
Chapter 79: Back to Normal?

Summary: Is it all safe and sound?

Lapis adjusted fast to being uncorrupted, being trapped in a mirror without knowing what you are for six thousand years will do that. So as every other gem questioned their existence at the moment, she and the others watched as Ludo laughed over Toffee's skull. "I killed him, I killed him! Victory is mine!"

"Actua-" The fusion cut Kelly off with a finger.

"Shhh … let him have this." The fusion then smiled, looking at all their arms. "Wow, I am so shiny like this, it's incredible! And my wings! I can actually use Star's wings…sort of, weird how they're different." 'Starry Quartz', as they were called, flew into the air before sweeping up their mother in a multiple armed hug. "Mom! You have no idea how happy I am to see you! It was so scary and terrifying and everything was just getting super dark and murky everywhere and then I was hungry and wanted to eat people and rip and tear and then there was Glossaryck and …" They paused. "Wait, my story isn't straight."

"Your memories are getting jumbled together in place. It's a common fusion experience." Garnet explained. "Defuse and we should have the full details."

"Okay." They nodded, a flash of light splitting them apart.

"What an experience!" Star shouted. "We were pazaz, powerful, we blew up Toffee, and love mom and Kelly!" Lapis could see the girl blush at that one.

"We were so sparkly and shining, and free! Literally everything melted away, we just were so boom! Kabow! And everyone got healed! I don't have scales anymore. Wait." Steven felt around his back. "My back spikes! They're gone too! Finally! I don't have to sleep on my stomach anymore!"

"Fusion rules!" The brother and sister yelled out at the same time. Nice to see the boy have a positive experience with it.

"Yes it does." Garnet replied with a smile as she grabbed ahold of the two of them. "Thank you…thank you both…for keeping us together."

"Heck yeah, You butterfly's are the bomb!" Amethyst shouted, joining in on her own hug once Garnet ended. "Not even a hundred and you've saved our lives."

"Yes, it's quite impressive for the two of…oh stars to it, I'm so proud!" Pearl lost the high and mighty attitude and cried her gem out. "You have no idea how terrible it was to be stuck like that! I've consumed so much organic material in that state that.." Pearl's face started to go green as she coerced her mouth. "Oh stars, I'm going to be sick."

"I'll probably join you shortly afterwards, my gem will never be clean after this experience." Peridot shivered and Lapis couldn't help but snicker. "On that account, was it really necessary to slice my form in half Marco?"

"You were aiming a cross bolt at me!" The boy defended. "It's called self protection, and I hit you with the one weapon that can't shatter gems."

"Such a shame the two of you couldn't take each other out. Could've saved me a headache." Lapis muttered, and it got her stares from everyone. "That was out loud, wasn't it?"

"Yes, yes it was." Moon chuckled while patting her on the back. "Thank you for saving us in the forest."

"Hey, I got to save Quartz and hit Pearl, it was a win win for me." She shrugged. "Though I guess since Steven and Star saved me again, I should probably keep protecting them."

"Yes, that does seem necessary." Moon then turned to her two children. "Star….Steven."

"Yes mom?" They asked with an adorably synchronized head tilt.

"I…I…" Moon let her tears out once again and grabbed a hold of the two. "I've never been more proud of either of you in my life….it was reckless and foolhardy and never in a million years will I ever let you two go through a similar experience again, but I am proud of you two." The Queen began kissing their faces profusely.

"Yeah, we saved the world!" Steven shouted. "Whoop whoop!"

"And besides Homeworld, all our enemies are gone." Star smiled. "Even the Commission, so they won't have to bug us anymore."

"Actually…with magic restored, the Commission will be coming back…very shortly I presume.

"… We'll head back to earth after we celebrate with dad." Steven answered. "Speaking of, where is he?"

"According to one of the guards, Ludo Levitato'd him to the sun." Marco answered.

"Ludo how could you … wait, you learned Levitato!?" Star groaned. "WHY DOES EVERYONE MASTER THAT SPELL BUT ME!?"

Before anyone could laugh at the frustration or give an explanation, everyone's attention was turned to the sky with a cry of "Tally-HO! I'M BACK!" A familiar voice descended to the ground on the back of a mighty bird.

