By 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW, Star is a very special person. Never has there been a person to share such excitement, such zaniness, and such lovability. No body could ever compare, except maybe the little gem boy she has come to know as "brother."
Summary: Music ... and a comment prediciton that haunts me to this day
"I'm glad we could have this chat … Denis was it?" Moon asked the tall Kapa.
"Yes of course, I'm always happy to help others." The boy smiled, taking a seat. "I'm sorry about my parents, they haven't exactly been the most…helpful people since they lost the castle."
"They were … something else." She wouldn't have touched this family with a ten foot pole if she had the option. "So I came to talk to you about … Ludo."
"Oh, you've met my bro."
"On occasion, my entire family has known him for quite some time." She recalled the days when he would attempt to steal the wand from her, every attempt being more laughable than the last. "He took something from my daughter and…"
"So he did steal the wand! No wonder why he was so happy when I called him." The boy's proud tone took a downward tone after that. "That doesn't explain why he's been talking to himself though when he thinks he's alone."
"Talking to himself?" She asked tentatively. The mental stability of monsters was something she had very little care for, but now it could prove vital.
"Yeah, he speaks to that boney rock whenever I see him from the corner of a room. Just talking about 'darkness' and 'ruining gems' and stuff like that." That … did not spell anything good.
"That…boney rock…holds something very important to my family. If I could learn where Ludo is, you'd be doing a great service for both me and my children."
"And you'll help Ludo too, right?" Dennis asked with a level of innocence that rivaled her son. "He shut me out the last time I went to see him, it's starting to scare me."
"Oh…of course." She held back from gritting her teeth. This probably would've been better if she got Quartz to handle this part, if only to save her from the bitter taste in her mouth. "I'll do what I can to help him."
"Thank you, thank you, he's the only family I care about, I just don't want him to do something he'll regret." It was far too late for that..far, far too late. "He's in the Monster temple at the far end of the forest of certain death."
"Monster temple…Globgor's hideout." Moon groaned. The last thing she wanted was to be reminded of Eclipsa, especially NOW of all times. "Thank you, Dennis."
"No problem, I know a lot of mewmans don't like monsters and stuff, but you seem like a really kind person." … This is probably the first time she's felt both eternal rage AND minor guilt simultaneously.
Pearl watched as Star ran through the cave. "Hey guys!" She shouted, emptying out their fridge before moving in and shutting it behind her. Why she chose a cold box over the pantry, she'll never know.
"I know that we're not used to all human customs, but I'm certain that you're not supposed to stuff yourself inside." Pearl questioned. "The amount of oxygen you're receiving alone is the bare minimum at best."
"Just don't tell him I'm here!" She shouted, a few seconds later they heard more footsteps as a man in squire outfit with a lyre came by.
"Excuse me fair madames, have any of thee seen a fair princess running past?" He asked with pleading eyes.
"She ran out into the ocean, take a left by the third island." Amethyst answered without a hint of remorse or hesitation.
"Aha! Thank you! I shall remember this noble deed for years to come!" The man ran out almost as quickly as he came.
"Give it a moment." Garnet spoke up after the door was slightly cracked.
"Ah, almost dropped this." He ran back, picking up a quill. "Let me write your song!" The man ran to the ocean, swimming out.
"... You're clear." Garnet opened the door to a frost covered Star gasping for air.
"So….cold…how do….penguins live like that?" The girl shivered.
"So your little miss popular, aren't you?" Amethyst snorted. "Already got guys chasing you obsessively. Just like me during burning man…so many bad haircuts and colorful shirts."
"Ew, gross, no, he's just the songtrail that Mom got for my Princess song. I've been running from him all day." Ah, so it was that time again.
Garnet nodded. "Eclipsa tried running from them to … set half the forest on fire as a diversion … but sadly caught in the end like the rest of the princesses."
"Well there goes plan b if hiding doesn't work." Star began thinking in a pose. "Maybe I should throw him into the void…then again Ludo got out of it…oh corn, Mina could get out of there!"
"Lets not think of the … frankly horrifying implications that could produce." Pearl waved it off, noticing her fingers had become longer and thinner as the corruption spread. "I do understand where you're coming from … wanting to do something different."
"Yeah, I've heard every single song from every single princess, and not only are they terrible, they're not true at all! It's all just a bunch of fluff that makes everyone feel all warm and fuzzy." Star banged her head. "Well that's not me at all! I'm the rebel princess!"
