
Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Just read it. It might be the most ass thing you have probably ever read. expect really horrible grammar and spelling and yes English is my first language I am ashamed.

Soapety · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 17

[Name: Izuku Midoriya - Izuku Seliara Midoriya

Bloodline: Red Dragon: 40%

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods, First Made Dragon

Level: 160 EXP: 25/100%

Mana: 9272/9272 (+10292)

Class: Rune Master

Str:178 (+46)

Per:179 (+165)

Vit:176 (+34)


Int:181 (+23)

Wis:180 (+64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain, Writing, Rune Making, Carving, Rune Language, Flight, Dragons Breath, Heat Resistance(P), Magic Resistance (P), Metamorphoses

Inventory- 23 Items

Dimension: Own

Live Stream: OFF


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]


It's been a few days since the whole becoming a father of dragons incident but I have been getting better recently the Exam scores came in hologram form and I opened it with Izumi who seemed upset with me while Mom looked as if she was straining her smile with us to put it short I got first with a score of 145 and Izumi behind me with 109 I got the highest score. We had a party because our mother was so proud class starts in three days since it's Friday so we have a weekend and our uniforms will come in someday this weekend.

Now that the party ended I was in my room it was still only 3 in the afternoon some people my mom invited along with Bakugo who seemed upset with getting third. After dealing with all of them I was finally allowed to my room to see my rewards from the last dungeon. "System tell me what the rewards I got from the dungeon," I said on my bed looking out the window.

[ Armor: ^ Demonic Armor^ (Image)

Added Stats: +35 Str, +26 Vit, +13 Dex

Description: Armor Made for a Demonic Prince of the Demonic Sect that was lost after the fall of the Demonic Sect from the Holy Sect and betrayal from within the Sect.

Weapon: ^ Moonlight Saber ^ (Image)

Added Stats: +45 Dex, +37 Int, +26 Per

Description: A Saber made from Metal bathed in Moonlight for 1000 Years by an Immortal Blacksmith. -Cheanim Surego

Title: ^First Made Dragon^

Adds +46 Likablity to Dragon Race

Description: You are the first person to be made part dragon in a Dungeon.]

"Hmm~ is that all what about my skills," I asked confused as I sat up.

[Read the Names come on you can read.]

"What about the Mana and cooldown on the skills," I asked confused as to why the system was acting weird.

[ Fine


Mana Usage: 1~

Cooldown: N/A

Description: You can fly

|Dragons Breath|

Mana Usasge: 1~

Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Descri[tion: You can shoot a breath of powerful dragon fire from your mouth.

|Heat Resistance|

Type: Passive

Description: You are resistant to any fire that is weaker than yours. 

|Magic Resistance|

Type: Passive

Description: You are Resistant to any Magic that is weaker than yours.


Mana Usage: N/A

Description: You can turn into your dragon form since you're part dragon.]

"Okay that is much better," I said as I put on some music on my speaker next to my bed as I pulled out a book because I was bored.


It's Saturday one more day until class so I decided to hang out with my kids more today I am in my Dimension playing with my dragons as we play tag flying around the sky I also brought some food for them can't have them starving now can I. So for the rest of the weekend, I hung out with my children, and for the most part, I named them The one like her mother was a female and I named her Roxanne while her brother the orangish one is called XX_Dragon_XX "hahaha hahaha" I am laughing just thinking back to it. Nah for real his name is Draco he liked it so yeah now for Mister Midnight black his name is Apeiro Just Cause.


It's the first day of my Hero's life I hope I make a good impression on my classmates. Walking through the maze-like hallways of this school is hard to maneuver but after a few minutes, I found the class followed by Izumi who followed me but did not speak walking in I see Bakugo getting yelled at by a glasses kid from the entrance exam I do not see the Grape kid from canon or animal talker either. As I walked past the door I got a tap on my shoulder I could tell it was Uraraka just from her scent (Creepy) turning around with a smile "Uraraka how is life, you decided to become a hero," I said going for a hug as she also went for one. I could hear feet repeatedly approaching me from behind but looking passed Uraraka I could see a man in a yellow sleeping bag looking back at me. Breaking from the hug "Hello Teacher," I said smiling as he looked unimpressed at me. The footsteps I think he heard me "Hello Student," he said rolling inside He then stood up as everyone was quiet "It took you all 23 Seconds to quiet down 23 precious seconds you need to save people now grab one of these gym uniforms and meet me out on the track," He said pulling them out from his sleeping bag.


Walking out before anyone as I equipped the uniform from my inventory after turning a corner I made my way out waiting for everyone with teach. After everyone made it he started "Hello My name is Aizawa you may call me Mr. Aizawa or just Teacher and I shall answer accordingly, Now today we will be assessing your quirks on a physical level with my own tests," he said pulling out a baseball and phone like device "What about the orientation," Uraraka next to me said looking confused. "UA gives their teachers full control on what they can do with their class as long as it does not put them in harm's way I decide we will be a test instead of going to the orientation,' He said throwing the ball to me. "Now Izuku you got teh highest score in teh practical part of teh exam," he said as he pointed his palm to thewhite circle in front of him "I want you to throw the ball in your hands as hard you can but first how hard could you through during middle school," he asked looking at me. "Maybe ten meters," I said unsure. 

"Okay Now just throw that ball with your "quirk" If I forget to mention you will be only allowed to use your quirks," he said I got into a pitching stand. Moving forward I threw the ball and put strength into it but not much so I did not seem too strong because my "Quirk" is teleportation not super strength I then threw it after a few seconds he flipped the device around "98 not bad," he said smiling lightly. "Wow this seems like fun," I heard one of my classmates say. "fun you say how about the student to score the lowest get expelled from UA," He said smiling. "That's not fair," I heard a blond girl in the back say upset 'I do not remember her in the anime,' I thought to my self while some other students protested along with her. "Life is unfair it is better to know that now than to learn it later," He said ignoring them as he moved on to the other tests.

To Be Continued. . . . . . .