By 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW, Star is a very special person. Never has there been a person to share such excitement, such zaniness, and such lovability. No body could ever compare, except maybe the little gem boy she has come to know as "brother."
Summary: Another memento to the past
Skywyne looked to her son, who smiled with acceptance and nodded, and then to her daughter, who looked up to her mother with warmth and happiness.
It was a hard day for her. While the rest of Mewni would be given reassurance about the future, Skywyne herself was slowly dying on the inside. To her, this was putting one child over the other, it was denying her son a chance at having a great future.
According to Rose, at least Justin admitted he would be fine as long as his mother grieved with someone, and that warmed her heart … but it didn't ease the guilt one bit.
Solaria herself was more or less ignorant of the entire affair, only growing up knowing that she would inherit the wand and the throne when her time came. She was a confident young woman, the queen would admit, but she had a tendency to be a little…overzealous.
"Solaria, do you agree to take on this responsibility, to protect Mewni with the power your wield, and lead it into a bright future?" Her son, for one last time, held the wand in his grasp and presented the torch for Solaria to carry.
"I will do my best to make Mewni as great as I possibly can, and provide for the Mewmans." Her daughter humbly bowed. Jushtin gave a silent nod and handed it off to his sister.
The wand was held, the gator staring back at its new master. "Use me well young-" It coughed violently, before a blade carved its way from the inside out, the wand changing into a sword-like state covered in blood. That … did not bode well.
"Wow, so big." Her daughter seemed more amazed at the sight rather then concern, while the crowd gave the usual meaningless platitudes.
"Oh come on!" They all turned to a very familiar figure. "It really was three in a row!"
Skywyne smirked at the sight. "It really is becoming tradition, isn't it?" Some things were refreshing to see.
"Rose, look, I got a sword!" Solaria displayed her wand. "We can be sword and shield together!"
"Yes, we can be. We can fight right next to each other just like your mother did with me back in the day." Rose gave the princess a warm smile. Hopefully she could teach the girl a lesson or two in restraint.
"Parry, parry, thrust!" Rose watched as Pearl instructed the young princess on how to wield a sword. "Counter, overhead, backhand." The girl was a natural, picking the process up easily. "You learn fast for an organic."
"I'm more than made from meat, I'm a Butterfly!" Solaria was a highly spirited girl, and receiving her wand only seemed to raise those spirits higher. "When I'm finally Queen, evil will flee instantly just by hearing my name!" The princess struck down Pearl's defensive maneuver, breaking the pale gem's sword in half in the process. "I believe this is my win?"
"Yes yes." Pearl waved off. "Very impressive. Now would you like to learn something other than combat from me? Such as strategy, dancing techniques, artistic critique?"
"I do want to know how you can't smell anything with a nose that big."
"This is the standard length…I..ugh, give me a second, Solaria." Pearl went over to her and groaned. "I have serious doubts about this kingdom's future if she's going to be taking it over."
"It's not the most…ideal circumstance, but Skywyne wants just as much out of her rule as she planned for Jushtin's. We just need to be patient and help guide her into the right path." Rosé justified.
"Fine, fine." Pearl sighed. "Come on then, let's-"
"RRAAAGGGGH!!" They all turned to see a monster attacking the villain nearby. They've been gaining aggression recently, apparently intent on claiming all of Mewni back.
It was too late to just give everything back to them, but that didn't mean a peaceful coexistence was impossible. They just needed to get over a few hurdles before that could happen. "Come on, Solaria, let's show Mewni what their future Queen is like!"
"Monster fight, just like mom's first day!" Solaria raised her sword high as a bright red glow shined on the blade. "Onguard you foul beast!" She shouted, running at the creature.
"Oh you're not gonna stop me with just one …" The creature turned to her. "Holy shit, the Rose Guard."
"Yes, and you'll be quick to note that I'm more than capable of handing you on my own. Do you really want to try your luck against me and the princess of Mewni?" She threatened.
"Wait, Princess Soliaria!?" The frog man raised his hands. "I signed up for an empty village with maybe five knights, not this crazy shitshow. I'm out!"
"You're not going anywhere!" Solaria jumped into the fray and waved her sword as it glowed brighter. "You'll pay for all the terror you've brought my people!"
"I'm not going to fight an insane little brat like yo-" The monster didn't get to finish as Solaria swung her sword at the man's head…and sliced it in half. The three of them stood in silence, staring at the rolling head. "I … I didn't mean to-"
"Princess Solaria saved us!" A villager shouted. "She killed the horrid monster!"