"Dad, you're alive! OUR FAMILY IS TOGETHER!" Steven cried out as the entire Butterfly family joined in on a hug. Lapis watched the reunion with a smile. It was nice to see the boy this happy in such a long while.

"Of course, after I was levitated into the air, I was saved by the eagles! They made me their King!" The bird the man was riding rubbed him affectionately. "I've never been more popular in my life!" 


Spider watched as Master danced over the skull of their enemy. "I did it, I killed him, victory is mine!" They laughed as joyously as they did back in the early days, when they conquered her and Eagle. "Finally, I did it, I have a win…Something I did all on my own!"

"Yeah, you did it, you defeated Toffee." The blonde one and the curly pink one came to their master, and Spider was ready to web them up if they got too close. "Thanks Ludo, we couldn't have gotten rid of him without you." The blonde one said.

"You bet your wand you couldn't have! I'm the best!" For once, the master wasn't trying to actively hurl threats at them.

"So what now, you gonna go back to our good old routine of chasing my wand?" She asked him.

The master paused, looking down in thought. "Actually … I'd like to go back to the void."

"What?" The pink one looked at him confused. "The cold dark endless abyss where you'll be forced to float around aimlessly for who knows how long?"

"Look, I have gone through five different existential crisis' today, let alone the month …" He answered. "I just need some processing … another soul journey …" He looked to her and Eagle, with sad looks. "I'm sorry girls…but I need to do this alone."

The eagle began nuzzling his head with affection while the Spider purred, hoping it would convince him to at least take them with him. "I'm sorry, but this is how it needs to be. I can't trust my own decisions, my own thoughts until I can figure out exactly what I want. It's not you…it's never been you…" The master gave them comfortable head pats. "You girls have been more than just my best friends…you're my family now, and I need to do what's best for all of us if there's going to be a future that preserves what we have."

"Aw, this is so sweet." The pink one mentioned with a small tear in his eye, and the blonde one nodded in agreement. "You really have grown a lot, Ludo. I look forward to seeing how you grow from here."

"Yes…me too." The master sighed, before looking up at the pink one. "Quartz…Steven…whatever name you're going by…you're one for giving monsters a chance, right?"

"I'm willing to give everyone a chance." The pink one answered.

"Good, because my brother…" The master choked up on his words. "He's…Dennis, he's the only member of my family I care about. Tell him…tell him I'm sorry I'm not the big brother he deserves."

"I'll make sure to tell him … and I'll make sure to keep him safe." The pink one answered.

"Thank you …" He turned to the blonde one. "I'm ready now."

"Alright." The blonde one opened a portal. "See you around Ludo. Oh." She pulled out her wand and handed him a shiny bag that smelt of 'popped' corn. "For the road." Their master nodded his head, before waving back to her and Eagle before heading into the portal.

The blonde stared at the two of them. "… So do we add them to the animals at our house or …"

"I'll see if Ludo's brother wants to take them in. Till then, guess we'll watch them."


Hekapoo exited a portal with the rest of the Commission, minus Lekmet (rest his soul), as they filled the throne room. "Where are you Ludo!?"

"Wow, almost forgot you guys were a thing." Princess Star rolled her eyes as she was carrying…a box of what looked like party streamers in her arms as the Butterfly's and Crystal gems occupied the room, either sweeping up rubble or putting on some kind of decoration. "Well, since you're here now, you deal with the streamers, I got to plan the food with my brother."

"Oh, can we add some mice to the mix?" They all stared at Rhombulus. "My hands get very antsy when they're hungry and they'll probably bite someone-wait what am I saying, what happened!?"

"Hey Gem Buddy! Glad you aren't dead anymore!" Quartz came in with a box of party hats. "We've all been pretty stressed, what with Toffee and Ludo kind of kicking our butts, so now we're celebrating the fact it's all over!"

The trio stared at the kids. "So … you managed to kill Ludo?" Omnitraxus asked.

"No, no, no…we separated Ludo from Toffee and then blasted that lizard bastard into smithereens." Star clarified. "Ludo's currently floating in the void now."

