moon asked. "The spell to stop the lizard?"

"Yes…but are you sure this is what you want?" Eclipsa warned.

"I … I want a way to stop them … I plan on one last confrontation, but I need a method for both sides." Moon spoke determinedly, gripping her wand tightly.

"Alright…but the spell you want to learn requires you to make a magical contract with me." Eclipsa explained. "If you fulfill it, you must give something to me in return."

"Fine, what is it? More candy?" Moon rolled her eyes.

"My freedom." No way…was Eclipsa actually going to be able to bargain her way out of her unjust imprisonment!?

"I can't destroy the crystal." Moon spoke.

"A contract between two Queens is beyond even the Magic High Commision." Eclipsa smiled. "Maybe even beyond Rose … but I'd rather not power scale against a friend."

"You're powerful and impressive all on your own. You can afford to take pride in it." Rose smiled right back.

"Alright, so how do we do this?" Moon asked. "Do I just … pinkie promise or …"

"Just hold my hand." Eclipsa held out her arm with an open palm.

"Okay." Cautiously, Moon stuck her arm out and grabbed it, both Queen's closing their eyes as bright purple light wrapped around their arms like a ribbon, literally binding them together as their face emblems glowed. The pressure of the room felt slightly heavier, and Rose couldn't be sure if this was more impressive or worrying.

The pressure faded as the two Queens let go of each other. "Now listen closely." Eclipsa leaned into Moon's ear and whispered something, only being able to catch the last bit. "...aim it directly at his heart." The dark Queen smiled before turning to Rose. "I'm happy to see that you're still the shield of the Butterflies, Rose. See you soon."

"You as we-" Before Rose could finish, Eclipsa was once more blasted into crystal. "... You couldn't let me finish?" She turned to glare at Rhombulus.

"Just doin my job." Oh, the moment Eclipsa was free she was going to laugh at everyone here. "Evil Queen, got to freeze it."

"She didn't seem so evil." Moon muttered before making her way out. "Did she always talk like that to you?"

"Constantly. Twenty Four seven. There was almost no telling what could come out of her mouth." Rose sighed happily. Despite all the horrible events that led to it, she was grateful that her old friend would finally be free after what this horrible kingdom had done to her.


Toffee led his army, having defeated the one known as 'Pearl' after a long and strenuous battle. They would have shattered the worthless freak if a group of knights didn't sacrifice themselves to get the rock out of there.

Now they marched onward to the castle, soon exterminating the worthless mewmans and making way for the Serptarsis to rule. "General, we go two incoming, they look to be alone…I think one of them is another one of those strange rock people." One of his soldiers observed from a looking glass.

"The one with the ridiculous hair and glasses or the pink one?" Toffee asked with a bored tone. One was slightly more concerning than the other, but neither would do any lasting damage.

"Pink one sir." The soldier clarified.

"Alright, ready up." He waved, the group stopping as the two figures approached. "If this is another attempt at negotiation, then you're wasting your time." Toffee looked over the two. "Hello, Princess, I believe we haven't been formally introduced. I am Toffee."

"Wait, really?" The young one asked. "'The lizard' sounded much more threatening. Why would you name yourself after candy?"

"Does the name really matter when I've killed so many Mewmans with my tail alone?" He gestured to the curtain of his tent made up of skeletons, decorated with skulls that still had those Mewman marks. "Now what do you want, make it quick."

"I want you and your men to leave." She stated plainly. "Dissolve your armies and stop here, or I will be forced to take action."

If he had any lower integrity, he would've been inclined to laugh at the insolence. Fortunately for him, he had his men to do the mocking for him. "Hah! Don't think you can scare us with your little pet rock and girly magic!" Two of his men tore off an arm and regrew it to illustrate their point. "We're immortal! Nothing can hurt us."

"Why are you like this?" Rose asked. "Can't you see violence is just going to bring more violence, it's never going to end! Just stop with this rampage and let us strive for equality!"

