
Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Just read it. It might be the most ass thing you have probably ever read. expect really horrible grammar and spelling and yes English is my first language I am ashamed.

Soapety · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 18

[Name: Izuku Midoriya - Izuku Seliara Midoriya

Bloodline: Red Dragon: 40%

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods, First Made Dragon

Level: 160 EXP: 25/100%

Mana: 9272/9272 (+10292)

Class: Rune Master

Str:178 (+46)

Per:179 (+165)

Vit:176 (+34)


Int:181 (+23)

Wis:180 (+64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain, Writing, Rune Making, Carving, Rune Language, Flight, Dragons Breath, Heat Resistance(P), Magic Resistance (P), Metamorphoses

Inventory- 23 Items

Dimension: Own

Live Stream: OFF


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]

I hope you enjoy this chapter I feel it was a bit rushed just cause I felt you guys need a chapter today and I had so many ideas for this chapter and more I did finish most of the stuff I had to do earlier than normal so I will give you this and maybe a chapter tomorrow.


After doing all the tests I made at least the top ten in all of them we made it to the ball throw and I found out who my mysterious blondy was her full name was Melissa Shield yeah the daughter of genius inventor David Shield but my question is why is she here I thought she was older than the main cast and she placed last in all of the test and from All Might hiding behind the gate I think he picked her as the Ninth user was he, not going to pick the naked blond guy from the second years but I am not fully sure yet let's see her quirk.

After Uraraka gets Infinity Mr. Aizawa calls Melissa to the circle she seems very nervous and not very sure of herself until she is standing there with the ball in her hands she breathes in and calms down greatly getting ready she also goes into a pitching stand and was about to throw. When Aizawa cancels her quirk reprimanding her for going to hurt herself thins makes me think she was at the exam or did a separate exam to get her. As she goes back she takes some time to think about what she is going to do but she again prepares to throw once it leaves it breaks the sound barrier as it flies until it hits the fence at the end of the field well only I could see where it went because my system stats everyone was surprised how far she throws it.

Mr. Aizawa flips the device towards us showing us 326 meters is way stronger than Izuku during canon wow now all she needs to do is learn to control it earlier and I may be able to help with that smiling to myself I get some stares as Aizawa tells us he lied about expelling us making people let go of the breath they unconsciously held in. I could see from my side view All Might relax as he sighed I ignored him after all that we headed home for the day as I walked out I could see Uraraka, Izumi, Ida, and Melissa walking out as they talked and laughed once Uraraka saw me she rushed over extremely happy. 'Izuku let's walk home," she said happily. "Sure let's stop by a nice restaurant I found near the school during the weekend," I said as I did it was a nice cafe with a really good cafe in my opinion. "Can Melissa join us," she said with puppy eyes. "Sure but let go they close at 5 and have specials on Mondays," I said agreeing. While Izumi excused herself

Like that, a few weeks pass by in a flash. Of course, I visited my kids on the weekend or a bit after school when I really missed them.


After all the boring classes I sensed All Might waiting outside seemingly nervous I could hear him take a deep breath and then walk in. "I AM WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON," he said as quickly as my classmates started to fawn over him. "Thank you but today is a bit different than normal we will be doing a battle simulation now get dressed the clothes make a man and a woman," he said as our hero suit came out the far left side of the classroom if you standing behind the podium. Walking over to get my lucky number seven I decide to change in the locker room just cause once there I wait for everyone to go there locker as I walk to the one label with my name I quickly take off my clothes and change into my hero suite but once I got my clothes off every one stop talking confused I get my pants part on then turn around with my top part in hands as they just stare at me. "Heheh could I help you with something for your information I am interested in women," I said laughing.

"How did you get so many scars," Asked my redhead classmate. "Well I trained hard," I said smiling. "What about the Tattoos there so manly it's like you were part of some dangerous Yakuza are you retired Yakuza," he said surprised. "Hahahaaha No nothing like that I just made friends," I said putting on the rest of my suit and finishing it off with my mask as they also finished off but my multi-colored class seemed confused as he touched the scar in his eye.

Walking out and made my way to All Might who was waiting for us as people made their way to us I could see most of the girls seemed to be avoiding my gaze Uraraka who always rushed to me when she saw me did not as she was beat red and looked seemingly worried but also avoided my gaze and Izumi seems confused when she looks at me. Once everyone was there All Might started. "That is much better you all look like proper heroes in my books," He said putting up a thumbs up. "But Young Midoriya you look a bit like a villain with that mask," he said seeming nervous talking to me. "I am doing it more like a scary tactic and to confuse villains when they see me," I said confidently.


"Okay good idea and Me- Miss Shield looking sciencey," he said proudly as she was wearing a lab coat with some type of gauntlet and a utility belt of some kind around her waist. After getting bombarded with questions by some of the students he starts "Okay now today we will be. . . . we will be . . . . ," he seemed confused for a second and turned to pull out a piece of paper quickly giving it a once over and then turning back to us. "We will be doing a heroes VS villains battle simulation one team will be villains who will be given a fake bomb to place in the battle area which will be a building with eight floors and their job is to distract the heroes from touching/finding the bomb for them to end and the heroes job is to locate the but also if you can catch the villains and you will be in pairs randomly picked by that box," he said pointing to a box on a stool. "you will be pulling out a card with a letter and if you and another classmate get the same letter you are in a team," he said smiling.

One after another my classmates grabbed a letter I got C. Looking over I saw Uraraka get D and teamed up with Melissa and then All Might announced the fight B against D which is Izumi, and Ida fighting Uraraka, and Melissa. While I am with Asui fighting against team G Bakugo, Kirishima. First goes against team D heroes against B Villains which was a great fight Izumi and Melissa carried, to be honest, Melissa's gauntlets made it possible to use most of her Quirk without breaking a limb but in the end, the gauntlets broke and they lost because Ida caught Uraraka quickly. Izumi then caught Melissa who seemed happy nonetheless.

Then most of the fight went as canon except for a few but then last but not least it was C against G. 

To Be Continued. . . .