"You know, back in my day, I was known as the renegade." Pearl smirked in fondness. Amethyst and Star stared at the gem impassively with looks that said they didn't buy it in the slightest. "It's true!"
"It is." Garnet held her scale cover hand with a thumbs up. "She was the most outward and bold gem on the field, save for Rose and another old friend."
"I even once managed to use my slender and small frame to my advantage, wearing a green hood and stealing from authority to give it to the poor."
"Oh, so that's how the Robin Hood story got started." Star eyes widen in realization. "Wow, that is badass.
"... Is THAT what they called me!?" Pearl shouted. "I liberated thousands and they just name me after a bird and a piece of cloth?" She held up her feathered arms. "I do not appreciate the irony, universe!"
"Hey, that doesn't undo the awesome stuff. And now I know that under all the squawking, there's someone actually cool underneath it all." Star pounded her fist. "Problem is though that Mom expects a song by the end of the day, and I can't write a song this important and have it be true at the same time."
"Don't you already know another song writer?" Garnet asked.
"I mean I guess I could ask Steven, but that's a lot of pressure for something so important.."
"She meant Greg." Pearl sighed with an eyeroll. "When he first met Rose, he came up with a song almost on the spot about how much he wanted to know her….and it worked…" Much to her chagrin.
"Right, that's perfect! I get a princess song and it stays within the family to boot! You guys are a lot more helpful now than you were when we first met."
"That's how we roll." Amethyst tried to act cool. "Five thousand years of experience … perfect roll models."
"You broke into a car because you wanted to be the first caller for tickets to love sentence." Pearl deadpanned.
"Ugh, if I knew you were a fan, I would've just given you my ticket." Star groaned. "Just friends my butt, everyone in the audience was kissing!"
"As someone who's been a third wheel for centurie, I know how painful it can be." Pearl sighed.
Ruberiot drank more liquor. What was the point? He spent the entire day looking for the princess to write the same old song his family's always supposed to. Maybe he could just … make it up? Wouldn't be the worst thing to happen, not like anyone would notice.
Except he was hoping for something different. It was no secret around Mewni how much of a troublemaker Star Butterfly was, so there was a chance that he could finally make something real, something true, make actual art!
But now here he was, back to the same old grind, without any method of figuring out where and how- "So I have creative liberty?" A voice from the forest asked.
"Yeah, you just got to nail down my rebellious spirit and rocking attitude." The voice of Star Butterfly answered. Peeking his head out, he saw the princess, the prince, a woolet, and two humans, the fatter of which was holding a guitar and paper in his hands. "We need to make this princess song light on the fluff and heavy with the truth."
"Yeah, finally tell the people of Mewni what really happens." Quartz Butterfly nodded. "No more secrets!"
"This … is gonna be awesome!" The fat man shouted. "Mr Universe is back in action! Oh, I can totally make a space theme out of your name!" The man stealing his job smiled, playing his instrument. " With those starlit wings she moves across the cosmos bringing joy to all. Oh, or something like- Watch out for this shooting star."
"She's gonna light up the sky!" Quartz fist pumped and added his own line. "This is great! My dad is going to sing my sister's princess song!"
What!? The prince's…dad? There were rumors for sure about the Queen having an affair with the king, but Ruberiet just assumed that was tabloid hogwash. That alone could make for a great song, the nugget in his creative head was startled to take root and go wild.
"Wow, getting back to the old and dandy." The smaller human smiled. "You know, when you were rocking with space and not … depressed."
"Yeah…it was just so hard, Rose was my muse for pretty much every song I wrote since I met her." The fat man ruffled his apparent son's hair. "Without her or Steven in my life, I couldn't express anything but my sadness." What did he mean by Rose?
"I'm still baffled that Steven ended up on Mewni at all, literally the one other place aside from earth the Rose Guard was well known." The woolet mentioned. "Have we ever figured out why that happened in the first place?"
"Pearl said the warp pad messed up, but they haven't figured it out either. Apparently without the Galaxy one they only go to earth, and they sure as hell don't cross dimensions." Star shrugged. "Not like that matters. Now our family is just a little bigger than it would've been if it didn't happen."
"Well I'm happy that someone's happy." The adult ruffled the two kids' heads. "Now I have my son back, and a step daughter!" He laughed.
"Yeah, cool step dad!" Star hugged the two of them. "Let's just keep that part out of the song though."