He scoffed. "I don't know what Seth saw in a parasitic freak such as yourself." Toffee waved off Rose's plea.

"He at least had some sense of rationality in that stubborn leathery head of his, as despicable as he became." The gem raised her blunt sword. "Last chance, or what happens next is all on you."

"Then I suppose that's on me, and my men, who you haven't managed to kill once." He argued. "And what say you little girl, shall you crawl back to your comfy home and wait for slaughter, or get it over with?"

She merely sighed, raising her wand at them. " I call the darkness unto me…. From deepest depths of Earth and sea." The sky began to blacken. "From ancient evils unawoken…Break the one who can't be broken."

The wand became coated in what could be described at black blood. "To blackest night I pledge my soul And crush my heart to burning coal…!" The princess began to show signs of panic when the veins of her arms began to turn black as well.  "To summon forth the deathly power To see my hated foe devoured!"

"Oh enough of this." He walked up, intending on grabbing her skull for his next mug.

The Princess, steeled her gaze at his chest for a second before pointed the wand at his incoming hand, and fired something black right at his middle finger, sending him flying backwards as the bulk of the spell was fired overhead, and set off somewhere in the distance.

He watched his middle finger fall to the ground, blackened as it turned to dust. "Have you learned nothing princess?" He smirked, raising his hand as his finger regenerated … before turning to dust, a small black butterfly flapping away.

"It's not growing back!" A soldier shouted. 

"She's a witch! Run!" Almost instantaneously his men, who he's worked with for years and slaughtered countless Mewman armies with… all scared off within a matter of seconds…the pride, the honor of being a Serpentarian…meant absolutely nothing.

He stood up, glaring at the princess. "I will make you regret this moment in its fullest, and I will laugh at your complete and utter despair." He stormed off, needing something else. He needed the threat magic eradicated from the world.


"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Rose shouted. Months had passed since the encounter with Toffee, and there was a significant change in the woman's behavior since then when the two of them were together.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did me threatening the man who obviously refused to reason seem like a bad call?" Moon asked.

"No, I was with you when you wanted to kill Toffee, I backed you up on it… but then you just… throw the very idea of peace aside!" Rose accused. "You've done more than just disband his army, you've run the entire monster population into poverty and ruin!"

"Of course I have." Moon spoke. "I'm not going to be caught off guard like my mother was. I refuse to give them a chance when they've spat in the face of peace too many times. How many queens have tried to make peace, only to fail?"

"But you… your mother… she was… AGH!" Rose punched a hole into the wall. "It's not enough that you're ruining an entire generation of lives because of your hatred, but you didn't keep your end of the bargain!" Rose shouted. "You promised Eclipsa would be free! You took the contract!"

"Eclipsa would be free when my most hated foe was killed." Moon stated. "He isn't dead … no matter how much I wish to destroy him for everything and watch him suffer in agony and despair." She gripped the wand tightly.

"You could've ended him… I would've hated it, but he would've been gone, and my friend would've been free." Rose stared down at the ground. "But you took the coward's way out, you placed all your malice on a whole species, and you chose to not follow through! Why!? You yourself admitted Eclipsa wasn't that bad!"

"She still abandoned her kingdom for a monster. I can't have someone like that running around free."

"You're sounding just like the Commission!" Rose argued.

"Well maybe they have a point!" Moon shouted back. "I'm not going to put my faith in that total peace can be achieved, and I won't have the naivety of a millennia old overgrown child get in the way!" She stared up at the woman. "You've been so kind to me Rose, but it's either us or them."

"It's never us or them, but no one sees it that way." Rose walked to the door. "I'm out, you can handle the place until the daughter takes over, can't you?" 

"You can't just walk out of here like that!"

"Yes I can. I can do whatever I want, I belong to no kingdom, no planet, to no one." The Pink woman stated.

"Fine, leave!" Moon shouted in rage. "I don't need you, I can do this on my own!" As much as she didn't want to.