"At such a young age too!"
"She really is a better ruler than Jushtin."
The girl looked in shock at her actions, so the last thing she needed was to be praised or berated by them. "Let's get somewhere quiet." She took the girl into her hold.
"I..I was just trying to be like you, I've seen you wave your sword like that to monsters all the time, and they were always fine!" The girl looked hysterical once they were alone.
"I..I attack with the blunt side of my blade when I do." Rose explained.
"There's more than one side?!" … How did she beat Pearl but not know how-forget it.
"Yes, I don't wish to bring them harm." She told the young girl. "Monsters are people too, they just look different."
"I..I just killed a person..I just killed.." The girl looked like her brain would shut off any second.
"Solaria, it was a mistake, and you're capable of learning from them." The girl wasn't Bismuth, she wasn't set in stone in her ways yet. "I've made mistakes that cost so many people their lives, human and gem alike. You can push past it, though, you have the power to be better than me, than even your mother."
"Better than even mom …" The girl nodded. "Thank you Rose … you've always helped the Butterfly family when we've needed it."
"I'll always be here for them. That's my promise." She hugged the girl. Hopefully they'll be able to move past this incident without any trouble.
Solaria watched her mother's eyes dull, taking her last breath with tearing eyes. It was an invasion, monsters that were brought in for a peace treaty broke out in violence, an unlucky arrow hitting their mother in the neck. Her magic wasn't strong enough … She couldn't cure this. "Rose, help, please!" She shouted to the gem.
"I…I can't.." Rose broke down on the ground. "I can heal fatal wounds…but I can't heal death."
"No! She can't be dead, she can't die, she's not supposed to die!" She shouted, shaking her mother. "Please, wake up! Don't leave us, please don't leave us!" Solaria pleaded with the woman who loved and took care of her, who sat through the lonely nights and sang her lullabies.
"Sister…she's gone." Her brother tossed off his and took her hands off their mother's body. "We can't do anything for her now."
"No…she was supposed to see it…she was supposed to see the bright future we were going to make.
"Your majesty, we caught the bastard that fired the arrow." One of the guards brought in a couple of those bastards to them. "As well as their accomplice's
"Why would you do this!?" Rose shouted. "We were going for peace!"
"Peace with Mewmans!?" One shouted. "It's not possible, it's us or them!"
"I tried …" Solaria picked up her wand, feeling it crackle. "I tried time and time again for peace … but you couldn't do it could you?" She asked, walking to the tied up monster. "It must be in your nature, right? Why else would you do something so horrific." She stood face to face with the sweating creature, raising the wand at him.
"Horrific Disembowelment." Her wand cast the spell, the monster screaming as their organs were pulled from their body one after the other. She ignored the cries of those around her, moving to the next one. "But don't worry, if it's just your nature, killing you will make you happy, right?"
"Solaria, hold on for a minute.." Rose started to say, but she shrugged off the comforting hand she was offering.
"We did wait a minute … we've waited for years but they never change." She aimed at the next one. "Mutilating Crisis." The horrific beast was having its skin flayed alive as they screamed in agony. It was happier this way. "You heard those villagers … they need a queen who will take action."
"Sister, think about what our mother wanted for us, for you." Her brother said to her. "To be better.."
"To be a better queen than her … she stopped expanding the land for Mewmans." Solaria spoke. "Spiked Flesh." She didn't even see the results of that spell. "I won't stop …"
"Solaria.." Rose spoke her name, filled with disappointment.
"I won't stop until every single piece of this land in this dimension is claimed by Mewmans for Mewmans…and that starts with the total eradication of every bastard monster on the planet!"
Mina listened as Queen Solaria, the best woman in all of existence, gave one of her many great and wonderful lectures. Truly, wisdom surpassing the forefathers was gifted to a woman such as herself.
"If you come across a Serpentarian, the best thing you can do is cut their head first and send it to another dimension. From there, you have to finely chop up their limbs into minced meat before putting it through a sausage maker. Then take the pieces and scatter them in boxes far away from each other.
Mina raised an eyebrow. "Forgive me my queen, but why would you not use magic to destroy the remains?"
"Unfortunately, those bastards are the one creature I've come across that don't fear magic. Anything I come up with, they're always able to regenerate back from. I've yet to find or make a spell that stops the process." The woman sighed before turning to the next chart. "For kapas, they are the most cowardly, so simple disembowelment is all that is needed."