"Oh should they now …" Kick him out of his job, his family duty, and screw him out of the one excuse he had at writing an amazing song. "I'll show them … i'll show them all … hehehehe … HEHEHEH-"
"Does anyone else hear maniacal laughter?" The smaller human asked.
"Eh, that was probably the tree branches rustling." Star waved off. "Back home, the trees do that all the time in the forest of certain death."
"How have you survived before you knew me?" Hmmm, the red hooded kid and the princess looked like they had chemistry…this opportunity just got a whole lot better.
Steven and Star had to rush to their seats right beside their family's side in their place in the audience. They had pretty much worked on the Princess song until the very last minute they could, but it would all be worth it in the end.
"Wow, I never took you to be so excited for this." Mom spoke with surprise. "I would have sworn Ruberiot would have bored you both to death." Oh right, hopefully the guy was understanding when he heard how great this would be.
"Yeah…let's just say I've tried to make my princess song as different as possible." Star laughed awkwardly.
"Star, tell me you didn't hijack the princess song that's been around for generations." Mom pleaded.
Steven would have answered, only to be swept up in a scaly hug. "Gem Buddy!"
"Gem…buddy!" He managed to cough out. Even with all the not so good commission stuff, he still thought of Rhombulus as a friend. "It's been a while since we've talked…aside from the Crystal incident."
"Yeah, sorry about that, got a little over eager." Rhombulous laughed. "You've been going to earth so often now I hardly see you around."
"Not just earth, pretty much wherever Lion takes us." He nodded. "I liked your present by the way, the melody was beautiful."
"Thanks, it's been a long year for everyone magic wise, I'm just glad to do something nice."
"Oh, excuse me." Kelly walked through and sat in the seat on Steven's right. "Sorry to interrupt, keep going, I'll just get comfortable with my boyfriend as you talk." She leaned right on his shoulder.
"Oh, you got yourself a date." The man nudged him, Steven blushing in embarrassment. "Guys, check out the cute couple." Steven watched as the rest of the commission walked in.
"A pleasure to see you again River, Moon … Steven." Omnitraxus spoke with a distasteful tone.
"Hey, watch your tone." A wave of water shot out in front of them, showing Lapis holding out her hands.
"A gem!? On Mewni!?" Hekapoo drew out a pair of scissors menacingly.
"Wait wait, she's with me!" Steven waved his hands out.
"Oh come on, another headache you cause!?"
"She was trapped in Rhombulus's mirror, I just set her out, she's not evil!"
"And she works for me now." Mom said, standing up in front of the gem. "Extra protection for the castle."
"Baagggh." All of the Magic High Commission turned to Rhombulus with looks.
"...Okay … so they were separated for a while and I … might have let a single object I own I didn't know much about … slip through these guys." The snakes hissed.
"Oh sure, blame it on us and not the guy they're attached to." The left hand said while rolling their eyes.
"Whatever." Omnitraxus put away his voids. "As long as she's not trying to colonize us and works for the crown, no problems should be had." That last part didn't sound as promising as Steven hopped. "Now we can watch the same princess song as always." And that sounded too pleased for his liking.
The crowd quieted down as the spotlight came in, behind the curtains came dad … again he had to find a new term soon. He waved to the crowd, sitting down in a stool as the audience muttered in confusion.
"I don't know …" Moon turned to the four of them. "Where is Ruberiot?" She asked with a demanding tone.
"We don't know…I may have sort of…ditchedhimandaskedmruniversetosingit!" Star spoke quickly.
"I chose you because I wanted her to avoid doing this!" She quietly screamed at Marco, who had been mostly silent as he ate some corn.
"Universe … isn't that Quartz's middle name?" Hekapoo asked.
"It's his stage name, a really big coincidence." Steven excused as he held onto Kelly tightly. Tonight was supposed to get rid of the pressure on their backs, not make it worse. "Oh look, it's playing, time to be quiet and pay attention to the song and nothing else."
"Those who live in the darkness, have you ever heard this tale
There once was a princess, who never a day was frail…"
The song started off more tame and soft, like most of the princess songs that came before, mainly to ease everyone slowly into the song. Mom's face got slightly less tense as Dad, the king one, rested his hands on Mom's. So far, so good, everyone was listening.
"So just sit back and relax, rest easy in your chairs.
For this is the story of Star Butterfly, a rockin princess I swear….!"
