
Chapter 100 Space date

Silence. The only word can describe the situation. All of their mouths were wide open when I said that. I had underestimated the destruction and malice of whatever Sona made.

"How dare you to say something like that for Sona-chan? It shows that you don't accept her as who she is!" Serafall said with annoyance.

I ignored Serafall and looked at solemn Sona and worried Tsubaki. "So-chan, it's true that this is complete destruction. One of many worst things that I have ever tasted in my life. I don't think if it is even made for human consumption." I said with a serious tone.

With each insult, arrows pierced Sona's heart. "I know… I know I was not good at cooking but… but I didn't know it will be this horrible…" Sona said with tears in her eyes.

Serafall was also fuming with anger but before she could explode, I moved and hugged Sona. "I know I was harsh but it is the truth. You should know that I don't deal with glittering words and always emphasize with honesty and truth." I smiled then looked into her eyes. "Nobody is perfect here in this world. We all have some flaws but that's why I am here to fix or improve what you lack. Don't worry So-chan, I will teach you how to cook in a better way. You can do it." I said with a smile.

"Hai!" Sona nodded with a beaming smile. Our faces moved closer but before the deed can be done, I felt someone pinching me softly and saw Tsubaki which pointed at blushing Serafall. Sona also snapped out from this situation and blushed after seeing what she was doing in front of others but didn't let go of my hand.

"So sister-in-law, I don't think I failed the test of yours," I said to Serafall who flinched a little before composed herself with a fake cough.

"Yeah yeah... you have passed… whatever…just don't make her sad or I will beat you," Serafall said with some annoyance in her voice.

"Then are you guys ready for the tour?" I didn't pry on this matter and asked two of my girlfriends who nodded.

Serafall looked at us then sighed in defeat before walking away. She can't be the third wheel between them and can't damage the relationship that Sona has with me.

"Levia-tan, where are you going?" I looked Serafall and asked. She was confused along with Sona and Tsubaki.

"Huh? I am not needed here. You love birds can go and enjoy…" Serafall said. We all felt the sadness in her voice and smiled.

"Nah you could also come. It's not like we are going to have sex." I said and both sisters stumbled with a blush. I chuckled but Tsubaki moved closed and secretly rubbed my ass with a stoic face. This girl… "We are just going to have fun and we can't just leave my favorite magical girl here, can we?" I said extending my hand towards her.

Serafall nodded with rosy cheeks and a smile before holding my hand. Sona and Tsubaki gave me silly gazes but I ignored them. "Get ready girls because I am going to take you very far away."

"Huh?" They were confused.

"Kai kai," I said then the surface under our feet changed from solid ground to white dirt.

"Where are we…" Sona's question was stuck in her throat as she examined the scenes before her eyes and widening it. A similar thing happened with the other two as they were shocked and confused.

"Girls, welcome to my home on the moon~," I said extending my arms.

They widen their eyes hearing me. That's right, one of my favorite places, outer space. Bright stars illuminating the sky. From where we are standing, we could see our world clearly as a big blue sphere. Everything you like, hate, touch, remember, forget and others lie on this small planet called earth.

"How could it be…" Tsubaki was speechless.

"We can breathe in space?" Sona asked. I didn't answer as she looked around and found a metallic ship behind us with a big antenna making a force field making this place habitable.

Serafall was equally shocked as she looked around in amazement. It was their dream to reach such a place yet it comes true with just the blink of an eye. Only gods and some humans reached this place with many efforts yet she is here.

"So did you guys like it?" I asked the two.

"Yes! I can't believe that I am here! This technology is astonishing!" Sona was excited but her nerd personality came out.

"Stars are amazing," Tsubaki said looking at bright illuminating stars.

"Tsubaki-chan was right. It is useless to question what you can do." Serafall said. Tsubaki has already told her how her sensei can do what nobody can do.

"Hehe wear these rings then we move on," I said giving them rings. "They can help you protect from atmospheric pressure and make you travel like on earth. You could even fly." I said to their curiosity.

The rings are magical artifacts that can protect anyone from any kind of situation. They can use their senses normally but not too extreme to cause them pain. It is like you felt and knows the temperature of your surrounding but it cannot hurt you.

"Amazing!" They all exclaimed. As devils, they have revealed to fly but couldn't use it here since this place is devoid of any magic.

I then asked if they want to see different places here to which they nodded. I then use another spell to teleport us to different places.

First, we visited Venus. They were shocked to visit the hottest planet in our solar system. The heat here is much stronger than anything they have felt but thanks to magic rings they were wearing, the heat here can't harm them.

Then we moved to rocky planet mercury. Another hot planet but nowhere near as Venus since the gasses there makes that planet hotter than mercury.

