
Chapter 23 Kitty's Tale

"So that's what happened…" Now Kuroka just finishes telling her story. We woke up early as I prepared breakfast for all three people. The couple is still struggling against the baby. I have to check it but first I have to do it with her.

"*sob* Poor child…" Mom says hugging Kuroka. She can use any excuse to hug someone.

"Can you tell me what you know?" Kuroka asks.

"Well, I will be honest. I had my familiars all around the world and had found you before you were taken away for experiments. I didn't know where you were disappeared as I didn't pay much attention. Not long before I found where the two of you were. I was busy yesterday. I was ready to take action but you screwed up and make yourself ss class criminal."I explain. That was somewhat true. I have let them taken her and her sister but I didn't know when she will gain her strength. The moment she gained her strength, she killed them in front of her sister. I am not that aware of the exact timing since it was never specified in the novel but I know that its for good. She has reason against devils and won't have to run around making assassinations. Yeah I know thats totally my bs but there was some saying

"Sorry… when I thought what they would do to Shirone, I lost myself there. Shirone was looking me like I am a monster…" She had tears in her eyes. Mom calmed her down then.

"What you want to do now?" I ask.

"Then…. Can you help me in taking back my sister? You can do whatever you want-"

"Stop right there. Have a little patience and think for a while. Don't take hasty decisions." I stop here since I don't want her to take unnecessary actions as I still have to prevent her before the main story.

"Then tell me what I do." She asks me.

"Well, I will suggest you wait and train before doing anything. First, I can't confront Satan as we are not strong enough and we don't have any evidence for you. It will take some time before I make you talk with your sister. She is fine for time being. I will also protect her from the shadows. But you have to trust me." I explain to her. This is all not technically a lie since I don't know if I could confront Satan but I can kill them and that would be the end of my whole plan. Tet could swallow the underworld in one gulp but his existence will be revealed so for sake of events that I want to happen I have to prevent myself in devil involvement.

"Then I am in your care… but can you tell me who are you and how did you know about supernatural beings as a human… child?" She asks me. Mom can hardly hold her giggle.

"You can say I am the strongest human for now. As for how? It's part of a later story. Stay here and I will help you in becoming stronger." I say to her. It's not like this is going to take my time. I will also get a cute big sis type cat girl.

"Thank you… I don't you how I could ever pay you." She stands up and holds my hand.

"Just be happy okay..?" I ask to which she nods. I told her about devil-human couple residing in my dimensional space. I took her there and she was shocked by seeing a bright sky which was like natural. Mom also wanted to come but I sent her to the bakery. I open the door and saw an exhausted couple and crying baby.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"Well, you see…" Then Cleria told me what happened. They screwed up many times. Her feed time is up and down. She just feeds her but she is still crying. Her lower part is also not properly cleaned.

"Are you freaking idiot? I put the manual and even uploaded videos. How could you screw up this?" I bashed on them. Then they look at Nekometa behind me.

"She is Kuroka, the new addition to the family. You can familiarize yourself with her later. Before that, give her to me." I take Claire and gently patted her back to calm her down and make her burp. She then fell asleep after that as she was pretty tired with idiots.

"Subarashi (Splendid)! You are like Messiah for us…" Cleria says, whipping her nonexistent tear.

"Thanks, man…" Masaomi thanks me.

"That's enough. Take some rest yourself and read the manual and schedule for her. Don't screw up again." I say taking Kuroka to explore personal space. They are not the only idiot, Goku didn't even know what was going on with ChiChi. I showed up many different things. She was shocked to see Mount Myōboku as I also created it to practice senjutsu.

"It is incredible. This is the best place to practice senjutsu. I can feel natural energy. Can you also use senjutsunya~?" She asks in excitement. Her gloomy expression is disappeared now.

"Yup… I can harness natural Ki or inner body Ki. I have many different methods from which you could choose the path you find it easy. From your Ki, I can sense that you will master the advanced level in no time. You just have to wait. Come I will show you many different things." I say to her. I can also practice a different type of Ki training method to her body to see the difference between Ki in her body and Ki in the body of people in my previous worlds.

'Your inner Orochimaru is awakening.' Tet says.

'Yeah what would be the difference between you and those devils?' Lily says.

'Don't compare me with those. I never let harm to my subjects. My loved one that is.' I make it clear to them. It's not like you could gain anything in exchange for losing some.

Then I showed mana, reiryoku as I extracted from Tet, and chakra hot springs. She was shocked to see the different kinds of energies these lakes are emitting. There was also senzu bean farming as it was much faster due to energy coming from Mount Myoboku and many more rare fruits and other items. She was just awed from seeing all of this.

"Let's return and eat lunch. You could come here anytime you want but not important places like this. These are off-limits as you could only come in my guidance." I say teleporting to the dining hall.

"Ara~ you came. I was just starting to call you. Lunch will be ready any time now." Mom says making lunch.

"I can't believe you have all such amazing things Yukio-chan. Where did you get these things?" Kuroka asks.

"Well Kuroka there is an unspoken rule in this house that doesn't question tree, just eat fruit," I say indirectly. She thinks for while then nods. Then we ate lunch and after that, I send Kuroka to the couple to take lunch to them as they were pretty tired. I send a clone with her to dimensional space for some basic training.

I come to my room and laid on bed.

'Now then matter with Kuroka is over. It's now Akeno's turn.' I open a conversation with them.

'You can put devices in them when Shuri will about to be killed, she would teleport to your location. But about Akeno…' Lily says.

'About Akeno, I am thinking about making a type of familiar who will guide her to Rias's position. I don't want to make her stronger then Rias. That's why I will place a seal on familiar who will make her strong to a certain extent until I unseal it. I explain. If she would be stronger than Rias that it will defeat the whole purpose of taking my plan to enter the underworld through them. And it doesn't matter whether she becomes her slave or not I could just remove those pieces anytime I want.

''But how will you make familiar…? Right, I am here for that…' Tet gets his answer.

'First Irina then Akeno, and maybe Koneko too, wouldn't be making them stronger will make MC invalid?' Lily asks.

'That was an exciting part. Usually, all three worlds previously didn't reside around MC as more characters supported MC. But I want to make an experiment what if your characters around MC become less dependent on MC on everything. And if that would happen, I want to know whether Rias and Co will fall for Issei that easily. I want to see how much plot will save Issei and will make him strong.' I answer. Technically I know it won't do shit by I want to be part of their schemes like how Sirzechs used Issei as a scapegoat save his position who fixed the wedding in the first place.

'You are too cruel. Isn't he your friend?' Tet asks.

'I am not planning to murder him. Well technically, I will let him killed but for the greater good. Look sacred gears run on desire and his desire are boobs. He is a funny kid but neither do I have boobs nor I will allow him near my girls with that look. I will let the heroine take care of him.' I tell him. I could also give Issei to Azazel but there he will only become manwhore.

'What animal you choose for her familiar?' Tet asks.

'A raven.'


Yeah I am receiving some curses from readers. But you should know that MC planned all of this. Manipulation or whatever you call, he has done that in Naruto world. I dont want to spoil you but he also followed story there so he planned 4th war and received plenty of hates.... and i spoiled you here.....

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