"Oh …" Hekapoo nodded. "Well that's taken care of … and the corruption?"

"Completely gone, H-Poo. Watch." The purple gem, Amethyst, the only one of all the gems that she could have a fun time with, laughed as she shapeshifted into a Toffee form. "Ahh! I'm dead, I can't handle the power of love and family! It's too much!"

"Yes, when the power of love and family becomes an atom annihilating laser, anything is possible." Star nodded with a smile. "So like we said, everything is solved."

"What about the book?" Omnitraxus asked.

"Ludo said he burned it…also I met Glossaryck in the magic realm, still a jerk by the way."

"Oh, so he's there for now-wait, you went to the realm of magic?" Rhombulus asked. "That place fries the brain of anyone who enters it."

"Well Toffee was in there messing things up, so that probably stopped that from happening to me… alsometRoseandshebothwarmsmyheartandgetsonmynerves."

The three of them stared at the girl in bafflement. "You … I just … you're a headache!" She shouted.

"Aww, but you love us anyway." Marco smiled as he carried a box.

"Shut your mouth Marco! I swear I will bring up the hind leg story!" She almost regretted giving the boy dimensional scissors. Almost. "I suppose a thank you is well in order for saving us…"

"You're welcome." The two Butterfly siblings spoke in union.

"But that still doesn't erase the fact just how much you and your entire family have screwed up." The Butterfly parents stood right behind their children as she reminded them.

"We just killed the lizard none of you managed to kill with a dimension warping laser." Star spoke unphased. "You really want to go there with five gems added to that mix?" Said gems lined up next to them.

"Not to mention a Woolet that doesn't know how to quit and a master of Karate and various other fighting styles?" The bushy green girl, Kelly if she remembered correctly, added as the two joined the line up.

"This is our whole family, go after one of us, and you have to fight all of us." Quartz smirked as he raised his shield….he really was the spitting image of Rose when he was like this.

 They all stood tense. "Let's leave them, we have bigger concerns after." Omnitraxus spoke.

"Oh, and if you even try to ever spin this whole story to your favor…you might want to check out the latest headline." Queen Moon handed them a newspaper

"Greaaat." She muttered as she read it over. "Cause why have you not become popular-why is Ludo credited for killing Toffee!?"

"We did blast them, but he dealt the final blow." Star explained. "Ludo in the end was just a puppet that Toffee used, so imagine how great of a story it made for the Kappa to fight against one of Mewni's greatest threats right beside the son of the Rose Guard and, these are their words, not mine 'the next Skywyne'?"

Great, now people might actually thank a monster … how quaint. "So are we getting fireworks?" They all turned to Rhombulus. "Look, I just wanna be involved!"


Ponyhead screamed in joy. "You did it boys and girls, Ponyhead can fly once more through the sky!" She shouted to her two besties.

"Anything to keep the party train going, PH! We rock!" Star shouted as she was pulled into a tight squeeze. "For once, everything actually feels better than alright, better than good. Life feels AWESOME!"

She watched Q-fly pull out a guitar, strumming on it hard as he played a riff. "Life is amazing! Never gonna give it up, everything rules!" He shouted as the crowd cheered louder. "Let's rock this joint!"

"Huh, what do you know? World ending threats are better than therapy." Jana smirked.

"I would disagree if it was the old me." Marco stated. "The new me is simply going to agree completely, have fun without limits, maybe dance with Hekapoo a bit."

"Already playing it fast and loose, huh Diaz?" Jackie laughed from behind him. "Thinking of other girls besides little ole me?"

"It was this weird thing we picked up." He answered, giving her a kiss. "I try to extinguish her fire, she flips me off a cliff." The two began getting into a groove. "This is a flame I don't want to go out anytime soon."

"Damn, since when did Earth Turd actually have game? I thought he was the karate nerd or whatever."

"Hekapoo's dimension, he spent sixteen years in there." Kelly answered, going to glomp on Q-fly. "It's also where I saw an interesting technique to reward heroes …"

"As a hero, I humbly accept your kind ges…" Q-fly was stopped mid-sentence with Kelly wrapping her arms around his neck and going in for the kill. Dang, she swore both sides were getting in on some tongue action. "Can I just say how much I love you when you do that?"

