
Being Reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya with a System!?!?!?

Just read it. It might be the most ass thing you have probably ever read. expect really horrible grammar and spelling and yes English is my first language I am ashamed.

Soapety · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 14

[Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods

Level: 158 EXP: 87/100%

Mana: 7464/7464 (7968)

Class: Rune Master

Str:173 (46)

Per:174 (165)

Vit:171 (34)


Int:176 (23)

Wis:175 (64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain, Writing, Rune Making, Carving, Rune Language

Inventory- 23 Items

Dimension: Own

Live Stream: ON


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]

(Image of Raith)

Could not sleep so yeah her you go!!!!


As Izumi opened the door I braced for her to yell or get mad at me but as she stared at me she broke down in tears and jumped to hug me as she smiled in my stomach. I then heard another pair of rapid footsteps approaching my mom who dropped some clothing that was partially folded and also broke down in tears as she rushed to hug me after a few minutes of hugging and crying on the stairs I got dragged into the home. Now I am on my knees before the angry but tear-stained faces of my mom and twin sister. "Where were you? You were gone for so long," My mom said in a calm voice. "I teleported somewhere and got lost I did not know where I was but I could not teleport out it took me a while to get out," I said still looking down. "And where is this somewhere and what did it look like," Izumi said copying mom tone of voice.

"It was a forest and for some reason, I could not use my "QuirK" and where I do not know once I broke free from where I came from I teleported home," I said quietly. "What about your phone," asked Izumi with a not believing face. "There was no signal and it broke after a few days in," I said pulling out my crushed phone from my hoodie pocket. "Hmmmm~ Well I am glad you're safe and sound but your ground until you go to high school so go to your room now," She said calmly but commanding tone. "Yes Ma'am," I said and quickly went to my room as I stank from all the battles so I first got clothes and bathed then I sat on my bed as it was still day but that made me think I only felt like two hours in the class selection missione so how is it a month and a half in this world.

[ I can answer that the plane you went to has no time on it but it was connected to a world that had a slower day and night cycle than your main world the world cycles its mother star slower and for the monster they were brought from the world and just multiplied along with you friend]

Well, that answers that so I am grounded for seven months, or is it eight I do not know I am so mentally tired from the mission I closed my eyes as I laid back but then there was a sudden knocking on my door so I begrudgingly stood up to answer it. Opening it I see Izumi who seemed shy at that moment. "May I come in," she asked quietly. "Sure what do you need," I asked eyebrow raised. " I. . . . I am here to apologize for all the bullying I did for the majority of your life," she said bowing in front of me she then continued as I stood still. "I know just apologizing is not going to make up for the bullying but I will tell you why," she said as tears fell from her eyes.

"I was surfing the web when I came across an interesting article about a man in his 60s after years of being quirkless he suddenly got one when he was under life-threatening circumstances. So I thought this might help you gain your quirk so I showed Kacchan the article when he came home and told me I was a genius so we planned out how to give you a quirk. I know it was wrong but I just wanted to give you a quirk and now I realize that what I was doing is wrong you waved me a real check as when you were gone all I did was worry about you and I am so glad you back and again I am so very sorry for the way I treated you," she said sobbing on her knees as she looks at me with regret.

Looking at my situation and hers it was terrible but all she wanted was to give me a quirk but again the Original Izuku Midoriya killed himself so I will not completely give her as she needs to earn that. "I can't forgive you completely because what you did and said broke me for so long and last year I did take your and Bakugos words to heart and jumped hoping for a better quirk and I got it but at what cost I could have died and you and Bakugo are not really in my heart anymore you are my sister but I do not trust as I once did as kids. I said as she whimpered I continued. "I care about you and love you as a sibling can but for you as a person, I could care less. You have to earn my forgiveness and trust you understand," I said as I could feel tears start to pool She nodded in response and I opened the door as she got the signal and walked out not for giving me a fist bump in the should as we used to do as kids when fought. It was a sign of I am sorry to us.

As I lay in my darkroom I c=suddenly felt something on my chest looking down I saw Victoria "You very handsome Faint or Izuku or since you called me more of a little sister I could call you Onii-chan," she said giggling to herself. "You can call me whatever you like and I do see you as a sibling no matter your age," I said hugging her as I drifted to sleep. To the smell of Vanilla.


"I am much older than you or your demon friend," Victoria said in a whisper. "Know how old are you miss Greater Dragon," Raith said standing over the bed his red eyes glowing slightly. "You know it rude to ask a lady her age you imp," she said as she froze Raith's bottom half. As Izuku Shivered from the cold breeze "So why are you with him demon," she asked as she played with Izuku's hair. "Because he saved me I was about to be sealed by the demon lords in my world for being too much of a threat and his summoning helped me and disrupted the sealing process," He said sitting on Izuku's chair as he moved it closer to the bed. "so you feel in love with you saver," she said smirking. "Yes to an extent but it's more of him saving me and I just want to repay him," Raith said looking at Izuku's sleeping face. "Hmm~ so we both feel the same he also saved me so I will give my all to repay him and him being handsome is a bonus and the way you look at him gives me a different vibe," she said smirking.

As she gets some inappropriate idea of both of them Raith leaves to their dimensional plane ignoring the blushing Greater Dragon on his saver's chest.

To Be Continued. . . .