The guitar picked up from simple strumming violently as lights began to display. The man stood up, falling into the music, before playing his heart out. The audience's eyes sparkled just a tad.
"Staarrrr Butterfly, a Rebel Princess movin across the space.
Staaarrr Butterfly, every day finds a villain to deface!"
The props on display show Star moving quickly, beating up monsters and saving people like a hero. The audience grew more relaxed at this, smiling.
"With those starlit wings she moves across the cosmos bringing joy to all.
Watch out for those rainbows bringing joy to people like a waterfall! … Star Butterfly!"
Star began mouthing the word, obviously just ecstatic to have such an awesome song dedicated to her. She deserved it. Maybe he should make one of his own these days. Oh, maybe he could make one for the gems too eventually.
"Runnin off at light speed, plucking out danger like a weed, she's the one and only, the one and only one.
Charging through like a comet, nothins ever gonna get her down, she's the one and only, the one and only one."
Even Rhombulus and Hekapoo were getting into it as the audience's hype grew more and more, Hekapoo more subtly bobbing her head as Rhombulous was openly cheering out his ovation.
"Beware this shooting star, that's coming after evil with her wand. Brother Quartz always by her side, creating a rainbow … that's Star Butterflyyyyyy!!"
"I have to say, as unconventional as it is, it was still a delightful little diddy." Mom turned to Star. "Good job you two."
"Success!" Steven shouted, holding his friends and family tight. "We did it everyone!" They actually got mom to like it without it being overly fluffy!
"Yeah…glad you like it's not over yet." Star laughed weakly as the the stage got foggy and the tune took on a more menacing tone.
"Deep in the cosmos, deep in the night, a villous Kappa was lookin for a fight.
She battled him bravely, she battled him well, but as she kicked him to the void took a book of spells!"
The entire crowd grew silent, deadly silent, the Commission staring with wide eyes. Did … did mom not tell them!?
"It became a Royal Secret, a Royal Secret, as the queen and king tried to fix the problem." His dad played softer, looking at the crowd a bit nervously, probably realizing this wasn't going as expected.
"Star…" Mom looked at her, full of dread as Star kept her gaze on the stage. "What did you just do!?"
"Mom, I told you again and again I'm tired of keeping secrets! Princess songs are about showing Mewni they have a perfect princess…and the truth is I'm not." Star let out.
"Guys …. The crowd is looking a bit panicky." Marco pointed out.
"You lost the spellbook!?" Omnitraxus shouted out. "What is wrong with this generation, headaches and disasters everywhere!"
" You kept it a secret!?" Heckapoo screeched. "From the citizens, I get, but the commission, us?! You jeopardized all of Mewni, Moon!"
"Baagghhh." Lekmet looked angry as well.
The stage exploded, a hate filled strum came from a firework display near the edge. Out came Ruberiot, looking angry as he played. "Ah, wait, isn't it supposed to be over already?" Kelly asked
"He's not supposed to be a part of this." Steven spoke with worry.
"Royal Secret, that's what it's all about!
Royal Secret, here's another one l'll shout!"
"Another secret!?" Rhombulus cried out. "What aren't you telling us!?"
"Nothing, I swear, he's speaking lies!"
"The little Quartz you know, far from meek and shy!
Guess what folks of Mewni! He's not a Butterfly!"
"How does he know!?" Mom shrieked out, as Steven and Star looked at each other, praying for any miracle that Rheuberiat was just ranting aimlessly.
"His Dad is Greg Universe, who's failing to rock hard!"
The rocker's eyes widened, trying to reach for the guy only for the stage jaker to twirl around. Steven felt his heart jump in his throat. He knew he knew he knew he freaking knew!!!
"And as for his mom, you know as the Rose Guard!!"
Besides the melody of the stage, it was so quiet you could hear a penny drop. The audience flabbergasted, the commission wide eyed, and Steven wanted to crawl in a hole and forget this whole day ever happened.
"Royal secret, one last to tell"
Another!? How are you possibly going to make this worse!?
"A princess under true love's spell…" Oh for the love of corn!
Two puppets were shown on stage, one of Marco and one of Star, and the oversized toys were dancing around in a romantic manner. "Is that supposed to be me!?" Marco turned to Star.
"Don't look at me! I don't know anything Rhuberiet's about to do!" Star shouted as the spotlight was turned on them both.
"Who is the boy in the earthly attire?