"You could stand to say it just a little more often." Kelly snickered as she planted kisses all over his face. "We missed two days worth of intimacy, I'd like to catch up."

Finally, her preferred little brother actually had someone special…right when she just broke up with her last boyfriend too…love really sucks. "Hey Pony, Jana." B-fly gestured to the two. "Wanna go have some single ladies fun?"

"Oh, I do, girl." She smirked. "Jana, you got anything crazy in that bag of yours?"

"Huh, let's see…cursed ring…Mewman skull….stink bomb..fireworks illegal in six states back on earth."

"Let's save the stink bombs for later … the fireworks we can have fun with." Star smiled. "Let's get crazy girls, as the saviors of Mewni!"

"Hell yeah, nothing is going to get in the way of this rebel princess!" Pony cheered. These two definitely deserved a break after all their hardship. Whatever crazy life had in store for them next, Pony would make sure no one would get in their way of having a fun time.


Eclipsa munched on a candy bar as she watched the party go on. With the ability to be as free as she was, it was a miracle no one thought to check her old room. She had no doubt that Moon or the commission were on the hunt for her, and probably eager to get her back inside a crystal. 

She couldn't exactly just walk out the front door in risk of being seen by guards, and she had no dimensional scissors to use, so she was trapped in her own childhood home… filled with strange new people from a strange new time foreign to her own. So much of the castle had changed since her time, but luckily, one of the things that managed to stay the same were the hidden tunnels within the walls, as well as the rose garden that she had a spectacular view of from her tower.

She caught bits and pieces of what the party was about, something to do with a Serpentaris take over, the once species Globgore actually told her to worry about. Her information was limited to second hand conversations that she heard all over the castle.

Apparently it was beaten by the latest princess and the Rose Guard. Eclipsa smiled, seeing her friend was still going strong. She supposed all that was left now was to wait for night before finding out what happened to her daughter, wherever she was in the world.

With her limited freedom, she chose to spend it in the rose garden…hidden from plain view of course, mainly out of habit by this point. "Wow, it's so peaceful back here." She heard a voice walk into the garden, turning her head to see a nice young couple.

"Yeah, me and Star used to come back here all the time, mainly whenever she wanted to hide from Mom." The boy said to what she assumed was a Woolet girl. "Ironically, it was the rose bushes that we hid in the most."

"Do you even try to create the association between you and her, or is it all natural?" The Woolet asked with a teasing smirk.

"Well apparently my life was just some piece in an overly complicated scheme, so who knows, maybe my messed up feelings were all a part of Toffee's plan." The boy returned with a light chuckle. "It at least led me to a couple of good things."

"Oh really, do tell me?" The girl leaned forward seductively. Boy, was this giving her flashbacks.

"I can travel dimensions, I have the best family in the world…and I have you.." The boy leaned forward with a kiss as the girl began to reach for the boy's stomach. Some would call her a peep or a creep, but after being stuck for a couple hundred years inside of a crystal, it was nice to see young love. As they rolled around and lifted each others shir-


She paid no mind to the stone she just shattered with her bare hands, staring into the stone that looked almost embedded into the boy's stomach. A stone that belonged to her best friend, someone who she cared about, who this boy may have killed.

Screw hiding, she needed to choke the little brat and do everything possible to.. "Hey Steven!! Where are you?" She turned as everyone's attention was made to the blonde Mewman. "I was thinking… oh you're still doing this…"

"Yeah …" The boy nodded slowly.

"Okay then, you two enjoy this." The girl waved her hands erratically. "I'm just gonna … setoffsomefireworksbye."

"Wait, fireworks!? Star, don't set them off inside the castle!" The boy got to his feet and dragged his date inside. "And don't let Ponyhead near flames!"

"She already has a lighter bro!" Eclipsa watched as they all left, her body tense. She would have to bid her time, yet another mission to add to her list … figure out why and how someone sealed away the Rose Guard. Oh, and more candy too, she needed energy after all.