Then we moved towards the sun but they were scared because it was very dangerous they didn't want to be anywhere near that behemoth. Sona asked me if I can go further since she wanted to see more mysterious planets like Jupiter, Saturn, or further. Tsubaki and Serafall were uneasy about it since they were not feeling very good about the situation. Space is not everybody's thing but I assured them that nothing is going to happen to them.

Then I teleported them to one of the moons of Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system or possibly one of the biggest planet of the universe. They were stunned by the size of this planet that they have only seen or heard in school. They also say the biggest storm in our solar system, The Great Red Spot. Although it has shrunken from its normal size, it is still big enough to destroy the whole earth.

"Sensei, is that a punch mark on that moon?" Tsubaki asked pointing at a distant moon where we could see traces of print like someone very big punched it. Devil sisters were also confused.

I palmed my face and shook my head. "It was done by my mom. Last time she came here, I let her lose and she done this…"

"Wait! Yukino-san?" Sona was stunned.

"Technically, she is our mother now," Tsubaki said breaking the momentum. Sona also blushed then looked at me for an answer.

"Hey, Yukio-chan, don't mind me asking but what's with your mother's strength? She is a lot stronger than I thought." Serafall asked with hesitance.

"It's okay really. Do you know the actual strength of Sirzechs?" I asked Serafall who widened her eyes. "See, he may hide very well but you should also know how powerful he is."

"So you knew about him…" Serafall said. Sona and Tsubaki were confused since they only heard about their strength but didn't know about the actual meaning behind it.

"Yes. You see, every million or more years, there is a chance that someone is born with unusually high talent. From devils, you can expect Sirzechs with his unusually high magic of destruction and from the fallen angel side, my mother is an example with her strong physical strength. This is called a rare mutation which can happen in any race." I explained.

Sirzechs could be considered the strongest devil ever existed. Very few people knew about his real strength since he is very passive to not show that much.

"But do you know what is common in them?" I asked.

"They don't like to show their strength?" Serafall said more like asking.

"Wrong. It is because they can't control their strength. They have limitless potential but control is very limited so they could only harness very limited power from it. But it also true that they don't like to show strength so that they couldn't harm others. My mom also sealed all her powers even her fallen angel bloodline to give birth to me and to live with my dead father but fate had something different in mind." I said with a chuckle.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to pry on your private life…" Serafall said and the surrounding turned a little solemn.

"It's fine. I choose to tell you this so you don't have to feel anxious every time you are talking to me or mom." I said patting her head. She nodded with rosy cheeks. Sona shook her head and Tsubaki smirked seeing our situation.

"Now I know how Sirzechs-chan feels. To be honest I once saw his original power and was stunned for a whole week and didn't know how to feel about him. Thank goodness he or your mother are not enemies." Serafall said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's another thing from fate to make the balance. These kinds of people are always peace-loving and passive of their powers but sad thing is that people consider it their weakness and start provoking it." I said.

"Old faction," Serafall said. Old devil faction always considers Sirzechs action cowardly and ridicules him for his new rules of peace. Technically with his strength, he could destroy Grigori or heaven alone but it will cost him a lot more than they can gain. Hell, with his true strength he could easily come in the top 10 strongest in the world but he chooses to remain in the peace.

"Enough about them. So girls, did you enjoy the trip?" I asked.

"HAI!" Everyone nodded with a bright smile.

Then Serafall came forward with a sad expression. "Yukio-chan… I am sorry for how I acted for your relation-"

Before she could continue I already took her in my embrace. "It's all right Serafall. I know how much of a doting sister you are but despite that, you allowed So-chan to date this mysterious perverted human. We all know that you care about her feelings. So cheer up and no sorry, only thank you." I said patting her head with one hand. Damn, her boobs are amazing.

"Yukio-chan…" Serafall was stunned and just looking in my eyes with a single tear in her eyes.

"Ahem, it is not even a day that you dated me and is already flirting with my sister." We woke up from her romance when Sona interrupted us with a blush on her face.

"Yes, sensei. You still owe us our sex," Tsubaki said and pushed her glasses and once again destroyed the momentum with her newly perverted mouth.

"Tsubaki! When did you become such a pervert?!" Sona said with a blush. She was still not ready to do that yet her queen randomly taking out this topic.

"Hehe, well I am here for you girls no need to rush Woah!" I said but Serafall hugged me tightly.

"Yukio-chan~!" Serafall said happily rubbing her face in my chest without any care of others. I looked at the other two and we all smiled. I asked the other two who nodded and also hugged me. Thus I shared a good hug with three beautiful girls before teleporting away to our home and end this date.


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