The prince of the princess's deepest desire
I don't need to show it; I think we all know it
But just to be certain I'll say it again
Star Butterfly is in love with her best friend."
He heard a gasp, turning his head to see Marco staring at Star with … something he couldn't quite place. Mostly surprise in his eyes. "I …" Star tried to say, but couldn't find the words.
And his name is Mar-"
Steven knew he was a pacifist, and after talking with his dad he confirmed it came from his side … but he wouldn't lie when saying he felt a little better when the man swung his guitar hard enough to break across Ruberiot's face. After he was on the ground, Mr Universe crawled onto the man, fists raised.
"DON'T! RUIN! THEIR! SPECIAL! DAY!" Each word was punctuated with a punch to the face. "YOU! EGOTISTICAL! SELF CENTERED! ASSHOLE!"
"That's it, Greg! Show that scoundrel what for!"' King Dad cheered his other dad. On the bright side, his two dads were friends, on the downside, everyone was either looking at either him or Star.
Star could only watch in horror as Mr Universe punched the magician over and over, the crowd panicking, and the Magic High Commission staring at them with mixed expressions. "Gem buddy …" Rhombulus looked like he was going to cry. "Please tell me it's a lie."
"…." Steven stood silent for about a minute , gazing at his wrist before looking at his girlfriend. "Oh no, I forgot my watch in Kelly's hair, better spend the next week looking for it." He dove straight into the green mane, something Star so desperately wished she could do too.
"Oh you do not get to walk away like tha-" Hekapoo was cut off by a wall of water, Lapis making her way to them and snatching Marco's scissors, cutting open a hole and shoving Kelly through it.
"Everyone else, or is Star staying behind?" She asked her mom. Lapis was a lot more dangerous then they gave her credit for.
"I..Ah…" Marco was barely able to form words after the bomb that was just dropped. "Was any of that.."
"I'll see you tomorrow." Star shoved the boy through the portal. "That's all, Lapis." She turned to the commission, to face them with her mom.
"I should've known something was up the moment he was able to access the armory. You've been hiding the whereabouts of Rose's child right under our noses for fourteen years!?"
"Now I understand you may be … upset." Moon tried to pacify them.
"No, upset was when you didn't tell us that your daughter was a fuck up that lost the book to a monster." Hekapoo spoke with spite. "This, we are beyond furious." She pointed her scissors menacingly. "You let a gem human hybrid run loose with barely any supervision or guidence!"
"Hey, that's not true at all." Star glared. "Mom and Dad have been keeping him safe and on the right path for yea-"
"You stay out of this, you're just lucky Ludo doesn't have access to magic, or we would have confiscated your wand out of punishment." Omnitraxus growled.
"You will do nothing against any of my children!" Mom went into her butterfly form as Lapis spread out her wings. "And as if your handling of kids is any better. Festiva nearly put Mewni into eternal debt because of your 'caretaking'!"
"Don't you dare insult my baby girl!!"
"It was better than what happened with Eclipsa." Rhombulus grumbled. "You don't get to keep secrets from us, just cause you're the queen."
"If you don't want secrets then maybe you can answer one of my questions." Star growled out, feeling a large mix of spite and protection to her family. "Why was Saint Os approved?"
"Baaagghhh." Lekmet answered.
"Oh, so you're totally fine with a headmaster that straps girls to chairs, brainwashes them, lobotoizes them, and sends assassins to kill whoever they want?" Star asked incredulously.
"Well no, assassination is a step too far. We'll have to check on her after that."
"You people are unbelievable." Lapis groaned.
"Says the Gem." Hekapoo stated. "Speaking of, we're putting Quartz under custody, as of now."
"No." Mom stated firmly as Lapis surrounded the room with water. "I have both her and Rose's old team, so if you care about Mewni's safety, you will do as I say."
The room had a tense quiet to it. "Baaggghh."
"What, i'm not leavi-"
"Star, it's fine." Moon cut her off. "I'm willing to accept punishment if it means you two are left alone."
"Mom.." she said, actually worried about her mom's safety.
"Just keep your head down and go back to earth. I swear, everything will be okay." Mom hugged her tightly. "Be safe."
"You too." She waved, before letting Lapis open the portal again. "Please take care of her."
"I will. You just make sure Steven stays safe too." How was it with that with a situation this messed up, she almost preferred the Rose Guard drama over her relationship drama?