
Chapter 34

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As I was in my room, I then looked outside my window, and sighed.

I am still in pain,

Why does it hurt?

I feel so guilty, hurt and in pain.

Why is it like this?

\\Yurina. \\

( Huh? )

( That voice..)

( It's here again!!!! )

I then sit up on my bed and looked around, but empty, I couldn't see anyone but only me inside the room.

\\Come and follow my voice, I need to tell you something very important.\\

\\Trust me, I will not cause any harm to you. \\

( I believe you, but where am I.. Going? )

\\Come outside your house, and don't let anyone follows you.\\

I then stood up from my bed and went towards to the window, and when I looked down to my window..

" Gosh, I'll die if I jump in here." I said to myself, but then there was a black hole appeared right in front of me.

\\Jump and you will be teleported from where I am. \\

I then sighed.

( I'm a seven years old, but why am I doing this? )

\\Trust me. \\

I then sighed again, and the last thing I know, I jumped outside my rooms window, and I forgot to bring Velthazor with me.


" Are you alright? " I then looked at to this lady Infront of me, but I was shocked.

" Wait... Are you that lady, I just saw in the garden? " I said and she smiled and nodded to me.

" I'm sorry if I scared you when we first meet, I was really desperate to talked to you. " she said and frowned.

( What's up with this lady!? )

" Wait.. Can I just ask?  " I said

" You're already asking. " she said and smiled

" *sigh* what do you want to talked about? I'm just a normal seven year old girl and was dragged into this world, and you know I can't help you." I said

( I'm still seven!! )

" No, you're the key to your new future world and mine. " she said

( What? )

( What is this lady talking about? )

" Do you.. Somehow find me scary? Evil?  " she suddenly asked and so I looked at her.

" Well yes. " I said

( I'm being Honest, she does looks so evil and scary, but she also looks exactly like me.)

( Her hair color, her red ribbon on her hair, and her dark blue dress.)

" Did you know, I wasn't really evil, I only turned like this because someone turned me to, someone controlled me." she said and tried to smile.

" That's why, never listened to the whispers, you might turn to be like me." She said looked at me.

" But you and I, are different, we're not the same. " I said

" Yes, you are kind hearted, honest little being, but.. While me.. Evil, ruthless and merciless. " she said and she then took a deep breath.

" But, we have in common. " she said and looked at me again.

" What?  " I asked

" We have the same name, the same hair, the same face, and the same ribbon, and we love the same flower, and we have the same family." She said and so I looked at her weirdly.

( What? )

" I don't—. " I said but was cut off.

" In short, I am you from the past, and you are me from the future. " she said and I laughed so hard.

" Nice joke. " I said and smiled.

" Why can't you believe me? " she said

" We don't have the same eye color. That's what makes difference." I said

" Did you know why my eyes aren't red anymore?  "she said and so I nodded.

" It's when I killed all of them, my family, the one that I loved, and the one who loves me, almost everyone died, except me. " she said and stood up straight.

" Is that why, you had bright yellow eyes?  " I said

" Yes, I once had a red eyes like yours, shining dark red color, but now.. I had.. Bright yellow eyes, because I've been so evil and killed all of them. " she said

" But how can I be you in the future? Im not even trying to kill my family. " I said

" Yes you didn't think that way, but because you listened to the whisper, you and I fall into the darkness." she said and her face looks so serious.

" What darkness? " I said

" Do you want to see your future looks like? I can show you, but you need to bare the heartache, the pain in your heart, that's what I mean. " she said

" You will learn the truth, and after that, I want you to set me free from the future we both fall into, I want you to prevent everything from what will happening. " she said and so I nodded, I've always wants to see my future looks like.

She then lend her hand on my and when I hold her hand, I feel that electricity hits on my body, and I saw lots of images that I remembered.

The things I had already seen come back right into my head, there were lots of images that scared the hell out of me, some are so sorrow and pain.

I didn't know.. I didn't know it will turned out to be like that.

If I had listened to that whisper... I might already have fallen into this madness.

I will never let that happen... I will never kill my own family... And the one who loves me and the demons I love so much.




I'll kill those enemies.

I'll kill them all.

" Now you have seen everything." She said

" I want you.. To take back everything they have stolen from both us." She said

" I want you to stop them from controlling you, I want you to take them all down, and protect what must be protected." She said and she wiped my tears on my cheeks.

" Yurina, as an older self of you, listen to me, revenge is also not included, but justice, always remember, do not turn to be as evil as them, be who you are and that's what matters." she said

" I know we can't change everything, but at least try, This will be our last meet, Ill wait for you in the future, my little me. " she said and hugged me.

" And oh, when you return from our home, give this to everyone, that's my future gift for all of them and I want you to say I love you to all of them for me too. I'll be waiting for you Yurina. " she said

( She's me in the future.)

" And.. To those enemies that surrounds you, keep an eye on them, because they need to see you in a crown, and Yurina wake up that dark inside yourself, she can help you. " she said and nodded to her.. I mean.. Nodded to my self in future.

After that.. She then fades away..

That was our last meeting to each other..

But this pain in my heart... And the truth Ive never knew...

I... Buried all of them... At the school garden.

I'm freaking evil.

" Yurina? " I heard a womans voice and when I turned around, it was my mother.

" My.. Sweet darling... Why are you crying? " she said worriedly and I run towards her and hugged her so tightly.

" I love you so much.. Mother." I said and hugged her and my tears began to fall down on my cheeks again..

( I will never kill them..)

( I'll kill those enemies instead..)

( And that freaking man who controlled me!!! )

" My... Sweet darling, what has gotten into you?  " Mother

" Mother, I missed you and I love you so much, please don't go and leave  me." I said while hugging her and she hug me too.

" You must have missed me so much sweet darling, I won't leave you again, I promise. " Mother

" I want to give this to you as a future gift from me. "I said and smile, I then put the necklace on her neck, it was a sunflower.

" My, it's beautiful, thank you. " Mother said and she hugs me again and so I did the same thing.

( Those enemies.... They should never messed up with me!!! )

( I'll kick their *sses!! They'll see!!! )