Mina wrote all this down, it was so incredibly informative it was almost impossible to ignore. The best and breathtaking information, how to make Mewni better and monsters to be dead. "Now … this next one will not be shared with any of your squadmates."
"A personal task? My liege, I am honored you even thought of me." She bowed her head.
"It's secretive information for my most trusted soldier … just in case." She displayed a new image. "How to kill a gem."
"A gem…you mean like Rose Quartz?" Mina's eyes widened. While she never saw the two powerful women in agreement with each other, the Rose Guard for the most part stayed out of the way, usually staying behind to guard the kingdom while Solaria's brother handled the political who-ha.
"She is my shield as I am her sword, we were close … but war has caused us to drift." The woman sighed. "I swear she might fill my daughter with the ridiculous notion that monsters can be kept alive."
"That's insane! Monsters are abominations to barre that are better off dead!"
"I know, right!" Solaria completely agreed. "But gems aren't monsters, and they aren't mewmans, they're a third thing, with their own set of moralities offset by their age. They can be good and bad just like Mewmans … but in this case they also are more sideless." The woman growled. "Like Glossaryck and his 'anti-political' stance."
"Neutral parties, I hate them." Mina groaned. "With enemies, you know where you stand with them, but with neutrals, you're never sure."
"Preciously, which is why if their kind ever gets in the way…if Rose ever gets in the way of need to shatter her gem to shards, and grind them into dust." Solaria sighed. "I trusted that woman for years … so I ask that you take this information and only use it when you view it as absolutely necessary. Do I make myself clear?"
"I swear, on my life I will do everything that you desire, my liege!" Mina saluted her radiant majesty. The moment the Rose Guard went against the word of the mighty Queen Solaria, she would be dust under her boots!
Fish Face grinned, signaling his fellow men to get into positions. This would be the opportunity needed to stop the current Queen, the violent psychopath that killed and pushed their kind without mercy.
They had managed to get the scoop on the queen's plan; to raid a monster village at night and kill everyone in their sleep, which included the kids of everyone that had families. Like he said, the woman was batshit insane and evil. So, knowing where they would walk, they waited as the group slowly approached, and waited … now!
They dropped down, raising their weapons. "Anyone who surrenders lives!" He shouted to the Mewmans, who had weapons at their vitals and/or were tied up and disarmed.
"Hah! You monsters are as dumb as you are savage!" The queens, barely wearing anything but loosely held together armor and a shaved head laughed. "Like any of us would do that when we clearly still have the advantage.."
"I am." To the surprise of literally EVERYONE, the Rose Guard snatched the wand from the Queen's hand, storing it in a bubble as it warped away. "I'm leaving, do what you will." The supposed protector of the kingdom said while walking away. Nobody could say or move, even the monsters.
"I … um …" Fish Face stumbled. "Did we miss something?"
"Rose…you bastard!" Solaria tried to jump her, but without the wand, the monsters weren't afraid to hold her down to the ground. "I knew it! I knew you would betray me! I just thought you cared more than to let your delusions hamper your judgment!"
"I CARE!" The woman shouted, rage shaking the forest with a pink glow. "I care about every life lost, I care about every stalk of corn to cry of a child, I care about the comfort of all, and I know the situation is far too complex to change now, but you aren't HELPING!" She shouted. "I was friends with your mother, your brother, and I stuck with you for them but this genocide helps no one! "
"So that's it!? You're just fine letting the monsters win!?!"
"No, I'm doing exactly what you set out to do…saving Mewni from the monsters that ruin it…starting with you."
"... Dude, that's hardcore." Two Head muttered next to him.
"Everything…whatever happens to Mewni now…every terrible event that occurs from this moment on will be on your hands, Rose!"
The pink lady laughed brokenly. "It's always on my hands. Because I'm the one who has to make the tough calls." She sighed. "Do what you must … but I'm walking back to the castle. I'm making sure Eclipsa doesn't grow up to be a maniac like you."
"Don't you dare corrupt my daughter!" Solaria yelled. "I've protected her from their filth for years, and I won't have you taint her mind now!"
"Did you even know she has a monster love!?" Rose screamed. "Did you know she cared about someone who cherished her back and gave up meat and harming others all together for her, when you arranged her with an abusive boy with delusions of grandeur! You've ruined her life worse than your grandmother ruined your mothers!" The woman turned away. "I'm done here. You're officially no longer my problem, miss Monster Carver."
"Rose, come back!" Fish Face grinned, moving in with his spear. "Don't hurt her!" For his family. "Please don't let her become a monster!" And struck down the mad queen.